A skinny old face suddenly stood in front of Wang Feng, almost frightening him to death.

A pair of skinny old hands tightly grasped his hands. If he hadn't completed his transformation, merged everything about himself, strengthened his body a lot, and was protected by the source of power, his hands would have been crushed by the old woman in an instant.

This is an old woman wearing an ancient robe, with long snow-white hair hanging loosely down her shoulders. She is stooped and thin, and her whole body is filled with the aura of death and corpse. In addition, there is a frightening ferociousness.

Those dark red eyes, as sharp as an eagle's eye, stared at him, as if they wanted to see through him completely.

This majestic appearance and this gaze made even Wang Feng feel the pressure. He used his energy, shook his hands, broke away from Yan Po's restraints, and took a few steps back before stopping.

Wang Feng was not timid, he directly met Yan Po's gaze and said in a deep voice: "Your son's name is Chen Wanan!"

As soon as he said these words, Yan Po's rickety body suddenly began to tremble violently, her dark red eyes sparkled, and her old face even twisted together.

Seeing this, Wang Feng sighed in his heart. Although the cultivation world is extremely cruel and most people are selfish, there is still true love!

Speaking of which, in this world of cultivation, there are really two extremes. Some people are cruel and unkind and can even kill their loved ones, while others, even after all the hardships, their love remains intact.

Perhaps because of this, this world is more colorful.


Wang Feng reached out and waved his hand, revealing the shadow of the token.

Yan Po, who was already trembling, couldn't hold on any longer when she saw this phantom. She collapsed directly to the ground. Blood-red tears dripped like springs, eroding the ground and causing sizzling tears to appear. sound.

Wang Feng didn't say anything, just watched quietly. At this moment, Yan Po didn't need anyone to comfort her, because her heart was full of joy. The so-called crying with joy was nothing more than that.

First there is the Drought Demon, and then there is the Yama. Sometimes, evil creatures are not heartless, but are far more affectionate than some people. However, most of them are cruel and cruel when they have never touched the soft place in their hearts. .

But precisely because of this, they are more pure. Once they control the softness in their hearts, their loyalty will surpass everyone else!

After a long time, Yan Po suppressed the joy in her heart, regained her composure, stood up, stared directly at Wang Feng, and said hoarsely: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

No need to think about it, she knew Wang Feng's purpose, and she had no choice. She had been pursuing it for countless years, even if life was worse than death, she still never gave up, wasn't it just for her son?

"Your son once strayed into a mysterious place and cut off his own cause and effect, so you can't sense his existence, but he is indeed alive, and I am the only one in the world who knows that he is yours. The son and his place!”

"Perhaps even he himself doesn't know that he has a mother!"

Wang Feng smiled and answered the question.

Then, before Yan Po could say anything, he continued: "I can take you to find your son. The only condition is that you surrender to me and be driven by me!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Yan Po's dark red eyes narrowed and she kept looking at Wang Feng. There was even a trace of murderous intent emerging from her rickety body.

"You can also try to capture me and threaten my life!"

Feeling this ray of murderous intent, Wang Feng shrugged and chuckled.

As soon as he finished speaking, he circulated the power in his body and spread it throughout his body. His deep eyes suddenly became sharp, and his whole aura suddenly changed, as if he had evolved from a harmless young man to a master who controlled all things.

In the entire valley, an unspeakable depression suddenly emerged.


Not only that, Qin Meixin, who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly appeared, standing behind Wang Feng, staring at Yan Po with a pair of enchanting eyes. Once she made any change, she would definitely bear the consequences of Wang Feng and Qin Meixin. A thunderous strike.


Wang Feng's sudden change in momentum and Qin Meixin's appearance made Yan Po's pupils shrink, and the idea that had originally occurred disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Now that her cultivation level has approached the peak of the third realm, coupled with her obsession, it won't take long for her to reach the peak of the third realm, or even the fourth realm. But even so, in the face of sudden changes, When she met Wang Feng, she still felt great pressure.

As for the appearance of Qin Meixin, it made her tremble all over. Even though Qin Meixin did not exude any momentum, she still felt a fatal crisis approaching.

"It seems that you are well prepared."

A wry smile appeared on Yan Po's dry face and she sighed.

Hearing this, Wang Feng smiled and asked in a deep voice: "How? Are you willing to agree?"

"Old lady, do I still have a choice?"

Yan Po said bitterly. The goal she had been pursuing all her life was Wang Feng. There was no way she would give up, let alone make her surrender. Even if she was asked to die, as long as she could see her son before she died, she would All willing.

"Don't worry, even if you surrender to me, I will not restrict your freedom. After you leave the Divine Realm, I will take your son back and you can live with your son!"

"Although the sect I founded is not the best in the world, it still has some strength. It will be easy to train your son!"

Wang Feng said with a smile, his tone much softer.

Yan Po nodded lightly, and then seemed to remember something. She cupped her hands towards Wang Feng and said respectfully: "From now on, I will be at the command of the sect leader!"

"Please wait a moment, sect master. I will prepare for a moment and then leave with sect master!"

After getting Wang Feng's consent, Yan Po left here and returned to the depths of the valley.

Wang Feng and Qin Mei stood quietly, not afraid of Yan Po escaping.

"How did you know about her obsession?"

Qin Meixin looked at Wang Feng curiously and asked.

Even though she had lived in the Ancient Dream Burial Ground for countless years, she didn't know about Yan Po's obsession. In other words, there was no evil creature in the entire Ancient Dream Burial Ground who knew about Yan Po's obsession.


Wang Feng blinked at Qin Meixin and said with a smile.

"Humph, I don't want to know yet."

Qin Meixin pouted her lips and spoke proudly.

This arrogant scene is simply adorable.

Wang Feng couldn't help but pull her into his arms, gently caressed her back, and said softly: "I have a treasure that can see through everything, but the matter is important and should not be whispered!"

Wang Feng would not reveal the existence of the system even if he was his bed partner. This was his biggest secret, but he couldn't bear to see Qin Mei disappointed, even though he knew she would not be angry because of it.

"She is coming!"

Qin Meixin smiled tenderly and was about to say something, but when she sensed Yan Po's arrival, she quickly broke away from Wang Feng's arms and regained her cold and aloof demeanor.

Wang Feng smiled and looked forward. At first glance, Wang Feng was dumbfounded.

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