The whole process was extremely smooth, so smooth that Wang Feng could not even imagine it. In the blink of an eye, he collected the one hundred Yang-level Heavenly Dao Divine Pills and appeared outside the palace.

At this moment, there is still chaos outside the palace, with all kinds of moves flying around, and violent power filling the entire world. The space of this world has been distorted out of shape, with cracks intertwining like long black snakes.

"Damn it!"

"Who stole the magic pill?!"

Wang Feng mingled in the crowd, looked up to the sky and let out a roar of grief and anger, and then went into hiding.

These words, like thunder, instantly exploded in everyone's ears, making the originally chaotic scene calm down. Everyone looked back. When they saw that the magic elixir in the palace had disappeared, one by one All exploded.

"Damn it!"

"who is it?"


One after another, roars containing earth-shattering fury resounded. Everyone looked around with red eyes, trying to find the thief, but how could they find him?


As a result, another amazing melee began. This time, it was even more terrifying than before. Before, everyone had worries and had not acted cruelly. But this time, everyone no longer worried and began to kill. Casualties occur.

Some strong men in the early stages of the Tiandaoyang Realm died tragically in this melee. They fell one after another, and their blood spread all over the earth. This area seemed to have turned into a millstone of flesh and blood, and it was bloody and terrifying.

I don't know since when, someone started to focus on the corpse of the monster beast at the level of Heavenly Dao Flame Realm. As a result, the battle situation escalated again, and even the most powerful races began to become ruthless.

But the initiator of all this has quietly withdrawn from this area.

When Wang Feng appeared outside the barrier, Qin Meixin and others were already waiting here. Among them, there were some strong people in the Tiandao Yang realm who couldn't stand the terrifying fluctuations, and some had already begun to explore other palaces.


Wang Feng glanced at the strong men of the Heavenly Daoyang Realm standing in the distance. Without saying anything, he left with Qin Meixin and others. After a while, Wang Feng and others joined Sun Wukong and others and began to wander into the palace complex.

Worried that the dangers encountered were too terrifying, Wang Feng did not let everyone separate, but gathered together and headed towards one of the palaces.

There are no monsters sitting in this palace. There is only a jade plaque that shines brightly, suspended in the sky above the palace. When Wang Feng and others stepped into the barrier, the jade plaque instantly bloomed with brilliance and a strong power. , spurted out from the jade tablet and swept through the entire barrier space. Even Sun Wukong and others trembled under this pressure, and they felt as if their entire bodies were about to be crushed.

When Wang Feng and Qin Meixin felt this powerful pressure, their expressions changed. This pressure was even more terrifying than the monster in the first palace before, reaching the level of Tiandao Flame. Peak state.


After a while, dense inscriptions spurted out from the jade tablet, converging into a figure. Countless powers of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, converging on that figure, and the sword power soaring to the sky came from that illusory figure. The terrifying sword edge spurted out, making people's souls feel as if they were about to be cut apart, making them tremble uncontrollably.


The next moment, the illusory figure turned into a giant sword that covered the sky and the sun. The endless edge of the sword swayed down like the pouring of the Milky Way. The giant sword that covered the sky and the sun went straight towards Wang Feng and the others. The people were pressed down, and the void above the heads of Wang Feng and others was destroyed by this terrifying sword edge, turning into a messy space ruins.


Without Wang Feng's instructions, the soul prison behind Wang Feng soared directly into the sky. The vast ghost power spurted out from his body, and was gathered into a ghost palm that covered the sky and the sun, and then moved towards the huge ghost palm. The sword light slapped away.


The sword light and the ghost palm collided, erupting with an astonishing impact. However, before this impact spread to Wang Feng and others, it was directly destroyed by the power revealed by Qin Meixin. The sword energy and ghost energy raged throughout the space. , it took a long time before it gradually dissipated.

When the sword light was torn apart by the ghost palm of Soul Prison, the jade tablet suspended above the palace also cracked and turned into little rays of light, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng suddenly understood. This kind of jade token obviously contains a certain level of full force blow. Once it can be resisted, it will be qualified to obtain the treasure. If it cannot be resisted, it will naturally die. .

As more and more people explore the palace, the conditions of the palace test will inevitably be thoroughly explored. By then, those with weak cultivation will probably suffer.

Based on the characteristics of this jade tablet, as long as a group of people come in to offset the power contained in this jade tablet, they can safely obtain the treasures in the palace. Such a temptation, I am afraid no one can resist it.

After a moment, Wang Feng shook his head, thought no more, and led everyone into the palace with a little anticipation.

The layout of this palace is the same as that of the first palace. However, there are not a hundred heavenly elixirs placed on the high platform like the first palace. There is only one light group floating in the air. There is a book placed in it.

Wang Feng reached out and grabbed the book in the light ball, which was immediately taken in by Wang Feng.

Tongxuan Taoism!

This was a magical book. Wang Feng couldn't help but open it and take a look. He was stunned, including Qin Meixin and others beside him.

Wang Feng has never seen this kind of weird magical power so far.

The method of Tongxuan Taoism reaches up to the sky and down to the nine secluded places.

Once you practice it, you can communicate with the legendary hell space and summon hell demons from it to help you deal with enemies. The objects you can summon are equal to your own cultivation level. According to the records in the books, as long as you can practice to the state of great perfection, It can summon a ghost king equivalent to the peak level of Tiandaojun realm.

Wang Feng never expected that Shenxu Tianzu actually possessed such terrifying magical powers. If he hadn't gone against the path back then, this Tongxuan Dao method alone would have made him invincible in the realm of Tianzu.

I would like to ask, which Celestial Ancestor level figure can withstand the siege of two Celestial Ancestor level powerhouses?

The further he looked back, the more frightened Wang Feng became. This Tongxuan Dao method was indeed terrifying, but the training conditions were also extremely demanding. An ordinary person, no matter how talented he was, would not be able to succeed in the training.

Because of its cultivation conditions, one needs to have a medium to communicate with hell. To be precise, one must have the ghost spirit of hell.

This is the ghost spirit of hell.

Even a drought demon like Qin Meixin or a special existence like Soul Prison cannot possess the ghost spirit of hell. It is conceivable how harsh the conditions for this Tongxuan Dao method are.


Wang Feng sighed, put away the Tongxuan Taoist method, led Qin Meixin and others out of this palace and headed towards another palace.

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