Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1703 Horrible Corpse Group, Drought Demon Appears

For several days, Wang Feng and others were fighting with these heavenly corpses. What surprised Wang Feng and others was that these heavenly corpses did not attack them. Instead, they were nervously preparing something. Even Wang Feng and others were surprised. Everyone can feel the tense and chilling atmosphere in the entire village!

During this period, Xuan Yi could be said to be very proud of himself, and he often came to show off in front of Wang Feng and others. His cultivation level, after devouring the treasures of heaven and earth given by the so-called village chief Yang, reached the sixth place in Hedao. Step to the top!

"Qingxian, let me tell you, you just trusted others too much, and that's why you missed such a huge opportunity. If you didn't trust him wrongly, you would have stepped into Hedao with the help of the treasures given by Village Chief Yang. It’s step seven!”

In the room, Xuan Yi stood in front of Chen Qingxian and Fairy Luofeng, speaking pointedly, his words full of ridicule and pride.

Wang Feng and others stood not far away, looking at Xuan Yi quietly. His eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person, with a sneer on his face. Others might not be able to see clearly, but Wang Feng could see it clearly. !

This guy has a green light all over his body, and the green shadow behind him is completely solid. There is no doubt that this guy has been assimilated by the Tiandao ghoul. That is to say, Village Chief Yang has not yet taken action. If not, he might turn into a heavenly corpse in an instant.

Previously, in order to prevent Chen Qingxuan and others from being influenced by this guy, Wang Feng had used his source power to let Chen Qingxian and others see Xuan Yi's true form. Therefore, facing Xuan Yi, who had almost turned into a heavenly corpse at this moment, Chen Qingxian and others People are extremely disgusted, but of course, there is also a touch of pity.

"If you have nothing to do, please leave."

Chen Qingxian glanced at Xuan Yi and said indifferently without breaking his skin.

In fact, based on Xuan Yi's current situation, they should kill him as soon as possible to prevent him from turning into a heavenly corpse and attacking them. However, after all, they are friends and have been friends for many years. In addition, they have not yet interacted with Xuan Yi. The group of heavenly corpse ghosts were completely torn apart and did not act rashly!

But Chen Qingxian didn't expect that her indifferent face would make Xuan Yi even more jealous. He glanced at Wang Feng and others not far away, and said in a strange way: "It seems that you are really fascinated by this guy. It’s really ridiculous to protect him like this after missing the opportunity!”

"When did Tangtang Fairy Qingxian, Tangtang Fairy Luofeng, Tangtang... also become other people's lackeys?"


As soon as Xuan Yi finished speaking, the hot-tempered Sun Wukong couldn't stand it any longer. He slapped Xuan Yi from the air, sending Xuan Yi flying away on the spot. The left half of his cheek was swollen and red, and blood kept spilling from the corner of his mouth. However, his blood But it's green.


Xuan Yi covered half of his face, his eyes were red, and he stared at Sun Wukong, with such strong anger that he almost lost his reason.

"Did you lose face? How dare you speak like this in front of me, Old Sun?"

Sun Wukong walked towards Xuan Yi step by step. His sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked face was filled with cold murderous intent. His powerful momentum was like an ancient giant mountain, suppressing Xuan Yi, suppressing his anger in an instant and replacing it with fear. .

Sun Wukong wanted to kill Xuan Yi as early as before, but for the sake of Fairy Luofeng and others, he didn't do it. Now that the other party has stretched his head over, wouldn't it be wrong if he didn't kill him? Wasting the other party's good intentions?

Not far away, Fairy Luofeng and others watched quietly without making a sound. Their friendship with Xuan Yi had been wiped out by his taunting during this period. At the beginning, they had After persuading him and even telling him all the details about the Tiandao ghouls, he never thought that the other party not only did not appreciate it, but thought that they had ulterior motives and did not want to see him become stronger.

At that moment, they were completely disappointed. They were just afraid of disturbing the heavenly corpses and completely tearing their faces, so they had been holding back. Now that Sun Wukong takes action, how can they stop him?

Again, if you are looking for death, who can you blame?


Just when Sun Wukong was about to kill Xuan Yi, a vast ancient horn sound suddenly resounded throughout the world, making Wang Feng and others stunned. Taking advantage of this gap, Xuan Yi stumbled away. go out.

Wang Feng and others did not go after him, but walked out of the room together to investigate this sudden abnormality!

After spreading their senses, Wang Feng and others discovered that these heavenly corpse ghosts had all mobilized and gathered at the entrance of the village. All men, women, old and young were mobilized, like an army, arrayed neatly in front of the village entrance.

At the front, Village Chief Yang and another middle-aged man stood with their hands behind their hands, looking into the distance, as if waiting for something.

These two people are the two strongest among this group of Tiandao corpse ghosts, beings who are half-step into the Tiandao divine realm!

Wang Feng and others looked at each other and did not go to join in the fun. Instead, they walked around to the other side of the village entrance, hid themselves, and watched quietly. With this posture, they knew without even looking that something big was going on.

What Wang Feng and others didn't expect was that Xuan Yi walked directly towards the group of heavenly corpses. However, at this moment, he had become confused, his eyes were glowing with green light, and he was obviously under control!

Wang Feng's eyes flashed. It must be a big deal to make these heavenly corpses so solemn. This may be their chance!


Not long after, a huge cloud swept over from the mountain peak not far away. It was not an ordinary cloud, but a change in the heaven and earth caused by the dense and terrifying cloud.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng and others felt an extremely strong sinister aura coming from the mountain forest, like an overwhelming force, making the whole world tremble!


The next moment, Fairy Luofeng and others all took a breath of cold air, with a look of horror on their faces.

I saw a dark shadow emerging from the mist. These shadows were filled with a thick aura of death, their eyes were red, and there was no spirituality at all. Some were just violent and vicious.

This is a group of corpses, including those of ferocious beasts, humans, and some weird races...

Looking around, there are them all over the mountains and plains, giving people a sense of sight of zombies coming.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng seemed to sense something. He concentrated his energy in his eyes and raised his eyes to look at the top of the mountain. With just one glance, Wang Feng was stunned!

I saw a slender woman standing on the top of the mountain with her hands behind her hands. She was wearing a long snow-white dress that was flying in the wind. Her hair was full of green hair, dancing wildly in the void.

A charming fairy, nothing more than that!

What really shocked Wang Feng was that this woman was not a human being, but the Supreme Han Demon of the Corpse Path!

However, he could not have imagined that this terrifying corpse path supreme Hanba would be such a beautiful woman, even more beautiful than most human women.

If he hadn't controlled the source of power and could clearly see through her essence, no one would have thought that this woman was a drought demon!

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