Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1670 Gu Chou sells his teacher

Seeing Sun Wukong's posture, Wang Feng smiled slightly.

He never believed Fairy Luofeng's words from the beginning to the end. What he believed in was only the strength of himself and the Shenxian Sect. No matter how powerful Fairy Luofeng was, what was the use in the face of absolute strength?

It is no exaggeration to say that the Tai Cang Demon Dragon alone is enough to crush any plot, let alone the many ancestors of his Immortal Sect, as well as many guardians, sect-protecting beasts and other powerful people.

Today's Shenxian Sect is no longer as weak as when it first entered the God Realm. Looking at the world, with the current true foundation of Shenxian Sect, I dare not say it is invincible, but there is still no problem in self-protection.

Of course, the Shenxian Sect still has a long way to go if it wants to truly dominate the heavens. After all, the water in the entire heavens is too deep, and even the Tai Cang Demon Dragon, which has returned to its peak state, dare not claim to be invincible.

When Wang Feng breaks into the heavenly realm, fuses the four seals of the netherworld, and obtains the three hundred heavenly war puppets among them, perhaps the Shenxian Sect can truly be invincible and be feared by all the forces in the world.

"Let's go and see what big deal Gu Chou and the others have?"

After pondering for a while, Wang Feng waved his hand and chuckled.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng took Purgatory Chaos and Sun Wukong and walked straight downstairs.

At the same time, in a luxurious box on the sixth floor of Luofeng Tower.

Gu Chou, Gu Gengchou, Lei Yi, and Yu Shuang stood quietly, looking at the door from time to time, with a glimmer of expectation in their eyes. Behind them, Emperor Yuanwu's ancestor was sipping tea.

"Gu Chou, have you told the sect leader?"

Seeing that quite a while had passed and Wang Feng still hadn't arrived, Yu Shuang couldn't help but ask.

"I told you!"

"Maybe the sect master is delayed because of something!"

Gu Chou nodded and speculated.

While Gu Chou and others were waiting anxiously, Emperor Yuanwu put down the tea in his hand, with a deep light shining in his eyes. When he stepped into Luofeng City, the entire Luofeng City had no secrets for him. .

Even the entire Luotian Divine Domain had no secrets as long as he wanted to.

Whether it was the conversation between Wang Feng and others on the ninth floor, or the conversation with Fairy Luofeng, everything was sensed by Emperor Yuanwu.

However, he didn't expect to hear such important information unexpectedly.

"The relics of Shenxu Tianzu? It's interesting. If this is true, no matter what, I have to go over and take a look!"

Emperor Yuanwu thought secretly in his heart.

Although he has never seen the divine power of the Divine Ancestor Shenxu with his own eyes, he has also learned about some legends about the Divine Ancestor Shenxu. This person is not weaker than the legendary Anming Tianzu.

This person is even more terrifying than Anming Tianzu, but his existence is too old, and very little information has been handed down. Therefore, even those in the heavenly realm who know about this existence Very few.

If the relics of such an existence appear in the world and spread, I am afraid that no one in the heavenly realm can sit still. Even if the great road and the heavens now balance the heavens, there will still be many old monsters in the heavenly realm showing up to go to Shenxu. World, fight for the relics of this existence!

Perhaps, in the coming catastrophe, not many people will be able to survive, especially the higher the cultivation level, the more dangerous the situation will be, but still no one can resist the improvement of cultivation level.

No matter what happens when you reach the heavenly realm or above, you will be punished. Unless you are willing to give up your cultivation and live like a mortal, you may be able to escape your life. Otherwise, there is no escape.

Because of this, one more point of strength also means more protection. Once you get the inheritance of Shenxu Tianzu, you can not say that you can reach the height of Shenxu Tianzu 100%, but even if you only have 10% of the strength, you can still improve it. own chances of survival.


While Emperor Yuanwu was pondering, the sound of opening the door immediately echoed throughout the room, and then, Wang Feng and others appeared in everyone's sight.

"See the Sect Master!"

Seeing Wang Feng, Gu Chou and others all became excited, and they quickly bowed and saluted, looking at Wang Feng with eyes full of reverence.

That gesture made Emperor Yuanwu admire him a little.

In the eyes of Gu Chou and others, I am in the heavenly realm, but I am still inferior to Wang Feng, an ant at the peak of the emperor and god? Where the hell can you reason with this?

While Gu Chou and others were saluting, Wang Feng and others also saw the old god sitting behind them, Emperor Yuanwu. With just one glance, Wang Feng and others' eyes narrowed, and their whole bodies tensed subconsciously. Tighten up.

Sun Wukong and Purgatory Chaos even vaguely adjusted their positions to protect Wang Feng.

In the perception of Wang Feng and others, Emperor Yuanwu was like an abyss, unfathomable. Even just a glance made their souls tremble, as if they had glimpsed some great terrifying existence.

Wang Feng never expected that when Gu Chou and others returned again, they would be accompanied by such a strong man.

The next moment, Wang Feng suppressed the throbbing in his heart, regained his composure, and chuckled: "No need to be polite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft force spread out from Wang Feng's hands, lifting Gu Chou and others up.

Wang Feng took a look at Gu Chou and others, and nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, it would be better to let the disciples go out to practice!

After not seeing each other for a long time, Gu Chou and others have actually reached the peak of the Emperor God, and their cultivation has even surpassed that of many elders of the Immortal Sect.

Of course, among the Shenxian Sect, it is not just Gu Chou and others who have been promoted.

The previous invasion by the Tiandao Nether Clan and Tiannu put the entire Luotian Divine Domain into crisis, but it also gave many powerful people from the Immortal Sect a good opportunity to practice. Every powerful person from the Immortal Sect has improved to a greater or lesser extent. .

After killing the Tao-stealing clan's army, Wang Feng obtained a large amount of sect values, but he had not yet had time to convert these sect values ​​into the strength of his Immortal Sect. Once he used these sect values ​​to extract cultivation, he would be blessed with many The strong men of the Shenxian Sect will definitely bring the overall strength of the Shenxian Sect to a higher level!

"Gu Chou, what is the big thing you are talking about?"

After a brief chat, Wang Feng asked Gu Chou.

Hearing this, Gu Chou and others stepped aside one after another, completely revealing Emperor Yuanwu's ancestor behind them.

Before Wang Feng could ask, Gu Chou smiled directly and said: "Sect Master, the big deal I'm talking about is this senior ancestor of Emperor Yuanwu!"

"Before, I was waiting to go out to practice...!"

After Gu Chou briefly explained the process of their encounter with Emperor Yuanwu, he continued: "After the unremitting efforts of the disciples, the senior has agreed to join our Shenxian Sect, but he has one condition, and this condition still needs to be handled by the sect leader. !”

"By the way, Sect Master, this senior is a powerful person above the realm of Heaven and God!"

As Gu Chou finished speaking, before Wang Feng said anything, Emperor Yuanwu almost couldn't help but want to slap Gu Chou to death.

When did I agree to join the Immortal Sect?

I treat you as my disciples, teach you wholeheartedly, and then turn around and sell me out?

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