Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1794 Huge Harvest, Origin Pattern Contract

This battle lasted for a long time, until Wang Feng and others were numb, like machines, fighting was the only thing they could do.

The entire vast star field is in dilapidated state, with violent tornadoes of power raging everywhere. Black cracks like ravines are spread in all directions, which is extremely terrifying.

In every battle in the past, even if he faced a powerful force, Wang Feng relied on his own strength to quickly resolve the battle, but this time, the fighting lasted longer than Wang Feng imagined.

This is the horror of the Tiandao Divine Realm. To kill a strong Tiandao Divine Realm is as difficult as ascending to the sky. It is far beyond the reach of other realms. Beings who have reached this level are on par with the sky and are almost already evolving towards the Heavenly Dao. Killing such a strong man is tantamount to killing the way of heaven.

Although Wang Feng has transcended and has power that far exceeds the power of heaven, his cultivation is only at the peak of Taoism. He is equivalent to a child holding an iron stone. He can bring harm to people, but if he wants to kill people, he does not have enough power and has to spend a lot of money. A lot of time.

Although Shenshenxu Tianzu is not as good as Wang Feng and is even weaker, she is holding a sharpened wooden stick. As long as she is accurate, she can hit with one hit!


As a roar resounded, Di Jian's entire body shattered into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood mist, which completely dissipated on the broken battlefield. The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Looking around, there were everywhere It was a stump of limbs and arms, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Until his death, Di Jian's face was full of unwillingness and fear. He never imagined that he would die tragically in such a place, let alone that the strength displayed by Wang Feng and others could be so terrifying.

Also thinking with him were those beings killed by Wang Feng and others.

It is worth mentioning that in this battle, in addition to the outstanding performance of Tai Cang Demon Dragon and others, Wang Feng's performance also exceeded everyone's imagination. He killed at least dozens of Tiandao gods by himself. position, the soul of heaven obtained far exceeds the requirements for system upgrade.

Not only that, in this battle, he gained countless sect points and even wealth. After all, the weakest of the enemies present were all strong in the realm of Heavenly Dao, and each of them possessed wealth. It's a huge amount, and coupled with the treasures they obtained from the previous palace, Wang Feng is making a lot of money!

Of course, Wang Feng and others failed to kill all the strong men. For no other reason, they surrendered.

Among them were Chengtian Diyun and his wife, four powerful ancestors at the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm level, and dozens of strong men ranging from the Heavenly Dao Yin Realm to the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm.

Although the strong minds of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm are extremely tough, and every one of them has walked through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, the fear brought to them by Wang Feng and others is unprecedented.

Who can bear to watch the powerful men of the same level as himself die miserably one by one?

What prompted Chengtian and Diyun to surrender was not only the bond in their hearts, but also the tragic death of Di Jian. His tragic death was the last straw for Chengtian and Diyun to surrender.


After the fighting stopped, Wang Feng and others breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time. Their whole bodies were extremely sore, and they felt that their entire bodies were no longer their own. The strength in their bodies was almost exhausted, and their entire faces turned pale.

He glanced at Chengtian Diyun and others who were not far away and were surrounded by Tai Cang Demon Dragon and others, waiting for his trial. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes. To be honest, if he hadn't been forced by the situation, he wouldn't have wanted to kill these people. people.

Based on the situation at that time, if he had not taken action, it would have been impossible for him to obtain all the treasures left by the Shenxu Tianzu, and it was impossible for the group of people to watch him take away all the treasures. Instead of waiting to be besieged, it would be better to first Be strong by attacking.

"If you make this oath, you will live!"

"From now on, you will be members of my Immortal Sect."

After regaining his strength, Wang Feng glanced at Chengtian Diyun and others indifferently, passed the oath of faith to them, and shouted coldly.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Chengtian Diyun and others trembled, but they did not resist much. When they chose to surrender, they were already prepared. However, they did not understand that Wang Feng asked them to take this oath. What is the purpose?

Under the oppressive gaze of Tai Cang Demon Dragon and others, Chengtian Diyun and others took the oath of faith without hesitation.

They are really scared!

Today's battle is destined to become their nightmare in the future. They are clearly numerous and powerful, but they were killed by Wang Feng and others. If word spreads, no one will believe it.

But if they knew the team specifications of Wang Feng and others, they wouldn't have such thoughts.

Whether it is the Tai Cang Demon Dragon or the Yuan Wu Emperor Ancestor, they are the existences they need to look up to. Even Wang Feng, Qin Meixin and the five evil beings, except for Chengtian Diyun and his wife, it is difficult for anyone else to fight against them.

After everyone took the oath of faith, Wang Feng nodded to everyone, then winked at Tai Cang Demon Dragon, and with a wave of his hand, he directly removed Chengtian Diyun and others, as well as Tai Cang Demon Dragon, Emperor Yuanwu and the five great All evil things are brought into the Kingdom of God.

Under the supervision of Tai Cang Demon Dragon and others, Wang Feng does not need to worry about Chengtian Diyun and others causing trouble in his divine kingdom.

At this moment, only Qin Meixin, Mengdie and even Sun Wukong were left around Wang Feng. He glanced at the ruined battlefield and couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion on his face.

Once upon a time, the Taoist level was like a big mountain, pressing down on him, but now, to him, the Taoist level is nothing more than an ant, and even the ordinary Tiandao gods are not in his eyes, and can pose a threat to him. Only the strong ones above the Heavenly Realm.

Of course, this means that in this world of gods, there is the special power of the ancestors of gods and gods, which greatly reduces the seal of the heavenly barrier. In the world, before the heavenly barrier is eliminated, it is simply impossible. There will be such a number of battles in the heavenly realm.

Let alone a war, once so many powerful people in the heavenly realm gather together, I am afraid that the next moment, there will be a real judgment of heaven.

The Heavenly Dao Barrier is not only a barrier between the Hongmeng Divine Realm and the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, but also represents the power of Heavenly Dao. Whenever there is any abnormality, it will be accurately detected and struck.

It is precisely because of the special nature of the Divine Realm that there are so many powerful people in the Heavenly Realm. Among them, there are not only local strongmen in the Divine Realm, but also some who are hidden here in order to avoid the Heavenly Barrier. A powerful person in the heavenly realm.

After a while, Wang Feng calmed down and looked at Ancestor Shenxu.

Seeing Wang Feng's eyes, Shenxu Tianzu showed no expression on the surface, but her heart was filled with ecstasy and emotion. In her heyday, those hundreds of powerful Heavenly Dao gods were nothing, but to Wang Feng and others Although it was an unimaginable pressure, Wang Feng was able to handle it, which proved that her choice was right.

She knew what Wang Feng's eyes meant, but she did not immediately take out the treasure she left behind. Instead, she looked at Wang Feng and asked in a deep voice: "I hope you and I can jointly issue a source pattern contract! "

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