Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1668 Ancient Map of the Gods

"What are Sect Master Wang's next plans?"

After exchanging cups and cups, Wenren Yexiao, the ancestor of the Wenren Dao clan, looked at Wang Feng and spoke tentatively.

After saying these words, everyone present looked at Wang Feng, especially the powerful overlord-level forces, who showed uneasiness on their faces.

After hearing this, Wang Feng pondered for a moment and chuckled: "Don't worry, everyone, our Immortal Sect is not interested in the Luotian Divine Realm. However, I hope that we can exchange knowledge with you in the future."

"In addition, I hope that you can give 20% of your cultivation resources to the Shenxian Sect in the future. Of course, I will not let you suffer. If you have any enemies that are difficult to resist in the future, we, the Shenxian Sect, can help you. .”

When Wang Feng finished speaking, Wenren Ye Xiao and others' expressions changed slightly. They thought that Wang Feng might make a big move, but they never expected that he only wanted 20% of the cultivation resources?

Moreover, it can also help them fight against powerful enemies? In other words, the 20% of the cultivation resources they handed over were equivalent to protection fees. They were worried about how to get in touch with the Immortal Sect, but they didn't expect Wang Feng to speak on his own.

Seeing everyone's faces, Wang Feng smiled slightly. It is true that the entire Luotian Divine Realm has a lot of resources. With his current status in the Immortal Sect, if he opens his mouth, he will definitely be able to obtain a massive amount of cultivation resources.

However, for today's Shenxian Sect, cultivation resources are not the most important. With the existence of a system, as long as he has enough sect value, he can help many powerful people of the Shenxian Sect grow rapidly.

If it were not for the use of secret techniques such as Dragon God's Arrival, which required a large amount of cultivation resources, he would not even ask for the 20% of the cultivation resources. Don't underestimate the 20% of the cultivation resources. The 20% resources of many major forces in the entire Luotian Divine Domain are added. Get up, that’s a lot.

Now, he can not only obtain 20% of the cultivation resources handed over by these forces, but also help the other party resist when they encounter enemies, gain sect points, and at the same time gain the other party's friendship. It is simply killing three birds with one stone.

"How about it? Are you willing?"

Wang Feng glanced at everyone and asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, yes!"

When Wang Feng finished speaking, Wenren Yexiao and many other powerful overlord-level forces spoke directly without any hesitation.

"You can discuss the details with Li Bai. I have something to do, so I will leave first!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng stood up, cupped his hands towards everyone, and said.

Just now, Gu Chou sent a message to him, saying that he had something important to discuss with him. Although Wang Feng was surprised that Gu Chou had such a big deal, he did not hesitate. What needed to be said had been said, and there was no need for him to personally preside over the rest.

"Sect Master Wang, walk slowly!"

Hearing this, Wenren Ye Xiao and others also stood up and saluted Wang Feng.

Seeing this, Wang Feng smiled and left the room with Sun Wukong and others. Just as he was about to walk downstairs, a soft and sweet voice like an oriole came from behind.

"Sect Master Wang, I have a favor to ask for. Is it possible to delay Sect Master Wang for some time?"

Wang Feng and others paused for a moment, and were stunned when they heard the sound.

"What's the matter, fairy? Please tell me!"

Although he was a little surprised, Wang Feng still asked with a smile.

"I wonder if Sect Leader Wang knows the Divine Realm?"

Fairy Luofeng stared at Wang Feng with her moving red phoenix eyes and asked softly.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's heart moved and he nodded subconsciously.

The Divine Realm is a strange realm among all the worlds. In terms of popularity, it is not even comparable to the Qiankun Holy Realm. However, everyone who knows this realm has an inexplicable fear of it.

Rumor has it that those who step into this world will forget everything they have experienced once they step out of this world. Even strong men at the level of Hedao will find it difficult to resist this rule.

If it were just like this, this Shenxu Realm would not be so scary. The real horror of this world is that in the Shenxu Realm, there exists a race called the Shenxu Clan. This race is very hostile to outsiders. He is extremely hostile and will kill anyone he encounters.

Although this race is not as good as the top-ranked All Heavenly Power Races, its strength cannot be underestimated. There may not be any powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, but there are quite a few powerful people in the seventh step of Hedao.

The most important thing is that this race will never step out of the Divine Realm. Even the dark war that affected the heavens did not affect the Divine Realm.

"Thousands of years ago, I accidentally entered the Divine Realm. Of course, my memory of being in the Divine Realm has been completely forgotten. However, I brought out an ancient picture from it!"

"This ancient map records an extremely mysterious relic. According to the records on the ancient map, this relic is likely to be left by Shenxu Tianzu, a powerful man in the heavenly realm who once created the Shenxu world!"

Hearing Fairy Luofeng's words, Wang Feng's pupils shrank immediately, and he asked in slight shock: "Is this true?"

There has always been a rumor among the heavens, that is, the Shenxu Realm was created by a powerful person in the heavenly realm named Shenxu Tianzu. However, no one knows whether this rumor is true. In addition, The strange rules of the Divine Realm have caused the existence of the Divine Realm in the heavens to always be very low.

Even the average powerful person in the Heavenly Realm will not be interested in the Divine Realm.

"This is what I learned from that ancient picture. As long as this ancient picture is not fake, there should be a high chance that it is true."

Hearing this, Wang Feng looked at Fairy Luofeng with interest, chuckled and asked, "Why did you tell me such important information?"

"Because I want to invite Sect Leader Wang to go with me to explore the Divine Realm!"

Fairy Luofeng smiled and looked directly at Wang Feng without hiding anything.

"If the fairy spreads this matter, there should be many strong people helping the fairy, right? Why did you come to me?"

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a solemn voice.

At this moment, even Fairy Luofeng felt an unspeakable pressure.

No matter how bad she is, she is still a strong person in the third step of Hedao, and Wang Feng is just a peak emperor god, but can she feel the pressure with just one look?

"Indeed, if I am willing, there will be countless strong people to help me, but I don't know how many of them will have ulterior motives!"

"Although I met the sect master for the first time, I have an intuition that Sect Master Wang will not have the same ulterior motives as those people."

"I said this, does Sect Master Wang believe it?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng stared at Fairy Luofeng for a long time before he chuckled and said, "I believe it!"

Believe me, you bighead!

Wang Feng secretly sneered in his heart. How could a powerful third-step Hedao person tell him such a heaven-defying opportunity based on just one intuition? What a joke!

However, Wang Feng did not feel any hostility from Fairy Luofeng, so he did not mind agreeing to her request.

If the ancient picture in her hand was real, that would be extraordinary.

If this news spreads, I don't know how many powerful people will flock to it, and the ancient map in Fairy Luofeng's hands will definitely be snatched up by everyone.

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