Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1693 The Immortal Yin God

Everyone's expressions were ugly. Just as Wang Feng had guessed, on the surface, none of their cultivation levels had been suppressed, but this ancient dream burial ground was filled with the laws of heaven of fallen powerful men in the heavenly realm. How much power can the power and even the laws they unleashed be exerted under the suppression of these heavenly laws?

These laws of heaven are different from the laws of heaven in the Panandao Temple built by Wang Feng. This kind of laws of heaven emanated from the dead strong men are full of dark and evil power, which is very harmful to normal practitioners. It is said that not only cannot it be absorbed, but it is harmful.

Only dark races such as the Tiandao Nether Tribe and the Immortal Nether Tribe can thrive in such a place. For example, Ye Muqing, if he practices in such a place for thousands of years, even if there is a Tiandao barrier, he can break into the Tiandao Divine Realm, even here. Keep climbing!

In the outside world, they might be able to shatter the sky and the earth with just a wave of their hands, but here, their full blow might not be able to destroy even a small mountain. After all, under the influence of years and months, the entire Ancient Dream Burial Ground is no longer capable of destroying anything. Things are probably filled with the laws of heaven and the coercion of heaven.

Among the people present, the only one who was not affected was Wang Feng.

The rest of the people, even Sun Wukong and others, will have some of their strength suppressed.

"Everyone, the matter has come to this, we have no way out, we can only go to this ancient dream burial place."

"Although this place is extremely dangerous, there are also endless opportunities, and these opportunities are likely to be at the level of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. If we can get one or two, we will definitely improve our strength quickly!"

Seeing that everyone was feeling sad, Fairy Luofeng's pretty face slightly condensed and she spoke solemnly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and an inexplicable light flashed across their faces.

Indeed, although this place is extremely dangerous, the corpses of those powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Realm have changed the entire area. The treasures born in this place must be at the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm level. This kind of treasure is rare in the outside world. With their level of cultivation, it is almost impossible to obtain rare treasures.

Having said this, everyone no longer hesitated and walked down the mountain.

The entire Gumeng Burial Ground was gray-black, including flowers, plants and trees, giving people an extremely depressing feeling. After a while, Wang Feng and his party arrived at the foot of the mountain and stepped into the darker dense forest. among.

Walking in this dense forest, which can be said to be dark, there are layers of gray mist, which is as strong as Fairy Luo Feng and others. You can even feel an inexplicable coldness. When ordinary people get here, they may not be able to walk very far before they will be affected by that kind of fog. The cold air eroded him, and his whole body froze into a sculpture.

The entire dense forest was dead silent, except for the faint footsteps of Wang Feng and his group. Everyone tensed their bodies, the power in their bodies was quietly surging, and their expressions were guarded. No one dared to relax their vigilance.


Not long after, a strange sound resounded in the dense forest, causing Wang Feng and his party to subconsciously stop and scan the surroundings. Their senses did not notice anything, but their eyes could see it. There were things around them heading towards them.

There is no doubt that these things that are coming towards them can escape their perception, or in other words, their perception is useless to these things. If it is only caused by the specialness of these things, then that's it. If the entire ancient dream The strange evil spirits born in the burial ground can escape their perception, so the danger to Wang Feng and his party will be even greater.

Not long after, Wang Feng and others were surrounded by illusory figures one after another. These figures were floating in the void, their eyes were red, and they exuded a cold and evil aura. Their faces were extremely ferocious, and they looked very scary.

Wang Feng frowned and looked at these illusory figures. He could feel that these illusory figures contained powerful soul power, but they did not look like soul bodies.

"Damn it!"

"This is Yin Shen!"

While Wang Feng was deep in thought, Fairy Luofeng beside her said with an ugly face. Her exquisite body was as stretched as a bowstring.

"What is Yinshen?"

Wang Feng's expression changed and he couldn't help but ask Fairy Luofeng.

He asked himself that he was well-informed, but he had never seen or heard of such a thing as a Yin Shen. Looking at the confused faces of Chen Qingxian and others, it was obvious that they did not understand it.

"This is a weird evil spirit that is usually born in places where many people have died, such as battlefields and special places like the Ancient Dream Burial Ground!"

"This kind of evil spirit is extremely evil and violent. It likes to suck the yang energy and even the essence of flesh and blood of cultivators. What's even more terrifying is that this kind of evil spirit is different from ghosts and gods. This kind of evil spirit is completely created by the evil spirit that comes after the death of a strong person. It is formed by condensing the power of the spirit, hostility and remnant soul, and is almost immortal. Unless the evil spirit in his body can be exploded in an instant, they will condense out again."

When Fairy Luofeng finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present changed. Except for Wang Feng, Sun Wukong and others who remained calm, the eyes of Emperor Xuan and others flashed with fear.

If this kind of Yin God does not have the characteristic of immortality, they will not be afraid, but if immortality is added, it will be a disaster!

Looking around, there are dozens of Yin gods surrounding them, and the aura permeating them is that they are at least in the realm of Hedao. Among them, there are even two who have reached the level of Taoist, including Tongjie Tianzun who is on the sixth step of Hedao. There are even five levels.

With such strength, in the outside world, it is not much weaker than those overlord-level forces. Coupled with the immortality, even overlord-level forces will be frightened when they see it, let alone them?

"Everyone, do your best!"

"Once encountered, this kind of evil spirit will not stop fighting. Even if it escapes, they will follow the breath and pursue you. As long as they don't suck you dry, the pursuit will never stop!"

Fairy Luofeng glanced at everyone, sighed and said in a condensed voice.

She never expected that as soon as she stepped into the ancient dream burial ground, she would encounter such an evil and terrifying existence.

Although the faces of Di Xuan and others were ugly, they were not timid, and they all nodded. In this situation, fear is of no use. The only way to survive is to fight to the death!


After making the decision, Fairy Luofeng and the others did not hesitate any longer and rioted one after another. A tyrannical aura swept out of them, and majestic power gathered in their hands!


A phoenix chant resounded in the mountain forest, and Fairy Luo Feng waved her hands, and fiery red lines appeared behind her, gradually converging into a flaming phoenix shadow. The noble and terrifying pressure swept across All directions!

Fairy Luofeng controlled the phantom of the phoenix and charged directly towards those Yin gods. She was extremely powerful!

After Fairy Luofeng bombarded out, Di Xuan and the others did not hesitate at all. They followed Fairy Luofeng and fought with those Yin gods!

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