Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1647 The First Sword in the Heavens

During the battle between Di Qin and the Heaven Master, Ye Muqing stood on the starry sky and suddenly reached out to grab it.


In an instant, a loud and crisp sound of howling swords resounded throughout the starry sky, and then, an unparalleled edge that seemed to be about to destroy everything shot out in the void. This edge alone made the surrounding void tremble. , cracks like spider webs spread in all directions.

Under the trembling gazes of the two men, a long knife engraved with mysterious patterns suddenly appeared.

The knife is nine feet long and has a cold light. Just one glance gives people a terrifying feeling that their souls are about to be pierced. Even before any power has erupted, the sharp edge on the knife already makes people tremble with fear.

The name of the sword is Ling Yao!

It has been said that no one in the world is worthy of Ling Yao, but Ye Muqing is the only one!

This sword, like Ye Muqing, once amazed the heavens, and was known as the number one sword in the heavens among the divine weapons of heaven!

The only thing that can rival it is the Divine Sword of the Other Shore in the hands of the God Emperor of the Other Shore who once shocked the world!

It is said that this sword is the companion treasure of the Shinto empress Ye Muqing. It was bred from the essence of the domain center of the Tiandao Nether God Realm. It is a peerless artifact that was born and raised on earth. It is also vaguely said to be a symbol of the supreme controller of the Tiandao Nether God Realm.

This knife has no edge, but its sharpness is enough to crush all the knives in the world.

Every ancient existence knows that once this sword is released, the Shinto Empress is invincible!

At that time, in the dark battle that swept across the heavens, the Shinto Empress and the God Emperor of the Other Shore, each holding Ling Yao and the other shore, fought against ten masters of the same level, and they were still not weak. If something unexpected had not happened, the Shinto Empress and the God Emperor of the Other Shore would also have lost. Not both will perish.

Of course, this is due to the amazing combat prowess of the two of them, but the blessing of these two artifacts is definitely the top priority!

At this moment, Ye Muqing has not yet made a move, but the mere appearance of this sword has already made Zhu Xuan and the others tremble with fear. Even though their current cultivation level is stronger than that of Ye Muqing, the fear and awe engraved in their bones are still indelible. .

"Take action!"

Ye Muqing held the sword in her slender hand, and the soul trembled immediately, and the cheering sound of the sword resounded continuously. After many years, Ye Muqing held the sword again, and Ye Muqing was equally excited.

An inexplicable sword force centered on her, sweeping across the entire starry sky. The sword force was not strong, nor overbearing, but like a steady drizzle, it constantly eroded people's fighting spirit.

Although they were filled with fear, they still took action.

Just as the Heaven Master Qian said, from the moment they betrayed, they had no way out. They understood Ye Muqing better than ordinary people and knew very well what her attitude was towards traitors.

Perhaps, if they begged for mercy immediately, Ye Muqing could spare their lives, but they could not escape the death penalty. Moreover, Ye Muqing hated people who had no spine even more. Maybe their heads would be gone as soon as they knelt down.

Apart from a fight, the only option is death!


As soon as Shi Shi took action, the two of them used their full strength, and the vast aura of annihilation swept out. Wisps of inscriptions on the path of annihilation gathered between their hands, and then, two long swords appeared in their hands.

The inscriptions of the Path of Nirvana hanging around them immediately attached themselves to the long sword. The two looked at each other with cold eyes, and the power in their bodies continuously poured into the long sword in their hands, causing the long sword to tremble and dazzling brilliance bloomed.

"Heaven and earth are destroyed!"

As the roar fell, the two of them clenched the long swords in their hands and slashed them down together. The sword light like a rainbow came from top to bottom and slashed straight towards Ye Muqing. The sharp sword edge swept across the starry sky wantonly. Everything in!

This move is worthy of its name!

When the sword comes out, the world will be destroyed!

The extremely powerful sword wielded by the two Taoist masters at the peak of their powers shocked the world as soon as it appeared. Almost all the creatures in the Heavenly Dao and Hades Domain could feel the terrifying sword power coming from the starry sky.

In the small secret realm deep in the Huangpo Nether Clan, five figures stood on the top of the mountain with their hands behind their hands, looking up at the terrifying battle in the starry sky, and their whole bodies were filled with cold murderous intent!

The five of them were all dressed in dark yellow robes. There were men and women. The man was old and the woman was beautiful. They looked extremely mismatched.

And these five people are the Taoist ancestors of the Huangpo Ming Clan, known as the Five Minghuang Ancestors. At the same time, they are also Ye Muqing's most loyal supporters, and they are the strong men cultivated by Ye Muqing. Their relationship is far beyond that of Minghuang and others. comparable.

"How dare these two guys do this?"

"You have wasted all the efforts the Empress had given them and dared to betray the Empress and attack her?"

The third child, Huang Yun, had a sullen expression on her pretty face and hummed softly. Her words were filled with hatred of iron and strong murderous intent.

"Some people's hearts have been filthy. It's not surprising whatever they do."

The boss Huang Xuan spoke indifferently, with cold murderous intent flashing in his weathered eyes.

"Are we going to take action?"

The fourth child, Huang Yi, was full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

"Waiting for the Empress' order, these two guys will not be able to do anything to Her Majesty the Empress!"

Huang Xuan spoke out without looking back, his words filled with confidence in Ye Muqing.


Above the starry sky, Ye Muqing stood proudly. Facing the two peerless sword lights that were attacking, her face showed no trace of emotion. She slashed them down with a single stroke of her fingers!

It has no power, no power, and seems ordinary, but when it appears, it makes the world tremble.


The invisible sword light flashed past like ripples. The blade could not even break the void. But when the two peerless sword lights touched the invisible sword light, it was shattered instantly, like paper. General, vulnerable!


This scene made both Zhu Xuan take a breath, with bitterness on their faces. They thought they had reached the peak of Taoism, but the gap between them and the empress had been infinitely narrowed. In addition, the empress has not yet reached her peak. They blocked even Defeating the Empress should not be a problem.

But in the end, they still overestimated themselves and underestimated the empress.

Their survival time is no less than that of the Empress, but in terms of cultivation strength, they are far from being comparable to the Empress.

As the saying goes, some people stand at the top as soon as they are born, and even with all their efforts, they cannot look up to them.


When the invisible sword light swept over, the two of them came to their senses and joined forces to attack. With all their strength, they were able to block the sword light.

However, the next moment, endless chill filled their hearts, and without thinking, they slashed out with a backhand sword.


There was a dull roar, and the two men flew out like cannonballs. The blood arrows in their mouths pierced the void, and their bodies smashed several stars before they could stabilize their bodies.


They didn't beg for mercy and didn't have much time to be afraid. In a flash, they stepped forward again and started fighting Ye Muqing!

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