Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1816 Reunion of old friends

At this moment, outside Guanlan Pavilion, two figures stood quietly, one man and one woman.

The man was dressed in purple clothes, with a purple gold crown on his head and a jade hanging from his waist. He had a tall and straight figure and a handsome face. He was like a handsome nobleman, reclusive and independent. He exuded a domineering and unparalleled aura that made people afraid to approach him.

However, at this moment, that handsome face was filled with raging anger.

This man is none other than Wu Di, the holy son of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect!

However, the woman beside him attracted even more attention.

This woman was wearing a snow-white dress, with a pair of snow-white slender jade legs looming under the dress. Her cold and exquisite face exuded the aura of being kept away from strangers, like an iceberg, but also like an aloof sword.

At this time, Wu Di stood in front of the woman, his eyes as sharp as an eagle revealed a coldness that made him fall into an ice cave. He did not expect that someone would dare to occupy his exclusive attic?

You really don’t know how to live or die!

In his life, just like his name, he has never suffered a single defeat.

Although he has stayed in the Jianxuan Holy Sect all year round and has never appeared in the world, within the sect, he has no rival among the younger generation. It only took him 1,936 years to ascend to the position of Holy Son. , known as the person with the best swordsmanship in the entire Jianxuan Sect for three generations.

Xu Shikun has no rivals. He no longer places his opponents within the sect, but instead sets his sights on the Taoist court, which is also secluded from the world.

Although the Taoist court is secluded from the world, they all have teleportation arrays with each other, and they are also able to step into each other's small world and communicate.

Therefore, he stepped into other Taoist courts and challenged many young geniuses from other Taoist courts. There were very few who could match him, and the only one who could rival him in the way of swordsmanship was the woman beside him. .

After Jianxuan Shengzong came into the world, he thought that there would be a genius in the world that would make him feel pressured. But to his disappointment, he searched the entire God Realm and could not find a genius that made him admire him with admiration.

By chance, he learned about the existence of Mission Hills Lake, so he came to Mission Hills Lake and sensed the supreme sword power in the lake. His own swordsmanship had a faint tendency to reach a higher level.

He was overjoyed and shared the news with the woman he admired, the person next to him.

It's a pity that she is too cold and too arrogant. Even with him, his relationship with her is only somewhere between unfamiliar and familiar. But his heart is already full of her. In Wu Di's view, she is the only one. This woman is worthy of him.

He invited her several times without getting tired of it, and finally waited until the woman agreed to accompany him to Mission Hills. Unexpectedly, the attic where he stayed was actually occupied by an outsider. How could he not be angry?

If it was just him, he might not be so angry and would just casually crush that daring person to death, but he would never allow him to lose face in front of the woman he loves!

Wu Di's anger caused the entire Guanlan Lake to fall into silence. Many swordsmen in the attic held their breaths and watched the development of the situation quietly. However, everyone looked at the Guanlan Pavilion with a A look of pity.

They can almost imagine how miserable the fate of Wang Feng and others will be!

Among the people present, the only one whose heart was calm was the woman beside Wu Di. She stood there quietly, as if she was only immersed in her own world, without any disturbance.

But if you look closely, you can find that since she stepped near Mission Hills, her eyes have been fixed on Mission Hills. There seems to be a sword shadow shining in her pupils, as if there is nothing in her eyes except Mission Hills. , except for the sword, there is no room for anything else.

She originally thought that Mission Hills was just an excuse for Wu Di to come out to her. She never thought that the mystery of swordsmanship contained in Mission Hills was so profound. If she had known this, how could she refuse Wu Di's invitation?

She didn't even need Wu Di, she came by herself.


Under the gaze of Wu Di and everyone in the attic, the door of Guanlan Pavilion slowly opened, and the figures of Wang Feng and others came into view. The only one who ignored them was the woman who only had Mission Hills in her eyes.

Wu Di stared at Wang Feng with cold eyes. The majestic Wang Feng made him even more angry. He thought that his grace was unmatched by anyone, but he didn't expect that any ant could compare with him. In front of Wang Feng, he even had the thought of being ashamed of himself!

This person must die!

In just a moment, Wu Di gave Wang Feng a killing order in his heart.

"Fellow Taoist, is this how the elders behind you teach you?"

"Is it possible that you don't know that it is extremely impolite to disturb someone's understanding?"

Wang Feng looked indifferent, stared at Wu Di, and asked.

Being interrupted from his observation made his already calm state of mind filled with anger. He had not felt angry for a long time. Even when he faced the siege by many strong men from the Heavenly Dao Realm in the Divine Realm, he was not angry at all. Pass.

When Wang Feng finished speaking, Wu Di and everyone in the attic all had expressions on their faces and looked at Wang Feng in disbelief. Even the woman who only had Mission Hills in her eyes couldn't help but glance at Wang Feng.

He...he dared to question Wu Di?

Wu Di laughed angrily at Wang Feng's attitude. He didn't expect that Wang Feng not only refused to kneel down to admit his mistake, but also questioned him?

Who gave him the courage?


"Are you also called this Holy Son a fellow Taoist?"

"I wonder if so-called ants dare to occupy the attic of this Holy Son?"

"How do you want to die?"

Wu Di stared at Wang Feng with a cold face, and shouted without any emotion. The words containing cold murderous intent swept across the entire world, causing the temperature of the world to drop to the extreme, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.

As the holy son of the Daoting-level force Sword Xuan Sheng Sect, Wu Di's cultivation has already reached the peak of Dao Zun, and his strength has been condensed to the extreme. He has become one of the top ancestors, and can even compete with the half-step Heavenly Dao God Realm. A strong man can compete with one or two. If it weren't for the barrier of heaven, his current cultivation level would probably have reached the level of the heavenly realm!

It can be said that most of the top geniuses at the Taoist level have basically reached the Taoist level. After all, they have been refined for countless years, coupled with the training of the Taoist court. In terms of starting point alone, they are not comparable to the geniuses from outside. .

But even among the top geniuses in the Taoist court, Wu Di's strength and even talent are at the top of the pyramid. Only a few monsters with transcendent forces can surpass him.

These unparalleled geniuses in the Taoist court are the younger generation among all the heavens who are truly unparalleled in their splendor and can overwhelm all eternity!


Hearing Wu Di's words, Wang Feng responded just now, and a clear and loud sword chant suddenly resounded from the distant attic. Then, an awe-inspiring sword intent rose into the sky, pointing at a distant place. Wu Di was looking coldly at Wang Feng.

The sudden change made everyone present shout in shock, even Wang Feng and others or the woman.

Under the gaze of everyone, two figures came out of the air.

A man and a woman, both of whom are extremely beautiful, but the man's right arm's robe is empty, constantly fluttering under the caress of the breeze.

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