"Congratulations to the host for integrating everything and transcending the Tao. I hereby reward you with the Eighteen Forms of Origin!"

When Wang Feng realized everything about his transformation, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind, and then, a majestic and mysterious memory poured into his consciousness like a tide.

This memory was firmly engraved in Wang Feng's consciousness, allowing him to instantly comprehend the mystery of the Eighteen Forms of Origin. However, with Wang Feng's current understanding, he could only perfectly control the first three movements. Mode.

What surprised Wang Feng was that the Eighteen Forms of Yuanji was a physical move, and it was also a method of exerting Yuanli.

It looks like the martial arts moves in the world, but its power is earth-shattering. Based on Wang Feng's estimation of his current strength, if he uses the first three moves, he can probably match the peak level of Yinji, the second level of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. A strong person can also kill the existence of the first realm of Heavenly Daoyang.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to kill a strong man at the level of the Heavenly Dao God Realm. Even if he is a higher realm, it is very difficult to kill him. But in front of Wang Feng who has the source power, it is easy.

It's like a person who has practiced martial arts for ten years faces a child holding a gun. If the child is not very good at using guns and has very poor accuracy, he may not be able to kill the opponent. But once he faces a child who is proficient in firearms, he has practiced martial arts for ten years. Adults who are over 10 years old must also kneel.

Maybe not appropriate enough, but the truth is quite different.

Wang Feng, who possesses the Eighteenth Style of the Source, is like a child who holds a gun and is proficient in firearms. As long as he is not the kind of terrifying being who can catch bullets with his bare hands, he will have to kneel when facing Wang Feng!

After a long time, Wang Feng had just finished understanding the first three movements of the Eighteen Movements of Yuanji. With a wave of his hand, he took out a robe and put it on his body. When he put on the clothes, he had an even more charming look, seemingly without any power. Even the breath, just one glance, makes the soul tremble.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Feng, who has source power, can also use the great avenue artifact, the World-Suppressing Monument. However, with his current source power capacity, he can only use it once, and he is still unable to exert the power of the World-Suppressing Monument. All the power!

But even just once, it was enough for Wang Feng to conquer the four realms and below of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Feng swayed and instantly appeared deep inside the Shenxian Sect's residence.

Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Yuan Wu Emperor Ancestor, who were teaching Sun Wukong and others, felt their hearts skip a beat when they saw Wang Feng's appearance. With their strength, they were unable to detect the slightest trace of Wang Feng?

After taking a closer look at Wang Feng, Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Yuan Wu Emperor Ancestor looked at each other, both seeing the horror in each other's eyes.

"How...how is it possible?"

At this moment, these two big men in the heavenly realm all heard this exclamation in their minds. Even though they were stronger than them, they couldn't see through Wang Feng at all. They actually felt a hint of threat from Wang Feng. Even vaguely, they had the idea of ​​​​wanting to pay homage to Wang Feng.

This kind of thought has nothing to do with any cultivation or even strength. It only occurs when low-level beings face high-level beings.

"In this short period of time, the sect leader has undergone such a mysterious and amazing transformation?"

Both Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Emperor Yuanwu felt incredible in their hearts. They didn't know what changes had happened to Wang Feng, but they could feel that Wang Feng at this moment was simply unfathomable, far beyond what the previous Wang Feng could. Comparable.

For a moment, these two big men in the Heavenly Realm couldn't help but feel a sense of awe for Wang Feng, and their loyalty to the Immortal Sect and even Wang Feng skyrocketed.

"See the Sect Master!"

When Tai Cang Demon Dragon and the two were astonished, Sun Wukong and others bowed to Wang Feng. Compared to Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Tai Cang Demon Dragon, Sun Wukong and others, who were weaker in cultivation, could not sense Wang Feng's changes at all. I just feel that Wang Feng has become more temperamental.

The words of Sun Wukong and others also woke up Tai Cang Demon Dragon. They looked at each other and saluted Wang Feng in unison, with an attitude more respectful than before.

"No need to be polite!"

Wang Feng glanced at everyone, chuckled and nodded.

At this moment, those receiving the teachings of Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Emperor Yuan Wu are Sun Wukong, Purgatory Chaos, and after their return, Li Bai, Shi Gandang, Jiang Ziya, Fei Peng, Yang Jian, Tathagata Buddha, Nine-tailed Fox, Dark Realm Taotie, Canghui Yinglong, Tianyan Golden Crow, Shenyou Tingting, Tianxuan Qinglong, Nezha, Sha Wujing, Taiqing Zhenren, Xiao Sanxiao, Chuanying.

In addition, there are Zhan Yuan and many tribal leaders of the Zhan Yuan clan who have reached the realm of Hedao!

As for disciples, there are only five brothers, Gu Chou, Lei Yi, Ran Yi, and Yan Shen.

Except for the two brothers Jiuweihu, Guchou and Lei Yi, everyone else has reached the Hedao realm, and these people are also the powerful Hedao realms currently owned by the Shenxian Sect!

Compared with the ordinary overlord-level forces, it is already pretty good, but compared with the top overlord-level forces, it is still far behind. Compared with the hidden Taoist sects with the realm of heaven and earth, it is even more incomparable.

Of course, in terms of top combat power, the Immortal Sect is no longer weaker than the ordinary hidden Taoist sect.

After a brief chat, Wang Feng asked everyone to continue practicing, while he fell in the distance. After thinking alone for a moment, he suddenly stretched out his hands and started to move.

A wisp of source power was condensed between Wang Feng's hands. As he moved, the void suddenly trembled in a manner visible to the naked eye. Then, wisps of Tao seemed to be pulled, gathering from all directions.

The originally illusory Dao principles, under Wang Feng's move, all condensed into Dao patterns, suspended in front of Wang Feng. In just a moment, dense Dao patterns gathered in front of Wang Feng.

These Taoist patterns include the Tao of Cause and Effect, the Tao of Time, the Tao of Destiny, the Tao of Fire, etc., which seem to have gathered all the Tao in the heavens. What is even more frightening is that all of these Tao patterns have reached the Heavenly Tao level!

This is one of the abilities that Wang Feng has mastered after his transformation.

If we really want to talk about these principles, Wang Feng has not understood a few of them at all. Even the few he has understood have not yet fully understood them to perfection. However, with the help of the source power in his body, he can easily mobilize the energy in the heavens. Various principles bring them together.

The source is known as the beginning of all Tao principles and the beginning of all orders. For Tao principles and even order, it is equivalent to their emperor. No one dares to disobey an order!

Now, although Wang Feng has never really reached that level, with the source power, he is equivalent to holding the emperor's imperial edict. With the help of the imperial edict, he can also control the laws of the heavens.

Such an ability cannot be achieved by even the legendary Dao Divine Realm, let alone the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm!

Under Wang Feng's instigation, these densely packed Dao patterns were intertwined and intertwined, dancing in the void like elves. The surrounding forces were affected by these Dao patterns and gathered one after another. After a while, The majestic power has condensed into mist, and coupled with the Dao patterns, Wang Feng's whole person is like an unparalleled master who controls thousands of Dao principles, with unparalleled charm!

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