Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1792: Heaven’s mighty terrain, Tai Cang is invincible

The name of the formation is to destroy the Dao and suppress the demons!


In an instant, with the blessing of the source power, the formation plate rose in the wind, and the terrifying power swept across like a stormy sea. In just a moment, it turned into a huge light shield, covering most of the star field.

The endless strong wind raged through it like a bone scraper, causing everyone to come back to their senses and suddenly looked at Wang Feng. Their bodies tensed up, and the power in their bodies was running wildly, but they did not react. Wang Feng was Before attacking them, they thought that Wang Feng and Shenxu Tianzu failed to negotiate and were going to fight.

Only a few people, such as Di Jian and other extremely powerful people, felt the extremely strong crisis.


A loud roar full of murderous intent suddenly exploded throughout the star field. The source power in Wang Feng's body, like a tide, crazily poured into the Dao-Destroying Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Formation. The terrifying offensive was mixed with endless waves. Gangfeng filled the entire formation space and separated everyone before they could react.


At the same time, Qin Meixin and others, who had already been preparing for their attack, took action instantly and launched an unimaginable offensive, charging towards the extremely powerful men in the Heavenly Realm.

Currently, in addition to Qin Meixin and others, there are ten strong men in the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm. Among them, Di Jian, Cheng Tian, ​​and Di Yun are three, and the other seven are the most powerful races in the Shenxu Realm. Ancestor Qiang broke through after experiencing the opportunity in the palace.

Qin Meixin, who received Wang Feng's instructions, rushed directly towards Di Jian. The cold and evil evil energy rolled and turned into a huge palm, which suddenly slapped down.

Qin Meixin, who had already broken into the middle stage of Heaven's Nether Realm, exploded with all her strength. It was so shocking that even Di Jian, who had reached the late stage of Heaven's Nether Realm, suddenly faced Qin Meixin's full blow. His face changed drastically and he hurriedly took action. block.

On the other side, the Emperor Yuanwu who had been released by Wang Feng, together with the Soul Prison and other five evil creatures, were killing the seven powerful people from the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm of the most powerful races. Before they arrived, a powerful and terrifying offensive , it has swept over like a stormy wave.

As the strongest Tai Cang Demon Dragon, he went to fight against Chengtian Diyun and his wife.

After absorbing the Golden Heart Dragon Jade, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon's cultivation has returned to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Hao Realm. He has almost half stepped into the Heavenly Dao Xuan Realm. As soon as he makes a move, the terrifying power sweeps across the sky and the earth. Come, let everyone present be shocked.

The existences of Sun Wukong and others who had reached the divine realm of heaven were not idle, and they rushed towards the separated strong men.

The originally silent star field turned into an astonishing battlefield at this moment. This sudden change also made everyone present tremble. They never expected that Wang Feng was going to take action against them, and what he showed His strength is so terrifying?

Even the Divine Ancestor Shenxu was shocked by the power shown by Wang Feng.

If it were just Emperor Yuanwu and the others, she would not be so surprised, but the appearance of the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon made her extremely moved. With her cultivation and vision, how could she not see the true peak of the Tai Cang Demon Dragon? At this moment, it was precisely because she saw it that she was so surprised.

Thinking that Wang Feng was already transcendent at such a young age, the surprise in the heart of Shenxu Tianzu quietly receded, and he once again returned to his unruffled appearance!


Deafening roars exploded throughout the whole world, and the unparalleled impact of power spread in all directions, causing the entire formation space to tremble. If the level of this Tiandao divine formation was not high enough, under such a terrible collision, Even the Tiandao Divine Formation of the Tiandao Hao class will be broken through instantly.


In the entire battlefield, the most attractive battlefield was the battle between Tai Cang Demon Dragon and Chengtian Diyun and his wife. Even Wang Feng was shocked by the strength displayed by the two.

"The mighty terrain of heaven breaks the path and destroys the soul!"

A dull roar came from the mouths of Cheng Tiandiyun and his wife. The two of them were pinching the same seal, and their whole bodies were filled with unimaginable auras. Like a torrent of power fluctuations, they emerged one after another, one wave higher than the other.

Although they are only at the peak level of Tiandao Nether Realm, the power they can unleash by joining forces at this moment is not inferior to a veteran Tiandao Hao Realm powerhouse. Unfortunately, they are facing the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon!


I saw that Tai Cang Demon Dragon, facing such a tyrannical attack by Chengtian Diyun and his wife, had a calm expression on his face. With a wave of his hand, dense black dragon shadows appeared around him. At first glance, it looked like ten thousand dragons roaring. In the sky, the dragon's power is overwhelming and breathtaking.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon shadows all over the sky rushed towards Chengtian Diyun and his wife, but in the blink of an eye, they collided with their offensive. The deafening roar mixed with the violent impact of power swept across all directions.

What shocked Chengtian Diyun and his wife was that their offensive was actually broken by Tai Cang Demon Dragon's casual blow? Regardless of their nature of mind, fear and despair can't help but arise at this moment.

How could they know that Tai Cang Demonic Dragon's true strength is that of an existence at the pinnacle of the Tiandao Jun realm. Although his cultivation level is not there, his eyesight, control of power, and understanding of the way of heaven are far beyond those of the ordinary Tiandao Hao. A strong man at the pinnacle of his realm.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Etai Cang Demonic Dragon's current cultivation level, even a strong man at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Mysterious Realm may not be able to defeat him.

While Tai Cang Demonic Dragon was fighting Chengtian Diyun and his wife, the battle between Qin Meixin and Di Jian was also in full swing.

Originally, Di Jian was a little contemptuous when he saw that Qin Meixin was only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Realm. However, as the battle deepened, his brows furrowed more and more tightly, and his contempt had long since dissipated without a trace.

"Who are you?"

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Chengtian Diyun who was falling to the disadvantage. Di Jian's heart sank even more. He asked in a cold voice while dealing with Qin Meixin.

However, Qin Meixin didn't pay attention to him at all. As her figure jumped, the terrifying evil spirit spurted out, forming a dense offensive, falling like a downpour.

Such a gesture made Di Jian furious, but he had to go all out.

Looking at it, the entire battlefield is almost in a favorable situation for Wang Feng's side. The premise is that the group of divided strongmen in the heavenly realm are ignored!

Sun Wukong and others have extraordinary fighting power, but their number is too small. There are only four people in total. Except for Mengdie who has reached the Heavenly Flame Realm, Sun Wukong, Tathagata Buddha, and Li Bai have only just broken into the Heavenly Realm.

And in the entire battlefield, even if we put aside the group of extremely powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm and the people Sun Wukong and the others dealt with, there were still more than a hundred people. These more than a hundred strong people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, although they were sacrificed by Wang Feng, The formation was divided, but after Qin Meixin and others took action to fight with Di Jian and others, this group of people also reacted and attacked the formation one after another.

If the level of this formation was not high enough, even if the people were separated, it would be difficult to withstand their bombardment.

Wang Feng, who had been watching the battlefield and silently recovering his strength, finally stopped watching and entered the battlefield directly when his strength was fully restored.

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