Latest website: Actually, although Wu Di knew that Yan Qian looked down on him before, he didn't care. Instead, he was secretly happy. After all, as long as he could become a Taoist couple with him and explore the secluded path, he would still have the upper hand, and even win because of it. Glory abounds!

What man can refuse a beautiful and powerful woman?

What's more, the people Yan Qian asked about swords before may be stronger than him in swordsmanship, but their strength is weaker than him, and they don't have such a shocking background as him. Furthermore, almost all of those people have been secretly killed by his men. , only a handful of people are still escaping, but they will eventually die.

What do you care about the dead?

But he couldn't accept it. What was the difference between Yan Qian asking Chen Taixuan and slapping him in the face for the second time? The most important thing is that the person he admires personally slaps him in the face!

He knew that Yan Qian was very passionate about swords and asked Chen Taixuan about swordsmanship only because of Chen Taixuan's swordsmanship, but this made him even more uncomfortable. As soon as Chen Taixuan defeated him in public, Yan Qian immediately asked about swordsmanship.

This not only means that Yan Qian recognizes Chen Taixuan's sword skills, but also means that the world understands that Yan Qian has long disdained his sword skills. After all, Yan Qian has never asked him about sword skills before.

He, the majestic son of the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect, was slapped in the face one after another?

No one can imagine how strong the murderous intention was in Wu Di's heart at this moment. He was even possessed by this murderous intention. This kind of demonic nature could only be eradicated by killing Chen Taixuan on the spot!

However, no one at the scene paid attention to Wu Di, the loser. Everyone was staring at the two peerless figures in the sky. Every sword cultivator was waiting for Chen Taixuan to ask about Xi Sword God. Ask about the choice of sword.

They were lucky enough to witness the battle between Chen Taixuan and the Holy Son of Jianxuan Saint Sect.

A true master of swordsmanship may disdain the Holy Son of Jianxuan Sheng Sect, but for ordinary swordsmen, Wu Di is still a giant mountain that is just out of reach!

Everyone is looking forward to Chen Taixuan agreeing to Xi Sword God's request for a sword. After all, in the entire God Realm, there is probably no swordsman who doesn't want to see Xi Sword God's sword. Even if it makes them despair, they still want to look up to the true way of swordsmanship. peak!

Xi Sword God is far beyond what the Holy Son of the Sword Xuan Sect can compare to. This is a Sword God who has truly been certified by sword cultivators throughout the God Realm, a female Sword God who is extremely passionate about swords!

It is ridiculous to say that the reputation of the noble son of the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect who specializes in swordsmanship is not as good as that of a top talent from the Zhenwu Holy Court!

Many people understand that if it weren't for the Zhenwu Holy Court behind Sword God Xi, she would have either joined the Sword Xuan Holy Sect or fallen!

"What? You don't want to?"

Above the sky, River Sword God Yan Qian was facing Chen Taixuan from a distance. She looked at Chen Taixuan who had not spoken for a long time, her sword eyebrows were slightly clustered. She didn't understand why Chen Taixuan was so hesitant to ask her about the sword?

Judging from Chen Taixuan's swordsmanship in the battle with Wu Di, even though Chen Taixuan is not as passionate about the sword as she is, he is definitely a true master of swordsmanship and has already made his own way on the path of swordsmanship.

It can be said that Chen Taixuan is definitely the strongest among those she has asked about swordsmanship since she appeared in this world, both in terms of strength and swordsmanship.

She had a vague hunch that if Chen Taixuan could fight her, she would be able to go against the barrier of Heaven and ascend to the divine realm of Heaven. Therefore, even though she knew that her question of sword would anger Wu Di and completely offend him, she still chose to ask sword!

In her opinion, Chen Taixuan should also be willing to fight her. After all, she can also feel that Chen Taixuan has reached the ultimate realm of Dao Zun, and there is only one opportunity left to break into the heavenly realm!

And a battle with her will be an opportunity for both of them to break into the heavenly realm. Why is the other party still hesitating about such an opportunity?

Even Yan Qian, who only focused on the sword, was confused by Chen Taixuan's hesitation at this moment.

Hearing Yan Qian's inquiry, Chen Taixuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He cupped his hands towards Yan Qian and said in a deep voice: "Chen Taixuan is very happy to be able to win the title of Xi Sword God Asking the Sword, but the person I really want to fight is not you." , but him!"

As Chen Taixuan turned his attention to Wang Feng, everyone present, including Yan Qian, also turned their attention to Wang Feng. With just one glance, everyone including Yan Qian frowned.

In their perception, although Wang Feng has reached the peak of Dao Zun, he is extremely ordinary. Just like an ordinary Dao Zun strongman, he cannot compare with Chen Taixuan or even Xi Sword God. Not comparable.

How could such an ordinary person be so highly praised by Chen Taixuan? Would you even rather refuse the sword-asking request from Xi Sword God and fight him?

For a moment, everyone will be staring at Wang Feng, trying to see what is extraordinary about Wang Feng, even the Sword God Xi, but no matter what secret techniques they use, they can't detect Wang Feng. extraordinary.

Many people shook their heads, thinking that this was Chen Taixuan's excuse for rejecting Xi Sword God, but only a few people and Xi Sword God had solemn expressions on their faces and twinkling eyes.

Especially Xi Sword God, she didn't believe that Chen Taixuan didn't know the benefits of fighting with her, but even so, he still rejected her for Wang Feng. How could Wang Feng be an ordinary person when a swordsman like Chen Taixuan could be so cautious?

The more invisible Wang Feng is, the more extraordinary he becomes.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wang Feng stood with his hands behind his back, the clouds were light and the wind was light, his eyes flickered, and he chuckled: "You are not my opponent now. When you reach the heavenly realm, I promise you a Opportunity to fight!”

Wang Feng naturally knows what Chen Taixuan is thinking, but although he is in the same realm as Chen Taixuan, his strength and swordsmanship are far superior. Once he takes action, he may not help Chen Taixuan break through, but completely destroy his sword heart.

Originally, he wanted to suppress his strength and even his sword intention to fight Chen Taixuan and help him break through, but now that Xi Sword God is a better choice, he will naturally not take action again.

Moreover, in his mind, Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian were both his candidates to be admitted to the Immortal Sect. It was undoubtedly the best choice for them to fight, and then he would show off his superb swordsmanship and subdue them. !

It's hard to say for Chen Taixuan, but Yan Qian and Wang Feng are absolutely sure.

Because a pure swordsman like this often has an unimaginable obsession with the pursuit of the sword in his heart. As long as his sword skills are stronger, he can make the opponent feel that he is following him, and he can realize higher sword skills and conquer them. Naturally, the problem is not big. The only obstacle is the Zhenwu Holy Court behind it.

As for the swordsmanship, he integrated the training memories of the God Emperor of the Other Side and the Ancient Emperor of Wangchuan. Among those in the same realm, even many of the older generation of Heavenly Dao God Realm sword cultivators can hardly compete with him in the swordsmanship.

When Wang Feng finished speaking, everyone present sneered. No one believed Wang Feng's words. After all, they had just seen Chen Taixuan's terrifying combat power with their own eyes, and Wang Feng was just a Liang Xiaoer.

The only ones who are sure are probably Chen Taixuan and Xi Sword God.

Chen Taixuan was silent for a long time, and then he stared at Wang Feng and said with great seriousness: "I want to see your sword!" Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on the palm of your hand.

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