Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1825 Grade 9 World-Destroying Tribulation


Thunder exploded, and thunderclouds swarmed in, covering the entire sky. The dark purple light illuminated the entire starry sky, making this already dreamy star field even more dreamy!

The majestic and terrifying coercion of heaven and earth, like the pouring of the Milky Way, suppressed the entire audience. Even from a long distance away, everyone could not help but tremble.


" this the world-destroying calamity of the ninth-grade Heavenly Dao?"

"Oh my god, can they survive such a terrifying thunderstorm?"

"Throughout the ages, how many people have been destroyed by the ninth-grade thunder catastrophe, what a pity...!"

Seeing the condensed thunder tribulation, everyone's pupils shrank and they all exclaimed in surprise. Di Ziyun, who was already worried, even trembled with delicate body, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, staring at the person standing under the thunder tribulation. Chen Taixuan!

Wang Feng, on the other hand, remained calm and unfazed at all.

There are ten levels of Heavenly Dao and Divine Tribulation. The higher the level, the more terrifying the power!

Being able to trigger the seventh-grade heavenly divine calamity is already an extremely extraordinary existence. The eighth-grade and above are even more unparalleled in eternity. Each one of them is an amazing person who can dominate the world.

The premise is that you can survive the thunder disaster, otherwise everything will be lost.

Since records began, only one out of ten people who triggered an eighth-grade thunder tribulation or above would survive. Those who could withstand a ninth-grade thunder tribulation and survive would basically achieve the Heavenly Ancestor level in the end.

If it were a tenth-level heavenly calamity, Wang Feng might not be able to do anything about it, but with the nine-level power he controlled, it would be easy to help Chen Taixuan and even Yan Qian overcome the calamity.

As a source of power that transcends everything, not to mention the way of heaven, even the great road cannot be grasped. If Wang Feng hadn't been at a low level now, he would have been invincible!


While everyone was trembling, an inexplicable wave suddenly swept across the entire star field, and then, above the dark purple thunder clouds, two cold and ruthless eyes suddenly opened, falling on the tops of Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian's heads respectively.

The ninth-level Heavenly Dao world-destroying thunder catastrophe was completely condensed at this moment!


In an instant, countless dark purple thunder dragons rolled in the thunder clouds, and then suddenly swooped down and bombarded Chen Taixuan and the two of them, clean and clear.

Looking around, the whole sky is densely filled with thunder, like a sea of ​​thunder. Just looking at it is breathtaking. It is hard to imagine what kind of pressure Chen Taixuan and Chen Taixuan must bear when they are facing each other.

Facing this shocking thunder, neither Chen Taixuan nor Yan Qian flinched at all. The sword power burst out from them, and the sharp swords in their hands shot out amazing sword light. They did not retreat but advanced, bucking the trend. Go up and head straight towards the thunder dragons in the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, there was only an endless bright sword energy and a terrifying thunder sea. When the two collided, the terrifying fluctuations were like a stormy sea, sweeping in all directions. Even if they resisted in time, many people were still swept away. Flying out, blood spurted out from his mouth.

The endless sword energy and thunder were intertwined, and the terrifying power crushed everything around them into pieces. Countless stars were destroyed by the fluctuations, and the dense star fragments were suspended, and then they were bombarded by thunder and sword energy.

People with strong cultivation levels could vaguely see that where the thunder and sword energy intertwined, two figures stood in the air, as solid as a rock, and were not affected at all.


Before those thunders dissipated, endless thunder bombarded them from the sky, giving Chen Taixuan and Chen Taixuan no chance to breathe. The terrifying power of thunder was frightening.

In other words, the two of them survived the catastrophe in the starry sky. Otherwise, Mission Hills and other places would have been destroyed by this terrifying thunder catastrophe.

Chen Taixuan and Chen Taixuan were surrounded by sword energy, rising and falling in the sea of ​​thunder. Even if the thunder was powerful, they could not break through their sword energy defense!


As if they knew that simple thunder could not destroy Chen Taixuan and the two of them, the thunder tribulation above the sky changed again. Endless purple divine clouds swept out, and figures stepped out from the thunder.

These figures were filled with thunder and light, and they were majestic and terrifying. They were like five figures appearing in the sky above the thunder tribulation of the peerless god kings, Chen Taixuan.


"Is that the Holy Son of the Xuanhuang Holy Court?"

"Oh my god, Heaven has actually branded these geniuses who have failed under the ninth-grade thunder tribulation. There are five geniuses of the same level. Who can withstand it?"

Some ancient people recognized the identity of one of them and couldn't help but exclaimed.

When the people around heard this exclamation, they were immediately horrified, with uncontrollable expressions of regret on their faces. Those who can trigger the ninth-grade thunder tribulation are all extremely talented and beautiful people. Now there are five of them. No matter how strong Chen Taixuan and the two are, they may not be able to hold it back!

What's more, there are many thunders around, and such a thunder disaster is simply despairing.

No wonder, throughout the ages, so many peerless geniuses have fallen under the ninth-grade thunder calamity!


In an instant, the geniuses transformed from the Heavenly Tribulation charged towards Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian one after another. Every move showed endless power, and the surrounding sea of ​​thunder was mobilized by them.


Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian looked at each other and shouted loudly. As they swung their swords, sword energy burst out. Within a moment, they were fighting with the five geniuses.


The entire star field seems to have turned into their battlefield. The infinite power is like a storm, destroying everything wantonly. Every onlooker sees this and is trembling with fear. Even if Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian fail, this scene will probably frighten them. It will be permanently imprinted on their minds.

It has to be said that this ninth-grade world-destroying thunder catastrophe is indeed terrifying. Under the attacks of those ten geniuses, Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian, who were originally calm and calm, began to suffer damage.

Although they are strong, those five people have the blessing of heaven, and their strength is even stronger than their previous peak. With the five of them joining forces, except for those in the realm of heaven and god, only someone like Wang Feng can destroy them.

Of course, if it weren't for the barrier of heaven, this ninth-level thunder tribulation would not be so strong. After all, even the most terrifying thunder tribulation would still have a glimmer of hope, and the thunder tribulation faced by Chen Taixuan and his two men had no chance at all. There was no hope of survival, and he was purely rushing to kill the two of them.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help but admire Mengdie.

This person, under the complete barrier of Heaven's Dao, broke through the Divine Realm of Heaven's Dao against the odds. With Mengdie's qualifications, she can trigger at least the ninth-grade thunder tribulation or even the tenth grade. The power of the thunder tribulation she faced was definitely higher than Chen Taixuan is much more terrifying.

But even so, the other party still got through it safely, which is enough to imagine how terrifying Mengdie is.

The strength she had shown in the Divine Realm before was definitely not her full strength.


There was a roaring sound, and Chen Taixuan and Yan Qian flew backwards from the thunder. Their faces were as white as paper, their bodies were covered with dense sword marks, and they were obviously severely injured.

Yan Qian, who was originally cold and aloof, now looked pitiful. Her dress was torn, revealing her fair skin, which made people pity her.

It's a pity that even if everyone wants to be a hero and save the beauty, they don't have the strength.

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