Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1750 God, you want to stop me

Wang Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his strong perception kept scanning the ancient jade slip in his hand. What surprised him was that even with his strong perception, this simple jade slip still did not show anything strange, just like an ordinary piece of jade slip. of ancient jade.

But the more this happens, the more it proves that this jade slip is extraordinary.

You must know that with Wang Feng's current strength, coupled with the super source power in his body, even a strong person in the fifth realm of heaven cannot escape his perception, let alone a mere jade slip.

"Can you sense what's special about this jade slip?"

After a moment, Wang Feng asked Qin Meixin beside him.

Qin Meixin's beautiful eyes were narrowed, and she kept scanning the jade slip in Wang Feng's hand. After a long time, she said, "If my guess is correct, this jade slip should be the secret jade of the heavenly spirit."

"Tianling Secret Jade?"

"This is an extremely strange jade slip that cannot be investigated by those who are not strong in the heavenly realm. It is said that this kind of jade slip is transformed from the heavenly jade and can withstand the erosion of long years. Generally, it is These are the treasures used by the most powerful forces to pass down their skills!"

Hearing Qin Meixin's explanation, Wang Feng's heart skipped a beat, and his face flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that the simple jade slip in his hand had such an important origin?

To reach the Tiandao Divine Realm, a kind of ore called Tiandao Divine Crystal is generally used as currency. This Tiandao Divine Crystal contains the majestic power of Tiandao. It is the common currency of the powerful in the Tiandao Divine Realm. It is also extremely important and basic. Training resources.

For example, the Tiandao Divine Crystal mines are generally controlled by the Holy Court forces at the Tiandao level. The stronger the existence, the higher the level of control. The Tiandao Divine Jade can be called the essence of the Tiandao Divine Crystal. The Tiandao Divine Crystal Mine may not produce a Tiandao Divine Jade for tens of millions of years!

As for the Tiandao Divine Crystal that Wang Feng needs to trigger the system level improvement, it is the essence of the Tiandao Divine Crystal essence, which is countless times rarer than the Tiandao Divine Jade.

Therefore, Wang Feng has always been worried about finding the Heavenly Dao Divine Crystal. On the contrary, the three rays of Heavenly Dao Soul are extremely easy for Wang Feng to obtain.

"Look what's recorded here?"

Wang Feng handed the simple jade slip in his hand to Qin Meixin, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Judging from the materials of this simple jade slip alone, it is enough to prove that the information recorded in this jade slip is absolutely extraordinary.

Qin Meixin took the ancient jade slip and put her thoughts into it without hesitation. What surprised Qin Meixin was that when she put her thoughts into it, she actually felt a strong resistance. If she was still the same as before With a peak cultivation level in the third realm of Heavenly Dao, there is no way to break through this super strong resistance.


Qin Meixin's beautiful eyes condensed, and huge thoughts poured into the ancient jade slips like a tide. She immediately pushed back the resistance and got a glimpse of the information recorded in it.


A roar sounded in Qin Meixin's mind, and then, a picture full of ancient atmosphere appeared in Qin Meixin's mind.

In the picture, a tall figure stands on the vast starry sky with his hands behind his back. The aura around him is surging, like an unparalleled master. Every move he makes can shatter the stars and shock all directions!

"God, are you trying to stop me?"

The words like a bell resounded throughout the starry sky. Even just a picture made Qin Meixin feel the terrifying aura that scorned all directions. With just one glance, Qin Meixin knew that this person was the legendary Shenxu Tianzu. Even if his strength is not as good as that of the ancient Emperor Wangchuan, he is definitely not much weaker.

"How dare a person from a different world dare to go against the grain?"

"Going against the Dao and taking away lives are two crimes that go hand in hand. You should be punished!"

The next moment, a terrifying voice mixed with anger exploded in the sky. A pair of indifferent eyes across the sky suddenly opened. The entire starry sky exploded instantly. Countless stars exploded like fireworks, and the terrifying pressure was mixed. With supreme power, it poured down like a waterfall.

"Since I dare to come, are you worthy of killing me?"

The overbearing roar resounded in all directions, and a giant palm that covered the sky and sun struck from bottom to top towards the pair of indifferent eyes.


Horrible fluctuations swept across all directions, and the picture that appeared in Qin Meixin's mind went blank for an instant. Obviously, such a terrible battle could no longer be described by just a jade slip. Qin Meixin even felt that if this jade slip did not contain the extremely terrifying heaven and earth. Dao Dao Principles, I am afraid that even the dialogue between Shenxu Dao Ancestor and that Heaven cannot be manifested.

It took a long time for the scene in the picture to recover. However, the scene presented in the picture at this moment shocked Qin Meixin.

I saw the Shenxu Tianzu standing proudly, looking extremely miserable, but the aura of fighting against the heaven and the earth was majestic and terrifying, and the pair of eyes in the sky were also obscured by a huge black crack.


The next moment, the entire sky in the picture trembled crazily, and the crack covering the giant eyes was suddenly shattered by a terrifying force. Then, a figure appeared silently in the sky above Shenxu Tianzu.


A ruthless and indifferent voice exploded in the screen. The figure fell with one finger, and the incredibly powerful Divine Ancestor collapsed instantly, as if he had never appeared before.

I don’t know how much time passed before the whole scene returned to calm. A huge star-like bead that shone with brilliance appeared and drifted in the vast starry sky. After countless years, it finally evolved into a continent floating in the starry sky. .

"Heaven punishes the body and perishes. You can't go against the will. It's hateful and pathetic!"

"I have gone through thousands of calamities and hardships and stepped into the sky. I originally wanted to go against the will of heaven and reach the great road. However, the way of heaven is unfair. Although I am dead, my will will never be destroyed!"

"If one day, my descendants can get this photo, they should use Shenxu Taoism as the key to open the Shenxu secret treasure I left behind. It contains the life-long strength and life-long insights I left before my death, which can allow you to Soaring into the sky!"

"After receiving my inheritance, if you can go further, you can try to go against the sky. If you can't, then follow the method I left behind and return to the source areas of the ten directions to find my clansmen!"

Finally, lines of fonts appeared in Qin Meixin's mind. Then, the entire picture collapsed, and Qin Meixin's consciousness completely returned.

"How about it?"

Seeing Qin Meixin open her eyes, Wang Feng quickly asked.

But Qin Mei felt as if she hadn't heard anything. She was stunned for a long time, and then she came back to her senses. She didn't answer Wang Feng's words, but pointed at the center of Wang Feng's eyebrows.


In an instant, the picture that had previously appeared in Qin Meixin's mind appeared in Wang Feng's mind again.

After a long time, Wang Feng finally opened his eyes, his face full of complexity, and his whole body was like a sculpture, stunned on the spot.

He never expected that such terrifying information was recorded in this jade slip. He did not even dare to tell some of the information in the picture, for fear of attracting the prying eyes of Heaven or Dao.

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