Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1783 The four miserable Zhao brothers

"Tsk tsk, it takes no effort at all."

Zhao Jie glanced at the broken field, then at Wang Feng and the others, and smiled sadly.

During this period, by relying on this method, their brothers not only were not injured, but also harvested a lot of treasures. It was through these treasures that their strength increased significantly in a very short period of time.

The four brothers of the Zhao family are famous casual cultivators in the Shenxu world. They are so powerful that even the Shenxu Ancient Clan or the five most powerful races are not willing to provoke them. Zhao Jie is the eldest, and his initial cultivation level is only in the late stage of Heavenly Dao Flame Realm. , but with the treasure he obtained, he has already reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm.

Coupled with his other three brothers, two in the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm and one in the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm. With such a lineup, not to mention running wild in all directions, but there are few who can defeat him. After tasting the sweetness of that kind of banditry, the four brothers will Extremely enthusiastic about this kind of unearned action.

As far as past experiences are concerned, after they find the right time to step into the barrier, the people inside will either be harmed by 'Dangerous', or they will be seriously injured by 'Dangerous', but like Wang Feng and others, they will be killed directly. It was the first time they had seen something dangerous.

However, Zhao Jie did not panic. After all, their lineup was strong. Even if Wang Feng and others were not injured, they were confident that they could suppress Wang Feng and others and monopolize the treasures in the palace.

"Should you obediently offer the treasure, or should we take it ourselves?"

Zhao Kuang, the second child standing next to Zhao Jie, glanced at Wang Feng and others, and said with a half-smile.

The third and fourth children who followed did not say anything, but they also had sinister smiles on their faces, and did not take Wang Feng and others in their eyes at all. Especially the fourth child, after seeing Mengdie's beauty, he even licked it. There was a lustful look on his lips and eyes.

He has played with many women, but this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful fairy like Mengdie, let alone playing with. He has already made up his mind. If Wang Feng and others are not strong, then he can Have a good time.

Seeing the expressions of the four Zhao brothers, Jiu Ying and Meng Die, who were standing next to Wang Feng, turned cold, with cold murderous intent in their eyes. If Wang Feng hadn't said anything, they would have been unable to help themselves. .

"Take action."

Wang Feng glanced at the four Zhao brothers indifferently and said bluntly without even thinking about talking to them.


After saying these words, Jiuying and Mengdie could no longer hold back and directly exploded their momentum. The power of the tyrannical peak of the Heavenly Flame Realm and the peak of the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm swept across the entire barrier space like a turbulent wave. The already distorted The void, under this power, tore open dark cracks.

Feeling the tyrannical momentum of Jiu Ying and Meng Die, the four Zhao brothers all shrank their pupils, and the sinister smiles on their faces suddenly stopped, replaced by solemnity. None of them expected that among the three Wang Feng, there was actually a Heavenly Dao Although the peak of the Flame Realm and a peak of the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm are not as good as them, they want to be as easy as dealing with others before, but it is not that easy.

Even if they join forces, they cannot kill Jiuying and Mengdie, but if they just get the treasure, they can still do it with their strength. Therefore, although the four Zhao brothers were solemn, they did not flinch.

The fourth child, on the other hand, had a look of pity on his face. With such strength, it was basically impossible for him to touch that woman.


While they were pondering, Jiuying and Mengdie took action at the same time.

Jiuying waved a pair of iron fists, his fists were full of domineering power, and he rushed towards Zhao Jie in an instant. As his fists were swung, fists of light burst out, and they fell towards Zhao Jie overwhelmingly.

Mengdie, on the other hand, waved the long sword in his hand, slashed out a huge sword light, and slashed straight towards the second, third, and fourth children. He actually planned to fight against the two Heavenly Flame Realm and one person with his own strength. The pinnacle of the Yin Realm of Heaven.


"court death!"

Seeing Mengdie's movements, the faces of the second, third, and fourth sons all darkened, and they all took action with anger. The majestic power rushed out like the vast sea, and in just an instant, they collided with Mengdie's sword light. .


What makes the second and third child incredible is that the offensive that the three of them broke out was actually blocked by Mengdie, a woman at the peak of the Heavenly Dao and Yin Realm?

How... how is it possible?

They couldn't believe that a mere person at the peak of Heavenly Dao Yin Realm could be so powerful?

You must know that although the second and third children are not as powerful as Zhao Jie, they have both reached the middle stage of the Heavenly Flame Realm, and the second child is still at the peak of the middle stage of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm. With the two of them joining forces, even the latter can reach the peak of the late Heavenly Dao Flame Realm. , it’s not like he can resist it so calmly?


When they were lost in thought, Mengdie had already raised his sword to kill. The sharp blade stabbed their skin with pain, which also made them wake up. They quickly joined forces to fight with Mengdie.

On the other side, a battle broke out between Jiuying and Zhao Jie. The terrifying impact swept through the entire barrier space and tore the entire void.

Facing Jiu Ying, who had been raped for many years at the peak of the Heavenly Flame Realm, Zhao Jie felt great pressure as soon as he collided with him. After all, he had only just reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm, and it was inevitable that he would fall into a disadvantage.

Of course, even if Jiuying is powerful, it is impossible to defeat Zhao Jie or kill him in a short time.

The existence of the heavenly realm is already another level of life. If you want to kill them, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Unless the gap in cultivation is really big or someone like Wang Feng has transcendent level power, you can kill them easily.

Now, although Wang Feng is only at the Taoist level, the source power in his body far exceeds the level of the heavenly power possessed by the powerful people in the heavenly realm. As long as he is hit by him, the source power that surpasses all is enough to kill him in an instant. , destroying the divine power of Heaven and the majestic vitality of those who are strong in the Heavenly Dao Realm. In this case, killing those in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm who are weaker than Wang Feng is just easy.


On the battlefield, the more the fight between Lao Er and others and Meng Die became more and more frightening. They never expected that Meng Die was so strong. It was simply unheard of and unseen.

While they were fighting Mengdie, the second group and the others were also watching the battle of the boss Zhao Jie. When they saw Zhao Jie falling into a disadvantage, their hearts sank again. This time, were they afraid that they had kicked the iron plate?

As soon as he thought about this, the second child glanced at Wang Feng, who was watching in the distance. A stern look flashed in his eyes, and he said to Chuanyin with murderous intent: "Fourth child, go and kill that kid."

Hearing this, the fourth child did not hesitate. While Mengdie was resisting the offensive of the second child and the third child, he retreated, burst out with all his strength, and charged straight towards Wang Feng.

They thought that Jiuying and Mengdie would be in a hurry, but what surprised Lao Er and the others was that both of them were indifferent?

Looking at the charging Lao Si, a cold light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes. The Dao-breaking Dragon City Sword appeared directly in his hand. With a sway, the whole person appeared behind Lao Si in an instant. The speed was so fast that even Lao Si None of the top experts in the Yin Realm of Heaven could react.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng raised the Dao-breaking Dragon City Sword that had gathered all his energy, and slashed it down with a sharp slash.

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