Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1814 The Five Great Courts

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Mission Hills Lake is not a real lake, but a lake composed of sword energy and even the mystery of swordsmanship.

It is said that countless years ago, a couple traveled here. The woman wanted to see the vast waters of the lake, so her husband split open the Mission Hills Lake with a sword. , and even the mysterious waves of swordsmanship are turbulent and endless.

Countless sword cultivators from the other side of the divine realm come across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers just to see the mysteries of kendo left by the sages of swordsmanship. This Mission Hills Lake has created countless kendo geniuses and even masters, and it has become the heart of many kendo masters in the other shore of the divine realm. Holy place!

This lake is destined not to be owned by one force or even one person. It is owned by all the sword cultivators in the entire Beyond God Realm.

Today, Mission Hills welcomed a group of people.

This group of people is Wang Feng and others who came from the Light God Realm. After coming out of the cross-realm teleportation array in Guanlan City, Wang Feng and others stayed in Guanlan City for a while and learned about the current situation in the other side of the God Realm. , and also learned about the existence of Mission Hills.

Wang Feng, who practiced swordsmanship himself, became interested in Mission Hills Lake, so he led everyone to Mission Hills Lake and took a look at Mission Hills Lake, which is regarded as a holy place by many sword cultivators in the other side of the world!

There are countless powerful people and powerful forces in the other side of the divine realm, and they have their own set of evaluation rules. According to Wang Feng's understanding, the power levels of the entire other shore of the divine realm are divided into unqualified, third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, supreme, and heavenly.

Yes, there are already Heavenly Dao-level forces appearing in the other side of the Divine Realm. With the weakening of the Heavenly Dao barrier, more and more Heavenly Dao-level forces will appear in the other side of the Divine Realm, which is the center of the nine realms of the God Realm.

There are countless unconventional forces, and all can be created by those who have reached the realm of upper gods; third-rate forces must have emperor-level experts; second-rate forces must have ancient-level experts; first-rate forces must have Taoist-level experts; top-level forces must have at least There are three strong men above the ancestor level!

As for the Taoist court at the Heavenly Dao level, it must have a strong person at the Heavenly Dao divine level!

It can be seen from this that the strength of the other side of the divine realm is terrifying. The Juebian forces alone can compare with the overlord-level forces of other divine realms.

Although Wang Feng also pays attention to the forces below the Tiandao level, he only cares about them roughly and does not care much. With his current strength and even the Shenxian Sect, he is qualified not to care about such forces.

What he focuses on is the Tiandao-level Taoist forces that have emerged. Currently, there are a total of five Tiandao-level forces in the entire Beyond God Realm!

Tianhuang Daoting, Shenque Holy Court, Zhenwu Holy Court, Jianxuan Shengsong, and Wanhua Divine Tower, these five heavenly powers are the heavenly powers that dominate the world in the other side of the world today!

Its background is unfathomable. Each of them is a terrifying force that has stood for countless years. It is basically a legacy from before Heaven lowered the barrier to the present. In such a long time, no one can imagine such a level of force. , what kind of power is hidden?

This is also the reason why Wang Feng has always kept a low profile. His Immortal Sect seems to be powerful, but this power is basically cobbled together by him, and his background is far inferior to this kind of Tiandao-level force that has existed for countless years.

If they didn't have profound foundations and many trump cards, how could these forces have existed for such a long time?

According to the information Wang Feng has learned, among the five great courts, the strongest beings in the world are the experts at the peak of the Heavenly Flame Realm. However, Wang Feng knows that the powerful ones at this level are far from those of these great courts. The limit is just the limit under the current barrier of heaven.


While Wang Feng was thinking, the sounds of sword chants that seemed to hit his soul suddenly sounded out, awakening Wang Feng. When he heard the sound, he couldn't help but feel a touch of shock on his face.

Only a few hundred miles away from where they were, a vast lake appeared. The sword energy and sword intent were like waves, surging continuously, and endless sharp edges swept around the lake like waves.

With this lake as the center, there are densely packed pavilions in a radius of hundreds of miles, surrounding this vast sword lake. In each pavilion, there is basically one or even several tyrannical auras. It is obvious that, The owners of these auras are all sword cultivators who came to understand the sword intention of Mission Hills.

The mystery of swordsmanship in this world seems to have become extremely active due to the existence of Mission Hills Lake. Even if it is Wang Feng, hundreds of miles away from Mission Hills Lake, the sword intention in his body is still faintly aroused, as if it is about to revive on its own.

At this moment, Wang Feng finally understood why many sword cultivators in the other side of the divine realm regard Mission Hills as a holy land of swordsmanship!

This is like a place of enlightenment!

The place where the Tao manifests itself, as the name suggests: the place where the Tao manifests itself.

For ordinary people to understand the Tao, they basically need to rely on their own understanding to perceive the Tao in the world, and try their best to get close to it and gain recognition from the Tao. Very few people can face the real Tao.

But above Mission Hills, all kinds of mysteries of swordsmanship are manifested, like an elf, walking on the wind and dancing on the waves.

What an incredible opportunity it is for all swordsmen to be able to face the true principles of swordsmanship?

How many holy places are there in the world like this?

At present, the only one in the entire Shenxian Sect that can surpass Mission Hills is the Avenue-level Ten Thousand Dao Temple created by Wang Feng with the divine power of Yuan Dao. Even looking at the entire world, there are very few cultivation holy places that can compare with Wang Feng's. The creation of the Pando Temple!

After all, so far, among all the heavens, Wang Feng is the only one who has transcended the avenue and reached the realm of the ‘source’!

However, Wang Feng knew that he was not the only one. At least the Source Village he had been to had eluded him so far. Even though he had transcended, he still could not trace the location of Source Village.

Yuancun Yuancun, he even thought exaggeratedly that maybe the entire people in Yuancun were people who had ascended to transcendence. Otherwise, how could the little Yao Yao from Yuancun who helped him in the lost battle realm be able to retreat with just one word? The way of heaven, a word that shocks the heavens?

Sooner or later, while Wang Feng was pondering, he had already led Li Jing and others to the attic. The closer they got to Mission Hills Lake, the more Wang Feng and others felt the majestic and mysterious secrets of the sword.

In the face of this secret of swordsmanship, even Wang Feng, who had always been extremely confident in his own swordsmanship, felt ashamed.

Although, for Wang Feng, he has never had a big opportunity in the way of swordsmanship, but along the way, everything he heard and saw was integrated into the way of swordsmanship. In addition, he integrated the fifth generation of Wangchuan into the way of swordsmanship. The ancient emperor and even the ninth divine emperor of the other side have made his swordsmanship reach its peak, far exceeding that of swordsmen in the same realm!

He didn't know how far this swordsman sage who had cut off Mission Hills had reached, but at least now, he was still far behind in the face of such swordsmanship, even though he had not been able to fully integrate with the Ancient Emperor of Wangchuan and even the other side. The God Emperor's swordsmanship is mysterious, but it is still enough to show how terrifying this strong man is!

Wang Feng's mind spread out, looking for the unoccupied attic. Not long after, Wang Feng led Li Jing and others towards the unoccupied attic in the middle!

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