Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1778 The treasure is rare

In the high platform, Wang Feng, Fairy Luofeng and Fairy Qingxian were also watching the movements of the three people. For them, who were new here, the movements of the three people would also determine their next actions.

Whether it is Wang Feng or others, or other people on the high platform, they all know that once those three people successfully step into a certain barrier and are not immediately strangled by the "dangerous" one, and they calculate the "dangerous" strength level, then, The outcome of waiting for those three people will be to make wedding dresses for others!

No one knows what kind of treasures are hidden in these palaces, and because of this, no one wants to miss the treasures in any palace.

Sometimes, what is really scary is not the ‘danger’, but the human heart!

Everyone present has survived for countless years, experienced countless hardships, and is very aware of the terrifying nature of the human heart. Therefore, even those who are confident enough in their own strength are unwilling to become a pathfinder for others.

But there are always some stupid ones, to be precise, guys who have lost their minds due to greed and even their own strength, and these three, in the eyes of Wang Feng and others, are undoubtedly such guys.

Ignoring it, I just went ahead without thinking about it. With so many people present, who wouldn’t be greedy? But no one comes, but if you think about it for a while, you can figure out the key.


Under the gaze of everyone, the three masters at the peak of the Heavenly Daoyang Realm were already standing in front of the first palace, staring at the small palace with fiery eyes.

Everyone saw that outside the palace and within the barrier, there was a huge figure lying. Its height was almost as high as the palace, blocking the entire palace behind it. Those big copper bell eyes were tightly focused on the palace. Closed tightly.

Standing outside the barrier, you can't feel the breath of this monster beast at all, as if it is just the corpse of a monster beast.


Fang Cheng took a deep breath and stared at the monster nervously and intensely. Without looking back, he said to the two brothers beside him: "I'll go in first and try the ability of this monster. You guys wait outside." , if I am defeated or someone wants to take advantage of me, it would be nice to have someone to take care of me."

Although the three Fang Cheng brothers were blinded by greed and even confidence in their own strength, it did not mean that they would not be wary of the people around them. It was just that the greed overshadowed the caution in their hearts.

"Brother, don't worry."

After receiving Fang Cheng's instructions, the two people standing next to Fang Cheng responded in unison, their eyes suddenly narrowed, and they were full of powerful power, wary of the people on the high platform.

No one paid attention to the vigilant two people. Everyone turned their attention to Fang Cheng, who was walking towards the barrier, with an unspeakable sparkle in his eyes. Some people were even eager to try, quietly surging the power in their bodies. Once it turned out to be like them As expected, they will definitely attack with thunder.


When Fang Cheng stepped into the barrier, a thunderous roar instantly echoed out from within the barrier. The sound shook the sky and moved everyone.

The giant creature with closed eyes suddenly opened its crimson eyes, and a cruel and ferocious aura swept through the barrier unbridled. Even if the momentum had not yet exploded, this aura alone made Fang Cheng tremble.

Outside the barrier, he couldn't feel the slightest bit of strength from this monster, but when he stepped into the barrier and the monster woke up, he clearly sensed the terrifying power contained in this monster's body. He can't even muster the terrifying power of a little bit of resistance!

Heavenly Flame Realm!

It’s just the first palace in the district, but it actually contains ‘danger’ at the level of Heavenly Dao Flame Realm?

At this moment, Fang Cheng's legs were trembling, and there was only one thought in his mind to run away immediately.


It's a pity that now, it's no longer up to him.

When he was stunned, the monster raised its huge palm and fell towards Fang Cheng. The huge shadow enveloped Fang Cheng's entire body. To him, it was no less than the sky falling.

The ultimate power, like the might of heaven, suppressed him. For a moment, he forgot to resist, and his whole soul couldn't stop trembling.

After all, he is a strong man at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Daoyang Realm. When the giant claw of the monster beast is about to fall, Fang Cheng reacts instantly to the extreme life and death crisis. He roars to the sky, and the power in his body bursts out like a vast sea. At this time, he He didn't care what moves he used, he just tried his best to use his strength to form a barrier to protect himself.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the ferocious giant claws slapped on the thick protective shield without exception.


Within a moment, a clear sound of shattering could be heard, and cracks tore open from the smooth protective shield. The terrifying force was transmitted to Fang Cheng through the protective shield, shaking him so hard that his face turned red. The internal organs are churning.


Fang Cheng could no longer hold back and spat out a mouthful of scarlet blood. His face suddenly turned pale. He couldn't help but retreat. Every step he took made a huge pit appear in the ground beneath his feet.


This scene made Fang Cheng's two brothers worried, and also made many strong men on the high platform look solemn!

Although Fang Cheng and the others are a little stupid, there is no doubt about their strength. The three peak Heavenly Daoyang Realm experts are already considered to be at the pinnacle in the entire Shenxu Realm. Don’t look at the hundreds of Heavenly Dao people before them. A powerful person in the Divine Realm has stepped into the Divine Void Secret Hidden, but most of these hundreds of people are in the early stage of the Heavenly Daoyang Realm.

When Fang Cheng and the three of them join forces, even the strong men in the Yin Realm of Heavenly Dao will not be easily provoked.

Fang Cheng's cultivation level is enough to rank among the top 100 powerful people in the Heavenly Dao realm among all the major races in the Divine Realm. How could such a being be unable to withstand even one palm of that monster beast?

Even if you are caught off guard, if you want to reach this point, you must at least be at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm or the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm level.

For example, the powerful men of several powerful races have inexplicable brilliance shining in their eyes at this moment. The peak of the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm or the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm may be very strong for them, but it is not impossible to solve.


They glanced at the surrounding high platforms and suppressed their restless hearts.

"Brother, we are here to help you."

When everyone was solemn about the strength of the monster, the two people outside the barrier couldn't help but worry and rushed directly into the barrier. Fang Cheng was too late to stop it even if he wanted to.

After rushing into the barrier, they had no time to check Fang Cheng's injuries, so they charged directly towards the monster that was about to continue strangling Fang Cheng. Having seen the strength of this monster with their own eyes, they did not look down upon it at all. Take action with all your strength.


Powerful waves of power swept through the barrier. One person was holding a sharp blade and the other was waving his fist. The sword energy spread across the sky, but what responded to them was only two ferocious claw marks.


The roar sounded like thunder, and the smoke and dust in the sky were filled with sword energy and fist light. Like kites with broken strings, two figures flew out from the smoke and dust, and hit hard on the man who had stood up. Beside Fang Cheng.

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