Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1723 The 5th Heavenly Master

"Wu Nian, you were destined to have a calamity, but now you have passed the calamity and become a Buddha!"

"Your way of Buddhism has never existed before. You are the only one among Buddhas. You should be the Destined Buddha!"

The vast voice of peace and tranquility came from the mouth of the Great Sun King Buddha, directly hitting the soul, that is, the Buddha's heart is tenacious. If it were anyone else, I would have become a Buddhist and Taoist believer of the Great Sun King Buddha.

Every strong Buddhist master in the heavenly realm is extremely terrifying. It can be said that every word is Buddhist, and every move contains profound Buddhist wonders.

As one of the three great Buddhas in Buddhism, Mahavairocan Buddha's Buddhist attainments are even more earth-shattering.

Before Wu Nian could say anything, the Great Sun King Buddha continued: "Although the baptism of ten thousand Buddhas contains endless mysteries and can provide heaven-defying opportunities, the dangers involved can also kill people. If you are not careful, you will perish. The sea, it’s hard to get your soul back!”

"With your qualifications, you can still achieve great things even if you don't accept the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Have you thought clearly about whether you should still accept the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

If you want to receive the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the conditions are extremely harsh. Even among the so-called unparalleled geniuses among Buddhists, no one has been able to receive the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas. However, when Monk Kasyapa entered the Brahma Heaven with Wu Nian, many Buddhists Those who are strong have already glimpsed Wu Nian's heaven-defying Buddha's fate.

There are almost all Buddhas who can have such an unfavorable fate. Even if Wu Nian does not need to be tested, they are willing to let Wu Nian accept the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas and become a true member of the Buddhist family, and at the same time reach a higher level.

"Disciple is willing!"

The Great Sun King Buddha finished speaking, and without even thinking about it, he answered loudly.

He knew very well that only by becoming stronger could Li Tianxin wake up faster. In order to become stronger, he was not afraid of any disaster, no matter how great it was. As long as Li Tianxin could wake up, even if he died, what would it matter?

"Do you agree with Wu Nian to accept the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

Hearing this, the Great Sun King Buddha nodded gently, glanced at the many powerful Buddhists on the throne, and asked loudly.


When the words of the Great Sun King Buddha fell, a chorus of responses rang out, and everyone passed through without exception.

"You go down and prepare first. Three days later, the three Bodhisattvas Tianlong, Kasyapa and Fuhu will take you to receive the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

"After you return safely from the baptism of Ten Thousand Buddhas, if you break into the heavenly realm, Buddhist disciples who are one level higher than you or below can all be at your disposal. If you have not broken into the heavenly realm, you can only Dispatch the Buddhist disciples who are below the realm of Heavenly Dao and God!"

"Whenever you reach the seventh level of the Heavenly Realm or above, all members of the Buddhist family will be at your disposal!"

The majestic and peaceful voice of the Great Sun King Buddha echoed throughout the temple, which surprised Wu Nian. He never expected that the Great Sun King Buddha would make such a promise in public. What made him even more unexpected was that many Buddhists Strong, no one can refute.

Although the Buddhist sect still has two powerful enemies, and it is still unclear whether it can survive in the future, for now, the Buddhist sect is still extremely powerful. If the strong Buddhist sect can be mobilized, it will have a huge impact on both him and the Shenxian Sect. benefit.


Wu Nian bowed and slowly exited the temple under the gaze of all the Buddhas.

"Kasyapa, you have done a good job in attracting the Buddha's disciples, and you can enter the Wanzang Buddhist Pavilion to observe and practice for one year!"

After Wu Nian left, the Great Sun King Buddha looked at Monk Kasyapa and spoke.

The Wanzang Buddhist Pavilion is the largest sutra pavilion in Buddhism. It not only contains many mysterious Buddhist sutras and supernatural powers, but also contains the cultivation insights of Buddhists in the past dynasties.

Among Buddhists, the only ones who can freely enter the Manzang Buddhist Pavilion to observe are the three great Buddhas. Others who want to enter the Manzang Buddhist Pavilion must make great contributions to Buddhism before they have the opportunity. .


As the words of the Great Sun King Buddha fell, Monk Kasyapa stood up and chanted the Buddha's name to the Great Sun King Buddha. He was so powerful that even his brows couldn't help overflowing with joy.

Even he, so far, has only entered the Wanzang Pavilion to observe the three months when he has attained the status of Bodhisattva in Buddhism.

The Great Sun King Buddha nodded lightly, then glanced at all the Buddhas, and said in a concentrated voice: "The dark era is coming, and the catastrophes of the heavens will arise again. Our Buddhist family may face catastrophes unprecedented in ancient times."

"I and the other two Buddhas have deduced that the future of Buddhism should lie in Wu Nian Buddha. He not only has the destiny of a Buddha that goes against the heavens, but also contains great cause and effect. This great cause and effect is the reason why our Buddhist family can survive the disaster. key!"

"Once the barrier of heaven is completely eliminated, those two families will definitely take action. From now on, I, the disciples of the Buddhist family, should prepare for war with all our strength and practice hard!"

"Follow my Buddha's orders!"

All the sitting Buddhas bowed one after another, and a loud sound resounded in the temple.

"The little Taoist heavenly master is about to enter the world, so he sent a few younger people to contact him and try his best to make friends with him!"

"If I can get help from Taoists, I will be able to survive the disaster of Buddhism safely!"

As the Great Sun King Buddha finished speaking, all the Buddhas responded in unison: "Yes!"


Daoxuantian is the ancestral home of Taoism among hundreds of schools.

Compared with Buddhism, Taoism is undoubtedly stronger, and it rarely makes enemies of others. As a result, although Taoism is not always at its peak, it has also accumulated an unfathomable and powerful foundation.

In the center of Daoxuan Tian, ​​there is a steep mountain peak that towers into the clouds. This is Daoxuan Peak, which is the secluded place for many powerful Taoists in the heavenly realm!

On the top of the mountain, an old man and a woman stood quietly, looking at the boundless sea of ​​clouds.

The old man was dressed in a plain Taoist robe, with a tall and straight figure and a childlike face. The whole person seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth, and was extremely ethereal.

Behind him, a beautiful woman in white robes stood quietly, her long snow-white hair dancing in the wind.

"Diemeng, it's time for you to join the world!"

The old man stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were deep, and he spoke without looking back.

"Disaster is about to happen, why do you want to join the world?"

"Disciple is confused, I hope Heavenly Master Qinghua will clarify my confusion!"

The woman raised her hands and spoke, her voice as plain as water, but extremely beautiful.

If anyone hears this, they will be moved.

There is no other, Qinghua Celestial Master, one of the Five Ultimate Celestial Masters in Taoism. His status in Taoism is supreme, equivalent to the three generations of Buddha in Buddhism.

"The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao. If you don't enter the Tao, how can you understand the Tao? If you don't join the world, how can you understand the world?"

"When you enter the world this time, go to the Divine Realm to find a man named Wang Feng. He will be the key to your future success!"

Faced with Diemeng's question, Master Qinghua was not annoyed and responded with a chuckle.

"Wang Feng?!"

"Don't you always teach your disciples not to rely on others?"

Diemeng's pretty face was slightly startled, and she asked in confusion.

"Yes, it's just the cause and effect in this world. Who can tell clearly, and who can avoid it?"

"Before I asked you to come here, the Supreme Heavenly Master personally deduced the secret of heaven for you, but this time the deduction almost caused the death of the Supreme Heavenly Master!"

" is it possible?"

When Master Qinghua finished speaking, Diemeng's beautiful eyes tightened and she exclaimed in disbelief.

As the most valued young disciple of Taoism, Diemeng is even regarded as the future of Taoism. Therefore, compared to other Taoist disciples, she has been exposed to the Taoist Five Ultimate Heavenly Masters earlier and even often receives their teachings.

Zhizhen Celestial Master, the Zhongji Celestial Master who ranks first among the Five Principles of Celestial Masters, is currently the best among Taoists in deducing the secrets of heaven. According to Diemeng’s knowledge, no one in this world can escape to the Zhenzhen Celestial Master. The teacher’s deduction.

But in this deduction, the Supreme Heavenly Master almost died?

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