On the surface, these meteorites seemed to be rotating around the Shenxu Continent in a regular pattern, but Wang Feng and others could still see that these meteorites were full of uncertainties. If they stepped into them, they might explode with a slight touch.

Judging from the violent power contained in this meteorite, even the smallest meteorite explosion may not be able to withstand the power of the Emperor God Realm. If the meteorite is slightly larger, even the Hedao Realm powerhouse will have to retreat.

If there are more than 20 of them, a powerful Dao Master will probably be seriously injured.

For a moment, the faces of Wang Feng and others darkened.

Simply passing through this layer of meteorite protection is not easy. No wonder those who step into the Divine Realm rarely come back.

"This meteorite will explode upon contact. Everyone, please be careful and take protective measures. Don't worry about losing face and losing your life!"

Fairy Luofeng glanced at everyone present and said in a serious voice.

After saying that, she started to prepare herself. Xuan Yi and others also looked at each other without hesitation. They should wear defensive artifacts. Looking around, basically everyone has a defensive artifact.

On the contrary, Wang Feng and others were unprepared.

Whether it is Wang Feng or Sun Wukong, they are all physically powerful people. No defensive artifact can match their physique. If there is an impact that even they cannot withstand, the defensive artifact will not have any power at all. usefulness!

However, Wang Feng still secretly mobilized the Heavenly Artifact to prevent unexpected events.

Back then, he had obtained two heavenly artifacts from the bodies of the dozen supreme prison beasts from the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison. One defensive artifact was the Nine Dragons Heavenly Dao Seal, and the other offensive artifact was the Dao-Breaking Dragon City Sword!

These two Tiandao artifacts have reached the level of immortality, corresponding to the seventh level of the Tiandao Divine Realm, the Tiandao Immortal Realm. If placed in the outside world, it is enough to cause many old monsters in the Tiandao Divine Realm to go crazy.

Every Heavenly Dao artifact can be called a treasure from heaven and earth. Almost no powerful person in the Heavenly Dao realm can withstand the temptation of an immortal-level Heavenly Dao artifact!

With Wang Feng's current strength, he may not be able to fully unleash the power of these two heavenly artifacts, but he can still unleash about half of them. After all, the power in his body is an indescribable source of power.

With these two Heavenly Dao artifacts and Wang Feng's terrifying combat power, no one below the fourth realm of Heavenly Dao can kill Wang Feng.

No matter how terrifying this meteorite is, it cannot destroy the defense of the Nine Dragons Heavenly Seal. Therefore, Wang Feng is not worried about his own safety or even the safety of Sun Wukong and others.

Seeing that Wang Feng and the others had not made any preparations, a sneer flashed in Xuan Yi's eyes. For some reason, he always looked at Wang Feng and refused to deal with him. Maybe he stole his limelight, or maybe it was because Luo Feng had fallen in love with him since Wang Feng appeared. Both Xianzi and Chen Qingxian are very concerned about Wang Feng.

The most important thing was that Wang Feng's cultivation at the third step of Hedao peak gradually increased the resentment in his heart. In his opinion, Wang Feng was just lucky enough to become the master of the Immortal Sect. If it were him, he would As the leader of the Immortal Sect, he was also famous throughout the world during the previous invasion battles.

He is a powerful person in the fifth step of Hedao. He is clearly dissatisfied with Wang Feng, but he still dares not offend Wang Feng, a mere third step of Hedao. He even licks his face to please him. This is what makes Xuan Yi the most frustrated and frustrated. angry.

Of course, so far, he has not dared to have any small thoughts. After all, the strength of the Shenxian Sect is very important. Even his master, who is at the peak of Taoism, does not dare to provoke him easily, let alone him?

Not long after, under the leadership of Fairy Luofeng, a group of people stepped out of the dragon boat and headed towards the Shenxu Continent. The target of the dragon boat was too big. If they drove the dragon boat to the Shenxu Continent, they would be seeking death.

The two men of Emperor Xuan opened the way, Fairy Luofeng and others were in the middle, Wang Feng and others fell behind and advanced slowly.

Not long after, Wang Feng and others arrived at the meteorite area.

After entering the meteorite area, Wang Feng and others slowed down a little. In close contact, they could feel the violent power contained in these meteorites. Even the three Hedao Sixth Steps, Di Xuan and Chen Qingxian, Even the top experts dare not be careless.

In contrast, Wang Feng and others who were at the end were walking around the court more cautiously and without fear.

While deliberately avoiding the situation, Wang Feng and his group walked smoothly without touching the explosive meteorites.

"Quickly retreat!"

The next moment, Fairy Luofeng pointed to the distance and shouted anxiously.

Looking in the direction Fairy Luofeng was pointing, they saw a dense mass of meteorites spinning towards them. With such density, once they hit it, they would almost explode.

No one dared to joke about this kind of thing, and everyone immediately stepped back, not daring to touch the dense meteorite area.

In order to avoid the dense meteorite area, Wang Feng and his group headed towards Shenxu Continent while following the rotation pattern of the meteorite protective belt. Although the speed was reduced, it was safer.


But at this moment, not far away, a meteorite hit Wang Feng and others, and immediately after, a meteorite struck from another direction.

"Damn it!"

"As expected."

"Once someone steps into this meteorite protective belt, it will affect the operation of it. When the impact is to a certain extent, those meteorites will continue to attack those who step in!"

"Everyone, use all your strength to destroy the incoming meteorite. Don't let the meteorite get close to us. At the same time, speed up and go to Shenxu Continent!"

Fairy Luofeng had a look on her face, and after scolding angrily, she explained to Wang Feng and others.

Wang Feng and others looked at each other. They didn't expect that this meteorite protective belt had such a rule?

Seeing that those meteorites were about to hit them, Emperor Xuan and his brothers no longer hesitated and took action.


As the Di Xuan duo punched out, the terrifying fist light immediately hit the meteorites, exploding them on the spot, causing a deafening roar and a powerful impact.

Taking advantage of this gap, everyone speeded up and rushed towards the Shenxu Continent. If there were meteorites blocking them along the way, they would all be exploded by Wang Feng and others.


The violent reaction of Wang Feng and others completely destroyed the entire meteorite protective belt. Each meteorite seemed to be equipped with a locator and bombarded directly towards Wang Feng and his group with extremely precise accuracy.

Looking around, behind Wang Feng and others, there were densely packed meteorites, like a downpour, which made Fairy Luofeng and others feel terrified.

If such a large number of meteorites come close, not only the whole army will be wiped out, but at least half of them will die. Even if they can survive, they will definitely be seriously injured.

Once you are seriously injured, even if you step into the Shenxu Continent, is there any way to survive?

At this moment, no one dared to neglect, everyone gritted their teeth and burst out, using all their strength, running towards the Shenxu Continent, while constantly using moves to bombard the meteorites and slow down the speed of their falling.

Wang Feng and others also took action, but they all controlled their own strength and did not use all their strength.

On the surface, the densely packed meteorites were quite intimidating, but after they took action, the offensive and the impact of the exploding meteorites blocked the meteorites bombarding from behind. It seemed that they were in danger, but in fact they were not in danger.

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