Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian in the distance felt the fierce power of the sword and looked at the figure that looked like the supreme sword god. They were all in a state of insanity and their souls were greatly impacted.

At this moment, Wang Feng seemed to have transformed into a supreme master. With a casual wave of his hand, his sword energy spread across the sky, and his sharp edge cut through the air.

No matter who comes, it will be difficult not to be intimidated by Wang Feng's power.

On the battlefield, as soon as Wang Feng took action, he showed no intention of stopping. The sword moves one after another enveloped the entire valley, and bursts of wailing sounds spread through the valley in all directions.

Even a group of demonic beasts at the Tiandao Divine Realm level could not resist Wang Feng's powerful and domineering attack. However, in just a short moment, several demonic beasts at the Tiandaoyang Realm were killed tragically.

However, these monsters are at the level of the Heavenly Dao God Realm. Not only are their defenses incredibly strong, but their recovery speed is also terrifyingly fast. Even if Wang Feng continued to use sword moves one after another, he still could not kill them completely at once.


Shocking roars resounded from the valley. Wang Feng's appearance and even explosion were so sudden that the group of monsters failed to react at all. By the time they did, it was already too late.

Even the leader of the Heavenly Flame Realm was covered in blood at this moment. A ferocious sword mark appeared on his huge body. The rest of the monsters were also stained with blood. Although they were severely injured, the severe pain was... On the contrary, it arouses their ferocity.

Except for the leader of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm monster, the entire group of monster beasts has seven Heavenly Dao Yin Realm and ten Heavenly Dao Yang Realm monsters. Under Wang Feng’s successive attacks, five Heavenly Dao Yang Realm monsters have been tragically killed, and the remaining After the demonic beasts came to their senses, they launched a violent attack on Wang Feng under the leadership of their leader.

In the sky above the valley, huge figures rushed towards Wang Feng with sword shadows all over the sky. Violent and vast power spurted out like the Milky Way, crushing the entire void above the valley.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of these monster beasts, Wang Feng remained undisturbed at all. The source power in his body was running wildly. Whether it was the Dao-breaking Dragon City Sword or the Nine Dragons Heavenly Dao Seal, he activated it to the extreme. In order to avoid being besieged, sometimes, he Even if you resist the offensive of those monsters, you have to forcefully kill a monster in the Heavenly Daoyang Realm!

Now, Wang Feng's own cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth step of Hedao. He is only one step away from reaching the realm of the seventh step of Hedao. If he had not absorbed the power of the ghosts spread out from the soul prison last time, even if he used The divine weapon of Heaven, his combat power is comparable to the Heavenly Realm.

After these days of training, he has been able to perfectly control his own power. Even without using the Heavenly Dao artifact, his combat power can be stabilized at the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm level. If the Heavenly Dao artifact is used, his combat power is enough to compete with the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm level. Any strong person below the peak.

Wang Feng, who has experienced countless battles, has already honed his combat experience to the extreme. He knows very well what choice to make in the face of this kind of siege. Therefore, although it is somewhat difficult, under his powerful and terrifying combat power, He still dealt with these monster beasts one by one.


A shocking explosion resounded through the entire valley. The powerful fluctuations centered on the valley and swept in all directions, shattering everything around it. The entire valley was turned into ruins under the raging storm. , gravel flying, smoke and dust filling the sky.

In the ruins, the entire body of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm-level monster was cut in half by a sword light. The cuts were neat and smooth. It was not until a long time later that blood like a fountain spewed out, infecting the entire ruins. .

The strong power still contained in the blood has caused this ruined land to be shattered again, and large holes have been eroded. However, there is no life in this blood. Perhaps countless years later, this battle ground will be restored again. Evolved into a brand new forbidden area.

Beings like those in the Tiandao Divine Realm, even just a hair, contains unimaginable power. Once they fall, the power contained in the place where they fell will be unbreakable for eternity. It is comparable to the strong ones below the Tiandao Divine Realm. Called Jedi.


Looking at the ruins with corpses lying on the ground, Wang Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Unknowingly, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he stood in the void breathing heavily. This battle, for him, , is also a big challenge.

Fortunately, he won in the end.

The most important thing is that during this battle, his cultivation level has naturally reached the seventh level of Hedao, and he has completely become the ceiling of cultivation level in the world.

Of course, with his current combat power, unless he breaks into the heavenly realm, the improvement in cultivation will not be big for him. After all, his combat power is basically based on his strong physique and high-level body. The main source of power.

Only when the purity or quantity of his source power increases, his combat power will increase significantly.

As for his body, after he integrated everything, he has tempered it to the extreme. Even Wang Feng doesn't know how powerful his body is now, but he can feel that his body contains great potential. , At this moment, I am limited by my cultivation and cannot exert much at all.

After taking away the wealth of these monster beasts, Wang Feng did not let go of the corpses of these monster beasts. To him, the corpses of these monster beasts may be useless, but to many powerful people of the Immortal Sect, the corpses of these monster beasts , but an unimaginable treasure.

The majestic power contained in its flesh and blood can be regarded as a top-notch magical medicine for those who are below the realm of Heavenly Dao. To the outside world, it is a body-building treasure that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

It's a pity that these monsters do not contain the soul of heaven. Otherwise, he would be able to collect one of the conditions for activating the system upgrade in advance: collecting three rays of soul of heaven.


Just when Wang Feng was about to join Fairy Luofeng, the place where the valley was located began to tremble suddenly, and the entire earth was torn apart from it. A strong momentum spurted out from the cracks, making Wang Feng's expression pale. As soon as he changed, his body swayed, and he landed very far away, staring solemnly at the bottomless crack.

Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian, who were far away, also came to Wang Feng in time, and together with Wang Feng, they stared at the crack.


Under the gaze of Wang Feng and others, endless rays of light spurted out from the cracks, and wisps of mysterious inscriptions gathered in the rays of light. Before long, these inscriptions were intertwined into a vast catalog, and a door opened from the catalog. Rising slowly.

"This group of monster beasts is actually a test?"

Seeing the portal, Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian exclaimed in joy.

These days, although they have not deliberately looked for tests, it does not mean that they are not anxious.

When Wang Feng heard the exclamations of Fairy Luofeng and the other two, his eyes also lit up and he stared at the portal. Once he stepped into the portal, it would be the real treasure hidden by Shenxu.

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