Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1806 The 9th God Emperor fell in love and killed each other

The three Arhats remained silent and stood there blankly, not daring to escape.

What a joke, where can they escape in front of a being who can kill the Heavenly Dragon Buddha at will? If they didn't run away, maybe people hadn't noticed them yet, but once they ran away, they might just shoot them to death.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

It was not until Li Jing landed that the two Bodhisattvas Miao Lin came back to their senses and bowed to Li Jing, their eyes filled with gratitude.

"It doesn't have to be like this, it's just a transaction."

Li Jing waved his hand and spoke indifferently.

Hearing this, Miao Lin and the two girls looked at each other and took out the Three Life Stones without hesitation.

Wang Feng, who was hiding in the dark, saw the three-life stone that was tall and filled with endless mysteries. His eyes were filled with bright light, and he finally got another three-life stone.

Li Jing waved his hand and put away the Three Life Stones. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "If you have nowhere to go, you can come to my Immortal Sect. It won't take long before you can find out where my Immortal Sect is."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jing disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Li Jing disappear, the three Arhats breathed a sigh of relief. However, they did not expect that a huge palm that covered the sky fell from the sky and directly smashed them into pieces. They did not even react and fell directly on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Miao Lin and the two Bodhisattvas couldn't help but tremble for a moment. This senior was really murderous. The three Arhats killed as many times as they wanted, and how could they kill so cleanly?

When did such a figure appear in this world of gods?

Could it be that he is hiding a powerful force?

Although Miao Lin and the two have been in the Light God Realm all year round, they are at least strong in cultivation and have some understanding of the great forces in the entire divine world. However, they have never heard of this Immortal Sect. Thinking that there have been many hidden forces in recent times. In this world, they immediately classified the Shenxian Sect as one of the great forces in the hidden world.

"Sister, once Tianlong dies, Tianlei Temple may no longer have a place for my sisters. How about joining the Immortal Sect?"

Miao Lin glanced at Xuanyin beside her, her eyes flickered, and she asked in a low voice.

"I followed my sister."

"Okay, you and I will find a place to recover from our injuries and wait for the Shenxian Sect to show up, then we can go there."


In a certain man-made cave in the Qianxuan Mountains, Wang Feng's eyes were gleaming as he stared at the Sansheng Stone in front of him. He couldn't hide the excitement on his face. The entire cave had been enveloped by a powerful Tiandao-level formation. Outside, there were even more The King of Tota and others guarded the cave. Under such protection, even a strong person at the level of Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm could not spy on the situation inside the cave.

Wang Feng took a deep breath and suddenly pressed his hand on the Three Life Stone. The energy in his body flowed into the Three Life Stone in front of him.


The inexplicable Taoist sound suddenly echoed throughout the cave, and the radiant light bloomed from the Sansheng Stone, illuminating the originally dark cave as if it were daytime. Wisps of mysterious runes spread out from the Sansheng Stone, densely packed, It completely wrapped Wang Feng's whole body and turned it into a giant cocoon with runic patterns.

At the same time, Wang Feng's consciousness crossed the long river of time and space and landed in that strange space.

Wang Feng, who was already familiar with the road, did not panic. He stood with his hands behind his back and waited quietly.


Not long after, a long scroll of time and space slowly unfolded in front of Wang Feng. The pictures, like fetters, evoked the memories of his past life hidden in the deepest part of his soul.

The Tianyan Divine Dynasty was a terrifying dynasty that ruled the entire world. In this life, he was born in this divine dynasty and was the son of Tianxuan Divine General, one of the eighteen divine generals in the Kingdom of the Divine Dynasty.

His illustrious background made his predecessor carefree when he was young, and he was worshiped by the world. And he himself was worthy of this status. At a young age, his cultivation was already unrivaled in the contemporary era, and he could wield the sword with one hand, spanning all directions.

When he was twenty-five years old, he encountered a bottleneck and went out to travel. Unexpectedly, he accidentally rescued Ye Muqing, who was in crisis at the time. Perhaps it was the entanglement of fate that brought the two people who were originally aloof and arrogant, and gradually came together.

Sit and talk together, join hands in exploring forbidden areas...

It's a pity that both the predecessor and Ye Muqing knew that they couldn't get together because they were from two hostile races. He was the genius of the Tianyan Divine Dynasty of the human race, and she was the genius of the Tian Dao Nether Clan. .

The two are destined to be enemies!

On that day, both of them broke into the Luotian Emperor realm and fought in Shuangxing Mountain.

In this battle, the sword energy spread across the Eighteen Mountains, and the cold light shattered the sky.

After this battle, the two said goodbye. From then on, they were enemies of life and death when they met again.

One person's heart is dead, another person is possessed by a demon!

Wang Feng in the strange space shed two lines of tears unknowingly. Only then did he know what kind of entanglement he had with Ye Muqing?

Even though he knew that these were things of the past and now were just pictures, he still couldn't help but be affected by them.

Returning to the predecessor of the Tianyan Divine Dynasty, he turned grief into strength and devoted himself to practice for hundreds of years. When the Tiandao Nether Clan invaded in large numbers, he came out of seclusion once, moved the sky with his sword, and won the title of the first divine general of the Tianyan Divine Dynasty. .

The defeat on the battlefield forced the Tiandao Ming Clan to send out Ye Muqing, the most prodigious member of the clan. So, the two met again, but they no longer had the same feelings as before, and instead drew their swords at each other.

The battle between the two clans lasted for countless years, and they also fought for countless years, and each time they ended up with a draw.

In these battles, both of them have reached the highest level and become the most powerful person under the ban of heaven at that time. One is known as the Queen of Shinto, and the other is known as the God Emperor of the Other Side!

I thought that in these battles, the emotions from the past had completely disappeared, but I never thought that they would become more intense.

The emergence of the Heaven Controller clan became the key to the emotional expression of the two people. The powerful Heaven Controller clan swept across the entire world with almost devastating power. Countless strong people died tragically, and countless strong people became lackeys.

The two races that were originally opposed to each other had no choice but to join forces to fight against the Sky Master clan.

In the final battle, the God Emperor of the Other Shore used his own power to kill several people and severely injure dozens more, causing heavy losses to the Heaven Controller clan. However, the Shinto Empress who was besieged was in danger. In order to save Ye Muqing, the God Emperor of the Other Shore reached the highest level. At the moment of gaining the power of heaven, he reserved a remnant soul for the Shinto empress who was about to lose her soul and help her reincarnate.

This battle destroyed the entire God Realm, caused heavy losses to the Heaven Master clan, and completely disappeared. It also restored clarity to the world, but in this world, there is no longer a God Emperor or a Shinto Empress of the Other Side.


In the strange space, Wang Feng's entire body was enveloped by a supreme mysterious power, and everything about the God Emperor on the other side was absorbed by him.

At the same time, the strange space deep in the origin of his soul began to tremble again. The ninth towering figure hidden in the mist suddenly burst into bright light, and the originally illusory body suddenly solidified.

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