Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1757 5 Evils Town the Whole Audience

At this moment, Mengdie felt that the whole world had stopped. No one else could be accommodated in her sight, only that tall back, and her whole delicate body was shaking uncontrollably.

An unspeakable complex emotion suddenly arose in my heart, which seemed to include grievance, kindness, excitement, etc...

Even if Mengdie only saw a figure from behind, she knew clearly that this person must be Wang Feng.

Only this person can make himself feel like this.

Wang Feng can also feel the complex emotions of Mengdie behind him, but at this moment, he has been affected by violence and anger, and he just wants to destroy anyone who hurts Mengdie.

On the other side, Long Xuandao, who was rushing towards Mengdie, was shocked when he saw Wang Feng suddenly appearing. However, his forward momentum was unstoppable, and the aura of cultivation coming from Wang Feng was only Hedao. Step 6.

In just a moment, he calmed down, his face turned cold, and the murderous intent surging throughout his body was terrifying.

Since this ant is looking for death, let him be killed!


The majestic power poured into the ghost sword. The cold ghost energy mixed with the astonishing sword intention turned into earth-shaking sword light, which crashed down towards Wang Feng and the two like a violent storm.

At this moment, a scene that horrified Long Xuandao and everyone present appeared.

I saw that in the face of this offensive that was enough to make any strong man in the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm tremble, the Sixth Step of Hedao, who was regarded as an ant by all the strongmen in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, actually took a step directly and then punched him. out.

This punch was ordinary, and there seemed to be no wave of power coming out. But after the punch was blasted, the whole world suddenly shook, as if it was squeezed by endless power, and it suddenly shattered, revealing a hole that stretched for dozens of times. The big dark hole inside.

The terrifying Qi machine was like a torrent, sweeping in all directions, shaking the heaven and the earth!

The invisible force gathered into a huge fist light, like the bright sun, and hit the sword energy all over the sky unstoppably.


Under the eyes of everyone, the fist light collided with the sword energy in the sky, and the powerful sword shadow was raging. This moving and terrifying sword energy, under this punch, actually collapsed directly and turned into endless dots of starlight. Floating in this world.


In just an instant, the sound of gasping for cold air resounded, and everyone's eyes widened, looking at the figure standing in front of Mengdie in disbelief, as if they were looking at an unparalleled master.

" is this possible?"

Long Xuandao's whole body was trembling, and his eyes looking at Wang Feng were full of horror. This shocking scene had surpassed his understanding and caused his inherent world view to collapse.

As the person involved, he knew very well how terrifying the blow he had just unleashed was. He tried to kill Mengdie with one move, but he did not hold back at all. Even the peak Heavenly Dao Flame Realm expert could not stop him. Live, let alone the sixth step of Hedao.

He emitted a powerful perception that enveloped Wang Feng's entire body, trying to see whether Wang Feng was hiding his cultivation level, but no matter whether he looked horizontally or vertically, Wang Feng was just a cultivator of the sixth step of Hedao.


Long Xuandao was stunned, but Wang Feng was not stunned. His eyes were red, and his whole body was flashing with shocking murderous intent. He suddenly waved his hand, and in an instant, Kui Mo and others in the Kingdom of God were released by him.

At the same time, Qin Meixin and Soul Prison also ascended to the sky and came to Wang Feng and others.

The five evil objects in the ancient dream burial ground appeared completely in the eyes of the world for the first time. The terrifying sinister aura was like a torrent, vast and powerful, suppressing the entire world, causing the temperature in the world to drop to the extreme, as if Ice cave.


Before anyone could react, a terrifying aura erupted from Qin Meixin and others, sweeping in all directions like a stormy wave. For the first moment, everyone present felt as if they were being suppressed by mountains hundreds of millions of feet tall, feeling tremendous pressure. , the whole body was shaking uncontrollably!


Immediately afterwards, Qin Meixin and others moved, erupting with astonishing power fluctuations, and attacked and killed many strong men from the Yilong Ghost Clan. Whether it was Qin Meixin or Soul Prison and others, they could feel Wang Feng's anger at this moment. with murderous intent.

Therefore, they did not hold back at all. They exploded with all their strength, and the offensive they launched was extremely terrifying. However, in a short period of time, two ancestors of the Yilong Ghost Clan died tragically at the hands of Qin Meixin and Soul Prison. .


When Qin Meixin and others attacked, Wang Feng also moved. He changed his shape and appeared in front of the stunned Long Xuandao in an instant. The energy in his body gathered crazily on his fists, causing his fists to burst into flames. Brilliant brilliance.

As Wang Feng punched out, the terrifying punch force that seemed to destroy everything was released, directly squeezing and tearing the void in front of Long Xuandao. The terrifying strong wind even blew away Long Xuandao's robe. There was a hunting sound, and the skin tingled extremely.

Wang Feng's attack finally brought Long Xuandao back to his senses. Under the intense crisis, he didn't have time to think too much. He subconsciously gathered the strength in his body, raised the ghost sword and slashed out.


A huge roar resounded, and Long Xuandao, who was caught off guard, was blown away by the terrifying fist force. His entire face suddenly turned extremely pale. The hand holding the ghost sword was trembling even more, and wisps of blood flowed from it. The tiger's mouth dripped down, eroding the void and creating cracks.

Long Xuandao's face was horrified, he retreated crazily, distanced himself from Wang Feng, and asked in shock: "You...who are you?"

He hadn't felt panic or fear in an unknown amount of time, but now, he was really scared and panicked.

As one of the most powerful ancestors of the Yilong Ghost Clan, how could he not recognize the five evil objects in Gu Meng Burial Ground? He never imagined that there was someone in this world who could command the five evil creatures in Gu Meng Burial Ground, and his cultivation level was only at the sixth step of Hedao?

How can this be?

Coupled with the astonishing combat power displayed by Wang Feng, Long Xuandao at this moment felt that everything that happened was so unreal, like he was still in a dream.

It was only then that everyone present reacted and looked at the aerial battlefield in shock.

The scene just now happened so suddenly that no one could have imagined that Wang Feng would summon so many terrifying powerful men. By the time they reacted, an astonishing impact had hit the entire battlefield, even those in the Tiandaoyang realm. No one may be able to see through the situation, let alone other people?

Si Yao

Among the people present, the only ones without the slightest exception were Si Lingyun, Fairy Luofeng and others who were in the courtyard. But even though Fairy Luofeng and others had already seen Wang Feng's power, when they saw it again now, they still felt... Shocked.


Faced with Long Xuandao's shocking inquiry, Wang Feng didn't bother to pay attention at all. His eyes sharpened, and he stepped forward. The terrifying power of the fist swept out. Without the Heavenly Fist, he could suppress all directions!

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