Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1736 Mengdie enters the spiritual void

"Heavenly Realm?!"

Kui Mo exclaimed in disbelief, staring at Qin Meixin with a pair of dark golden eyes. He never expected that this Han Demon could reach such a level? This is a state that even Jiu Ying, the strongest among the five evil creatures, has not been able to reach!

What's even more terrifying is that such a powerful person is willing to be driven by others. How terrifying must the existence behind her be?


"Do you know why I can reach such a state?"

Qin Meixin looked down at Kui Mo and spoke proudly.

Once upon a time, she could not even defeat the Heavenly Dao Corpse Ghost Clan, but now, she can easily defeat the five evil creatures. Such a change, but in such a short period of time, if she told it, who would dare to believe it?


Kui Mo was successfully aroused by Qin Meixin's curiosity and couldn't help but ask.

"The essence and blood of the corpse!"

"My man controls the essence and blood of the Heavenly Corpse. As long as you surrender to him, I can guarantee that you will also get the essence and blood of the Heavenly Corpse. By then, you will not only be able to transform, but your strength will be even higher!"

Qin Meixin is a master of both carrots and sticks. Back then, the Ancient Emperor Wangchuan devoted himself to pursuing the path in his heart, and the people gathered around him were all led by her. Therefore, she knew very well how to conquer a person.

For any strong person in the corpse path, the essence and blood of the corpse is an irresistible temptation.

Because, the lifelong pursuit of all corpse path masters is undoubtedly to reach the level of the Heavenly Corpse. As long as they can obtain the essence and blood of the Heavenly Corpse, it is not said that they can reach the level of the Heavenly Corpse 100%, but at least there is a shortcut.

Sure enough, when Qin Meixin finished speaking, Kui Mo fell silent, his expression changing unpredictable.

It was both shocking and heart-pounding, and it was extremely complicated.

After a long time, Kui Mo gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

He really couldn't resist the temptation of the essence and blood of the Heavenly Corpse, but he didn't want to surrender immediately. He wanted to see who could drive a drought demon to reach the secluded realm of heaven.

Qin Meixin glanced at Kui Mo, without revealing his thoughts, and went straight to the place agreed with Wang Feng.

For Qin Meixin, there is nothing in this world that her man cannot solve. If a mere devil does not surrender, he will be killed. Any thoughts are in vain in the face of absolute strength.

Kui Moqiang held on to his wounded body and followed Qin Meixin before leaving the place.

On the other side, in the station where the Soul Prison is located, the endless power of ghosts has almost disappeared, and four figures appear.

Wang Feng slowly opened his eyes and exhaled softly. His breath was like a sharp sword, piercing the void and reaching the ground.

He didn't expect that conquering the Soul Prison would bring such unexpected surprises, which directly saved him a lot of time. Even though the ghosts he absorbed were far less large than the Soul Prison, it still allowed him to reach the sixth level of Hedao. At the mid-step stage, one's source power has greatly increased.

If the source power in his body was equivalent to ten before, then the source power in his body has doubled at this moment, reaching a full 20. Now Wang Feng's combat power is closely related to the source power content in his body. According to his current With the source power under his control, if he were to fight against the previous Gui Jiao again, Wang Feng was confident that he could defeat the Gui Jiao within ten moves with his own strength alone.

After understanding that his strength had improved, Wang Feng looked towards Soul Prison and others.

After breaking through his fatal flaw and absorbing the huge power of Yin Soul, Soul Prison's cultivation level climbed directly to the fourth level of Heavenly Dao, the early stage of Heavenly Dao Nether Realm. In addition, his potential has increased significantly, far exceeding Him before.

Although the promotion of Gui Jian and Yan Po is not as terrifying as Soul Prison, they have both reached the peak of the third realm of Heavenly Dao and are in the previous state of Soul Prison!

Of course, the majestic power of the ghosts was not completely absorbed by the Soul Prison, but was accumulated in his body. This meant that before these ghosts were completely absorbed, as long as the Soul Prison realm was sufficient, he could continue to improve, and There won’t be any bottlenecks!

What Wang Feng and others absorbed before was just the power of the ghosts that overflowed after the body of the soul prison could no longer accumulate. But even these powers of the ghosts made Wang Feng and others improve. It is conceivable that this power How terrifying is the power of ghosts!

Thinking of what he had sensed before, Wang Feng felt relieved.

There are no fewer than five broken ghosts hidden in the Soul Prison who have reached the Tiandaojun realm alone. There are even hundreds of broken ghosts below the Tiandaojun realm. Such powerful ghosts, even if they are only broken, still have unimaginable powers. the power of.

If it weren't for the special nature of the Soul Prison, if it were an ordinary ghost object, it would have been swallowed up by these broken ghosts long ago, and not even the dregs would be left.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir!"

When Wang Feng looked at Hun Prison and others, Hun Prison, Yan Po, and Gui Jian also looked at Wang Feng, and they all bowed to Wang Feng and expressed their gratitude.

Especially for Soul Prison, the excitement in his heart is beyond words. This fatal flaw that has troubled him for countless years has been solved so easily. Anyone else would be extremely excited.

Even if he reaches the fourth realm of Heavenly Dao, Soul Prison has no intention of betraying Wang Feng. Not to mention Wang Feng's kindness to him, Wang Feng's previous display of combat prowess and the mysterious method of controlling the power of Dao are enough. It left him in awe.

What's more, after they took the oath of faith, this oath of faith also subtly enhanced their loyalty to Wang Feng.

"No need to be polite!"

"Let's go!"

Wang Feng waved his hand indifferently, and then led Soul Prison and others towards the place agreed with Qin Meixin.

At the same time, outside the Shenxu Realm, a beautiful figure stood in the sky, looking at the huge Shenxu Continent not far away, with an elusive brilliance flashing in her beautiful eyes!

This beautiful figure is none other than Mengdie, a Taoist little heavenly master who has entered the world.

"Wang Feng, who are you?"

A soft murmur came from Mengdie's mouth, and then, her body fluttered, like a breeze, towards the Divine Realm.

The meteorites surrounding the Divine Realm seemed to have never sensed her, not even the slightest reaction.

Within a moment, Mengdie easily stepped into the Divine Realm.

Not long after Mengdie entered the Divine Realm, a figure appeared again outside the Divine Realm.

This person is none other than Di Jian, one of the seventy-two evil spirits in the clan of Heaven Masters!

"That damn guy has delayed me for such a long time!"

Looking at the vast Shenxu Continent, Di Jian's eyes flashed with viciousness and he cursed secretly.


"When I recruit Chengtian Diyun and his wife, I will go to you to settle the score!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Jian moved towards the Shenxu Continent. When he arrived at the meteorite zone, the surrounding meteorites started to move instantly. However, Di Jian did not panic at all, and his body shook one after another at an extremely fast speed.

Before those meteorites could form an effective offensive against him, he had already stepped into the Divine Void Continent.

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