
In an instant, the huge sword light, like the moonlight, cut through the sky and struck directly towards the two fist lights.

As soon as the collision began, the terrifying impact was like a storm, sweeping in all directions, and cracks like ravines spread throughout the void. At first glance, it looked like the sky was falling. The scene was extremely impactful!

Si Yaoxuan, who is holding the Divine Sword of Nothingness, is already close to the fourth realm of Heavenly Dao. This is because he only exerts less than 10% of the power of the Divine Sword of Nothingness. Otherwise, this sword alone would be enough to kill the two of Long Xuandao!

"Damn it!"

Feeling the terrifying edge, Long Xuandao's expression was sinister. Even he did not expect that the Heavenly Dao artifact of the Shenxu Ancient Clan could be so terrifying. Fortunately, he brought the Heavenly Dao artifact of the Yilong Ghost Clan when he came. Otherwise, it is really possible that the boat will capsize in the gutter!

Thinking of this, Long Xuandao stretched out his hand to grab it, and a dark black long sword suddenly appeared in the void. In an instant, a cold aura like the Nine Nethers filled the entire world with the appearance of the long sword, making the world The temperature dropped to the extreme, making it feel like falling into an ice cave!

This dark black long sword is one of the artifacts of the Yilong Ghost Tribe, the Ghost Ghost Sword, and its grade has reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Flame Grade.


Long Xuandao, who was holding the ghost sword, had a more gloomy aura, like a devil from hell. He raised the sword and rushed out. As he swung it, a stream of cold sword energy burst out, but in an instant, densely packed cold sword energy burst out. The anger was like a downpour, falling towards Si Yaoxuan!

At the same time, another strong man from the Yilong Ghost Clan also took out a divine sword of the Tiandao Yang level and launched an astonishing offensive. Following Long Xuandao's offensive, he bombarded Si Yaoxuan.

Facing the two men's attack, Si Yaoxuan did not dare to neglect, and poured the power in his body into the Void Divine Sword, slashing out several terrifying sword lights one after another. In just an instant, the sword light and sword energy collided together, An immeasurable storm of swords was set off, with endless sword light and shadow, sweeping in all directions wantonly.


A roar spread, Si Yaoxuan's face flushed, and his whole body was forced to retreat continuously by the terrifying impact. Scarlet blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the hand holding the Void Divine Sword could not stop trembling.

Although the Void Divine Sword is powerful, with his strength, it is difficult to exert the full power of the Void Divine Sword. However, Long Xuandao can exert most of the power of the Ghost Ghost Sword, plus another Xian holding the Heavenly Dao Divine Artifact. Even with the help of the strong men from the Dragon Ghost Clan, Si Yaoxuan was unable to resist.

"Today is the day when your ancient Shenxu clan will be exterminated!"


Long Xuandao pointed his sword, a cold smile appeared on his face, and his words full of murderous intent exploded throughout the world.

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Xuandao and another strong man from the Zhenlong Ghost Clan rushed towards Si Yaoxuan, and a powerful offensive that seemed to destroy the heaven and earth broke out from their hands.

At the same time, Long Jingtian and others, who were originally watching, also took action and attacked and killed Si Xiaochen and other powerful people from the Shenxu Ancient Clan.


For a moment, the entire sky above the Shenxu Ancient Clan's station turned into a battlefield in the heavenly realm. Terrifying power continued to sweep in all directions. The powerful impact shook the Shenxu Ancient Clan's protective formation as well as Long You and others. The shielding array displayed by the people trembled incessantly.

Even with the clan-protecting formation, the terrifying counter-shock force still injured many powerful people of the Shenxu Ancient Clan. If it were not for the protection of many Shenxu Ancient Clan elders, I am afraid that those with weaker cultivation bases would not be able to survive. All the clan members will die tragically on the spot.

Si Lingyun, who was standing next to Wang Feng, saw the battle in the void. Her delicate and pretty face was full of anxiety and worry. She looked at Wang Feng, who was sitting quietly and seemed to be watching the excitement. Her eyes were filled with entanglement. He hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, since you have joined the Immortal Sect, I will not let anything happen to your family!"

Wang Feng seemed to feel Si Lingyun's struggle and spoke out without looking back.

Hearing this, Si Lingyun was overjoyed and quickly bowed to Wang Feng and said gratefully: "Thank you, Sect Master!"

She knows very well what kind of power Wang Feng controls. As long as Wang Feng is willing to take action, it is no longer a problem to get rid of the crisis of her ancient Shenxu clan. Even if Wang Feng is willing, he can destroy the Yilong ghost clan at any time!

After receiving Wang Feng's promise, Si Lingyun finally felt relieved and no longer worried. She followed Wang Feng and others and quietly watched the battlefield in the air.

Not only Wang Feng and others, but also many people from the Shenxu Ancient Clan as well as Long You and other strong men from the Dragon Ghost Clan are also paying attention to the battlefield in the sky. They know very well that the true outcome of this battle depends on the battlefield in the sky. .

If the battlefield in the air is defeated, no matter how many of them there are, it will be of no use.

Soon, the faces of many Shenxu Ancient Clan members changed, and their eyes were filled with worry.

I saw that on the battlefield in the void, except for Si Yaoxuan who was holding the Divine Sword of Nothingness, the rest of the people were almost at a disadvantage, and their bodies were more or less decorated.

Although the Shenxu Ancient Clan is strong, this time the Dragon Ghost Clan came prepared, and almost all of the strong men they dispatched were stronger than the ancestors of the Shenxu Ancient Clan. In addition, they were large in number, and the Shenxu Ancient Clan was How can those ancestors be opponents?

If it weren't for the fact that it was difficult to kill in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, I am afraid that the ancestors of the Shenxu Ancient Clan would have suffered casualties.

In the void, Si Xiaochen, the contemporary patriarch of the Shenxu Ancient Clan, was fighting against Long Jingtian, the contemporary patriarch of the Xianlong Ghost Clan. Si Xiaochen, who was at the peak of the Yang Realm of Heaven, was beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Long Jingtian, who was at the peak of the Yin Realm of Heaven in just a short period of time. , his face was as pale as paper.

Seeing this scene, Si Lingyun, who was standing next to Wang Feng, felt her heart twitch. She wanted Wang Feng to take action immediately, but she did not dare to rush Wang Feng.

It was a blessing that Wang Feng agreed to take action. How dare she ask Wang Feng?

With Wang Feng's perception, he could naturally detect Si Lingyun's worry. He raised his palm slightly, and was about to let Soul Prison take action, but as if he sensed something, he suddenly stopped and looked in a certain direction in the void.

Qin Meixin and Soul Prison beside him also looked in that direction, obviously feeling the unusual fluctuations.


At this moment, a dark crack suddenly opened in the void at the edge of the battlefield. Then, a tall figure stepped out of the crack. The appearance of this person made Si Yaoxuan and others who were fighting subconsciously. He stopped and looked at each other. At the first glance, everyone was shocked!

I saw that the visitor was wearing a blue robe, with long black hair tied up, a delicate and beautiful face like a snow-white lotus, and an exquisite and graceful body that exuded endless charm. His transcendent temperament was even more... It deeply attracted everyone present.

In the courtyard, Wang Feng stared at the beautiful figure, and there was an inexplicable and endless throbbing in his heart. This feeling was unprecedented, but it was deep-rooted!

For some reason, Wang Feng felt an extremely strong sense of intimacy from that woman, and even felt an inexplicable affection. This feeling was not like the love between him and Qin Meixin, but more like family affection!

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