Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1787 Knowing destiny and understanding cause and effect

The value of a supreme heavenly corpse is immeasurable. Wang Feng cannot give up just because of a stranger's words, even if the other person is willing to join the Immortal Sect.

To be honest, with the current strength of the Immortal Sect, Wang Feng doesn't even look down on the ordinary Heavenly Dao realm, let alone the huge benefits such as the Supreme Heavenly Corpse involved.

Not to mention that this supreme heavenly corpse is the best choice to seize the body, the soul power contained in it makes Wang Feng jealous.

Now, relying on his source power, he is able to fight against the will of heaven in adversity, but after all, he is not the true state of heaven, and is still different from the state of heaven. Even if his soul has been integrated with his body, if he can absorb a large amount of pure soul The power will definitely make his soul and body reach a higher level.

His soul body has been tempered to the extreme. The ordinary soul power can only increase the quantity but not the quality. However, the soul power contained in the Supreme Heavenly Corpse is the extraordinary power that can increase the quality of his soul body. Soul power.

Let me ask, how could Wang Feng give up so easily in the face of such temptation?

However, after pondering for a moment, Wang Feng finally asked the Taicang Demon Dragon in the Kingdom of God: "Senior Taicang, do you know the Goddess Tianyin?"

Tai Cang Demonic Dragon, who was recovering his cultivation with the help of the Heart-glazed Dragon Jade, stopped immediately after hearing this and asked in shock: "Sect... Sect Master, how do you know this person?"

"Have you met?"

From Tai Cang Demon Dragon's words, Wang Feng clearly felt that something was wrong. If Tai Cang Demon Dragon's previous cultivation level was just an ordinary Heavenly Dao realm, it would not be worthy of his attention at all.

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, and he told Tai Cang Demon Dragon the situation of Goddess Tianyin at the moment and the content of the message she transmitted to him.


After learning about this, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon laughed wildly, and his laughter contained excitement that puzzled Wang Feng.

"Sect Master, your luck really makes me envious."

"Promise her that no matter what, she will join the Immortal Sect!"

"In the past, I don't know how many people wanted to ask her to join their forces, but they couldn't do it. Even those in the Tiandaojun realm didn't dare to underestimate her in the slightest. Even the major temples were eager for her to join."

After laughing wildly, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon quickly spoke out, fearing that Wang Feng would reject the so-called Goddess of Heaven.


"What is her origin?"

Wang Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon would pay so much attention to the Goddess Tianyin?

You must know that the former Tai Cang Demon Dragon was an extremely powerful person at the pinnacle of the Jun Realm. Among the people who truly stood at the top of the pyramid in the heavens, except for a few powerful people at the Heavenly Ancestor level, who could he put in his eyes?

"Knowing destiny and understanding cause and effect! This is the Goddess of Heaven!"

"This girl is mysterious, powerful, and unparalleled in beauty. She is the most popular goddess in the world in my era. I don't know how many powerful people are worried about her. Even the powerful ones at the Heavenly Ancestor level have fallen in love with her."

"She was the only being in my time who used the way of cause and effect to ascend to the divine realm of heaven. With the help of the way of cause and effect, she deduced that the heaven's secrets are always unfavorable. There are very few people in the world who can avoid her deductions, even the gods. Ancestor-level experts can all be cast into roles by her."

"At that time, I don't know how many people wanted to ask her for advice."

"Leave aside her terrifying way of cause and effect, her own cultivation alone has reached the peak of the Cang Realm of Heavenly Dao, and she is only one step away from entering the Jun Realm of Heavenly Dao."

Speaking of the Goddess Tianyin, even if she is Tai Cang Demon Dragon, she cannot help but have a touch of respect in her words. There are many ways in the world, but some ways are not something ordinary people can understand.

Among them, there are very few people who understand the mysterious and extraordinary ways of cause and effect, yin and yang, destiny, etc., and those who can achieve it are even rarer than the Tianzu-level figures. Each one of them can be called a contemporary treasure.

How could such a person condescend to join a force unless he was forced to do so? From the fact that no one could take her under his command back then, we can see how arrogant this Goddess of Heaven is.

"Sect Master, the Supreme Heavenly Corpse is indeed extremely precious, but it is only one Heavenly Corpse. It is a rare treasure at best. However, it is not that there are no other Supreme Heavenly Corpses in these heavens, but there is only one Goddess Tianyin."

"Once the Goddess Tianyin obtains this supreme heavenly corpse, its potential will definitely reach a higher level, and may be able to break through the peak that she could not reach in her previous life. By then, with her cultivation in the Jun realm of Tiandao, what will happen in this world? She can't figure it out?"

"Even if it's the way of heaven, I'm afraid she can get a glimpse of it."

"As long as you can guarantee her loyalty to the Immortal Sect, this is definitely a good deal."

Tai Cang Demon Dragon's slightly excited voice sounded in Wang Feng's mind, making him surprised. So far, this was the first time he had seen Tai Cang Demon Dragon respect a person so highly.

This made him change his mind. If Goddess Tianyin was really as powerful as Tai Cang Demon Dragon said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to agree to her.

"I can help you, but you need to swear an oath of faith. After I fulfill my promise, I will join the Immortal Sect and serve me!"

After pondering for a long time, Wang Feng replied to the Goddess Tianyin. At the same time, he passed the oath of faith to the Goddess Tianyin.

After briefly understanding the oath of faith, Goddess Tianyin directly took the oath of faith without any hesitation. This straightforward attitude surprised Wang Feng.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you win this supreme heavenly corpse."

Wang Feng responded without hesitation.

"Thank you!"


Just when Wang Feng was about to say something, a deafening roar was heard. After hearing the sound, Wang Feng found that dozens of strong men were fighting together on the sky not far away.

During the time he was in contact with Tai Cang Demonic Dragon, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action directly.

The people in the field, except for Fairy Luofeng and others, have basically reached the divine realm of heaven. How could they not recognize this supreme heavenly corpse?

Faced with the temptation of the supreme heavenly corpse, even Wang Feng couldn't resist it, let alone this group of powerful men in the heavenly realm?

The battle situation at this moment is even more tragic than the previous one in the palace. Everyone knows that this is the final place of Shenxu's secret treasure, and it is also the treasure land that contains the ultimate treasure left by Shenxu Tianzu, not to mention other things. The treasure, this supreme heavenly corpse alone, is enough to make everyone crazy about it.

At this time, no one was holding back, and almost all of them were killing people. Each one of them was extremely ruthless, and they were rushing to kill people. Because of this, the battle above the entire sky was so fierce and tragic that it made people feel heart-stopping.

The only ones who didn't take action were Wang Feng and others and a few others.

A battle involving more than two hundred strong men from the heavenly realm would be enough to destroy the world if placed in the outside world. Even the divine realm cannot withstand such a terrifying battle, but here, it only tears apart a part of the space. That’s all.

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