Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1741 Nine Extremes Breaking the Sky

The Yin Evil Nine Infants are indeed terrifying and put great pressure on Yan Po and the others, but it is also this pressure that gives Yan Po and others an excellent experience effect. Wang Feng can clearly feel that Yan Po and others Although people are constantly suppressed by the Nine Infants and injured one after another, their control over the power of the peak of the Heavenly Flame Realm is constantly increasing.

This made Wang Feng eager to try.

With his current combat power, he is no different from an ant below the Divine Realm of Heavenly Dao. There is no pressure from the existence of the first and second realms of Heavenly Dao. Only the third realm of Heavenly Dao can put some pressure on him. The fourth realm of Heavenly Dao such as Jiuying Only the strong can pose a threat to him.

But now that the Heavenly Dao barrier has not been solved and the powerful Heavenly Dao Divine Realm is not revealed, I don’t know when it will be the next time I want to encounter a Heavenly Dao Divine Realm level battle. If not for the special nature of this Divine Realm, there are many powerful Tiandao Divine Realm hidden in it. Or, it is difficult for a battle of this level to occur!

Coupled with the fact that he had absorbed the power of the ghosts emanating from Soul Prison before, his strength has skyrocketed again. Now watching the battle between Yan Po and others, he can't help but feel excited and wants to join the battle.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng said directly to Qin Meixin beside him: "I'll give it a try too, just to sharpen my skills!"


Qin Meixin nodded gently, stared at Wang Feng, and said softly.

She did not stop Wang Feng. As long as she and Soul Prison were there, Jiuying could not hurt Wang Feng. Besides, if Wang Feng wanted to continue to climb, it was necessary to fight against the strong.

That is, how could Wang Feng, an ordinary person, dare to attack a powerful person at the level of the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm with the cultivation level of the sixth step of Hedao?

Seeing this, Wang Feng no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, took one step, and his whole body changed shape. In an instant, he appeared behind Jiuying, and the source power in his body was released like a torrent, condensing into a terrifying fist. Mang, smashed towards Jiuying brazenly!

Jiu Ying, who was fighting with Yan Po and others, felt the attack from behind, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly punched out with his backhand!


The two fists exploded like stars colliding. The terrifying power of the fists swept the entire world, and the unparalleled power impacted, destroying everything around them!

Wang Feng felt a terrifying force coming down his arm, causing him to continuously retreat. Every step he took made a huge hole in the void.

"Sure enough!"

Wang Feng's eyes flickered as he stared at Jiu Ying, shook his numb arms, and spoke excitedly.

On the other side, Jiuying took two steps back and looked at Wang Feng in disbelief. All nine faces were flashing with horror. His exclamation was like thunder, exploding throughout the world. The sound was louder than all the explosions.

" is it possible?"

"You are only taking the sixth step of joining the path, but you can actually receive a blow from me?"

"You...who are you?"

No one can imagine how shocked Jiu Ying felt at this moment. Wang Feng's strength was simply like a fantasy. If he hadn't experienced it personally, he wouldn't have believed it. An ant who was only on the sixth step of Hedao could actually Do you have such incredible combat power?

"Hey, there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!"

"You have just entered the secluded realm of heaven. How do you know how big this world is? There are so many strong people?"

Wang Feng sneered, and his body shot out. The terrifying source of power gathered on his fists, and he smashed them out as if his fists were flying out of the sea!

The first of the Eighteen Forms of Yuanji is Burial to Heaven!

The terrifying power mixed with the aura of destruction was released. The two fists were like two world-destroying divine dragons. They roared towards Jiuying with unrivaled force, baring their teeth and claws. That astonishing fist force, even Jiuying was so powerful. Even the strong ones feel a little pressure!

What made his face even more ugly was that Yan Po and others not far away also launched a terrifying offensive. For a moment, powerful offensives swept in from all directions, covering his foothold and making him unable to retreat. There is no way to avoid it!

"court death!"

Although he was shocked by Wang Feng's strength, being forced to this extent by Wang Feng and others also made Jiuying furious. A shocking roar came from his mouth, shaking the heaven and earth.

As the leader of the five evil creatures in the ancient dream burial place, he has now broken into the secluded realm of heaven and become the most powerful person in the divine realm. How dare he be bullied like this by these four guys?

"Jiu Ji Po Tian!"

An astonishing aura suddenly burst out from Jiu Ying's body. At this moment, his nine heads rotated in unison, blooming with a bright dark golden light. A crack was torn open between his eyebrows, and a terrifying aura began to flow from it. These nine tiny cracks filled the air!


The next moment, nine dark golden light pillars rushed out from the nine small cracks, merged in the void, condensed into a huge dark gold seal, and then fell suddenly!


The offensives of both sides collided, erupting with an unimaginable shocking impact. The void within a radius of 100,000 miles was turned into nothingness. The heaven and earth within 100,000 miles seemed to be turned into a huge black hole. Within a million miles, everything All the living creatures were wiped out, and the evil spirit was forced to disperse.

If the woman and her group had not been prepared in advance and retreated in time, they would probably have died in this terrifying collision. This terrible scene made the woman and her group extremely frightened, their eyes fixed on the battlefield, and their bodies stopped. Trembling constantly.

On the battlefield, Wang Feng and others all flew out upside down, their faces turned pale, and a blood arrow spurted out from their mouths.

As strong as Jiuying, he was panting heavily at this moment, and his huge body was trembling slightly. It was obvious that he had consumed a lot of energy. However, he did not expect that even if he used his extremely powerful magical power, he could not kill Wang Feng and others. !


Wang Feng suppressed the turbulent energy and blood in his body, roared to the sky, and rushed out again.

At the same time, Yan Po and others also rushed out one after another, regardless of their own injuries, and exploded with all their strength, showing a desperate posture.

With Qin Meixin and Soul Prison guarding them, they don't have to worry about their lives at all. They can fight with all their strength and use the Nine Infants in the Heavenly Realm as a stepping stone to hone themselves and help them reach the next level!

The terrifying battle broke out again, and the land with a radius of millions of miles turned into a battlefield for both sides. If it were not for the extremely solid space of the Divine Realm and the special burial place of the ancient dream, which blocked all atmosphere, I am afraid that Wang Feng and others The battle has shocked the entire Divine Realm!

This battle lasted for a long time, allowing Wang Feng and others to fight heartily. Although they suffered serious injuries, their understanding of their own realm and their control of power continued to increase.

It was this battle that allowed Wang Feng and others to consolidate their own cultivation. If there were a few more high-intensity battles like this, both Wang Feng and Yan Po and others would be confident to reach a higher level!


Another roar spread, and Wang Feng, the others, and Jiu Ying all stepped back and stood facing each other, staring at each other.

At this moment, both Wang Feng and the others, as well as Jiu Ying, were breathing heavily and consuming a lot of energy.

However, when the battle reached this level, Wang Feng no longer planned to continue. If he continued to fight, it would not have any tempering effect!

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