Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1709: Heaven and earth are horrified, gods and ghosts bow their heads

Since his transformation, this is the first time that Wang Feng has used the source power in his body so happily. Since he doesn't know whether his estimated strength is accurate, Wang Feng tried his best to use all his source power with this punch!

When the punch comes out, the sky and the earth are horrified, the gods and ghosts bow their heads!


When Wang Feng punched out, the whole world was turbulent, and the terrifying fist force directly cleared the air in front of Wang Feng. Everything, whether it was the void or the Taoism, under this punch that contained source power, All destroyed.

Even time was eliminated by this punch.

Huge traces visible to the naked eye appear in front of everyone's sight!

At this moment, whether it was Han Ba, those heavenly corpses or others, they were all frightened by Wang Feng's terrifying punch, as if they had glimpsed the supreme master. Even if Wang Feng did not deliberately target them, their souls still felt lustful. He bowed his head and his whole body was shaking!

With just one punch, Wang Feng became the center of the world. Even the sword spirit standing above the clouds showed a touch of fear in the originally indifferent eyes. It seemed that Wang Feng's punch had turned this person into the center of the world. The consciousness of the fallen sword spirit was so frightened that he was brought back to life!

Originally, Wang Feng had never had a clear awareness of his own strength, but after this punch, he clearly realized how strong he was at the moment, whether it was the Heavenly Dao Yang realm or the Heavenly Dao Yin realm, under his terrifying source of power Under this, they will all be wiped out!


The invisible fist light easily disintegrated the huge sword light and charged towards the sword spirit unstoppably. The entire sky seemed to be kneaded into a fist by the invisible fist light.

The Sword Spirit, which had always been aloof, finally could not remain calm after the invisible fist light bombarded it. The terrifying Heavenly Dao Yin Realm aura spurted out from it, and endless sword energy surrounded it, surrounding it. It looks like the supreme master of swordsmanship!


Driven by the sword spirit, the endless sword energy gradually gathered together and turned into a huge sword energy ghost dragon. The sky-shaking dragon's roar resounded in all directions. Even if he was afraid of the power of this punch, he could still After all, the sword spirit was unconscious, but he did not retreat, but chose to be tough!

The huge sword energy of the Dark Dragon, carrying the overwhelming power of the dragon and the power of the sword, charged towards the invisible fist light with bared teeth and claws.


In front of everyone's eyes, the invisible fist light collided with the sword Qi Minglong. What shocked everyone was that this blow, which was enough to make any strong person in the Heavenly Daoyang Realm tremble, was actually like paper in front of this invisible fist light. It was like a paste, and after just resisting for a moment, it was blasted to pieces!

The fist's light continued unabated, and it immediately hit the sword spirit.


Relying on instinct, the sword spirit successively displayed amazing magical powers, constantly weakening the power of the fist light. In the end, although it could not completely eliminate the fist light, the bombardment on it only knocked it back dozens of steps. No harm was done to it!

But this scene, in the eyes of everyone, was like a fantasy. Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they still couldn't believe it. Even the zombies who only knew how to roar subconsciously stopped roaring and restrained their breath for fear. Wang Feng was disturbed.

" is it possible?"

Village Chief Yang murmured in despair. His old face was full of the look of someone who had seen a ghost. Who could have imagined that a heavenly corpse could be so rude?

At this moment, Wang Feng's body was filled with the aura of cultivation at the peak of the third step of Hedao. In the eyes of everyone, no matter how they looked at it, it was ironic and shocking. It simply shocked them out of their past and present lives.

Everyone can truly feel that Wang Feng did not hide his cultivation. He is indeed at the peak of the third step of Hedao. However, with such cultivation, he can defeat a strong man at the peak of the Yin Realm of Heavenly Dao with one punch. ?

Even though this sword spirit at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm is not as good as the real peak Heavenly Dao Yin Realm strongman, it is not comparable to the ordinary Heavenly Dao Yin Realm strongman, let alone the Hedao Realm!

Such an incredible scene appeared in front of them. How could they not be shocked?

I am afraid that when I recall it countless years later, I will still be shocked. Of course, the premise is that this group of heavenly corpses can survive!

Wang Feng, who was standing in front of Han Ba, did not see Han Ba's appearance at this moment, otherwise, he would probably be throbbing again.

I saw Han Ba, who had always been calm and calm, with her mouth slightly open at this moment, and a look of horror flashing on her pretty fair face. She even looked a little cute, and the extreme shock made her exquisite and delicate face look cute. The body can't stop trembling and undulating, like the most beautiful scene in the world!

Those red eyes had long since disappeared, replaced by clear and bright beautiful eyes. However, at this moment, Hanba's eyes looked at Wang Feng's upright back, but there was a brilliance that no one could explain.

For some reason, some memory fragments are constantly emerging in Hanba's mind at this moment. It seems that countless years ago, there was a person who used his tall and straight posture to protect himself. No matter how rough the waves are ahead, it is difficult to get past that person to hurt him. .

And those memory fragments, which were just showing his back, gradually merged with Wang Feng in front of him at this moment.

Before, she had sought Wang Feng's help only for mutual benefit, but at this moment, she had developed an inexplicable dependence on Wang Feng, a stranger. Her intuition told her that Wang Feng must be related to her missing memories. There is a connection!

In front of these memory fragments, Wang Feng's extraordinary combat power seemed not so important. Deep in her soul, there was a hazy but unwavering feeling: No matter how shocking this person was, he was Normally, he is synonymous with legend!


While everyone was trembling in fear at Wang Feng's fighting power, the sword spirit that was knocked back by Wang Feng's punch let out a shocking dragon roar and came towards him again, carrying a monstrous sword energy, like a river of swords rising from the sky. The fall gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Faced with such powerful moves, Wang Feng did not retreat at all. The powerful source power spread all over his body, as if he was wearing a layer of source power armor, and then he stood up straight from the ground and charged straight towards the sword spirit.

Wang Feng knew that although he could rival the Sword Spirit with his source power, his real strength was still inferior to that of the Sword Spirit. However, he still did not use the Heavenly Dao artifact, but wanted to use this Heavenly Dao Yin Realm pinnacle. The sword spirit is a stepping stone to hone yourself so that you can perfectly control the source power in your body!

No matter how hard you practice, nothing is as good as a hearty and hard fight.

This battle is exactly what Wang Feng needs most since his transformation. The enemy is neither too strong nor too weak, just right!

Looking at Wang Feng soaring into the sky, Han Ba's clear and bright eyes were shining with brilliance. At this moment, a strong impulse emerged in her heart, wanting to fight side by side with Wang Feng, even though she knew she was not. Even though the opponent of the sword spirit knew that Wang Feng was far more powerful than her, she still wanted to help Wang Feng!

Obviously she and Wang Feng are just strangers, but they seem to have an endless bond. Every move of the other party affects the deepest soul instinct of her soul!

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