Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1832 The God Realm is Shocked

Latest website: "Boom!"

Heaven screamed, endless visions spewed out, and a monstrous rain of blood set off in the entire star field. The bright blood light dyed the dreamy starry sky red.

Illusive beasts frequently appeared in the starry sky, raising their heads to the sky and letting out a shrill cry, which seemed to be announcing the fall of the three gods in the heavens. One after another, the blood-colored divine clouds intertwined and entwined, sketching out a sad picture. Picture scroll.

The vision of the exploding heaven and earth caused everyone present to freeze on the spot, and their whole bodies trembled uncontrollably. Even the masters of the Taoist court, such as Zhen Changlin, were stunned!

This vision of heaven and earth is far more terrifying than the Lin Qi that Wang Feng killed in Mission Hills before. After all, this is the vision of the fall of three powerful men in the divine realm of heaven, and they are all in the third realm of heaven. A level of powerhouse!

Because it was in the Star Territory, this exploding phenomenon of heaven and earth even affected the entire God Realm and gradually spread to the entire heavens.

At this moment, when all the beings in the God Realm looked up, they could see the red sky, and the shrill screams, like the sound of Taoism, resounded throughout the entire God Realm, shocking countless creatures in the God Realm!


" this a vision of heaven and earth?"

"How... how is it possible? This level of heavenly vision cannot be achieved even by the death of a strong ancestor, right? Could it be the death of a strong man in the divine realm?"

"Oh my God!"

Countless beings in the God Realm were shocked and talking, and panic appeared on their faces. Countless sleeping old monsters were awakened. They looked up at the sky one by one, their eyes were extremely deep, as if they could see the stars in the outer world through many obstacles. scene!

Then, all the old monsters fell silent, and even the powerful men from the Five Great Courts froze on the spot, not knowing what to say.

The entire God Realm seemed to have fallen into a strange silence, as if time and space had stopped at this moment.

The realm of light.

In a certain mysterious place, many Buddhas gathered together, staring at the starry sky outside the territory. Buddhas such as Jia Shi Buddha and Wang Feng were among them, but they were also silent at this moment.

"It seems that we have underestimated Wang Xiaoyou's energy!"

After a long time, Jia Shi Buddha sighed softly, but there was an unspeakable surprise in his eyes. For them, the stronger Wang Feng was, the more advantageous he was. After all, what they had to deal with was an extremely terrifying statue. Devil.

"My Buddha's guidance is indeed correct!"


"With little friend Wang here, that devil will definitely be put to death by us!"

Several Buddhas on the side also nodded, with no hesitation in their words of appreciation!

"Since the appearance of the Heavenly Dao Barrier, how long has it been since such an astonishing phenomenon occurred in the entire heaven? Is this the first time that three powerful men at the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm level have fallen at the same time?"

"After this battle, Wang Xiaoyou's name will probably be resounding throughout the world!"

"Among the younger generations in the God Realm, who can rival him?"

A Buddha's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but sigh. If they were to attack alone, it would not be that easy to kill three powerful men in the Heavenly Flame Realm.

After all, who can achieve the divine realm of heaven and earth, which one is Yi Yi? All of them have been accumulated over the years, and there are so many trump cards that it is impossible to guess.

Unexpectedly, even if Qin Meixin and others joined forces, they bombarded them for a long time before killing the three elders of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect.

Facing a Buddha-level figure, the three elders of the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect would definitely be unable to defeat them. They might even be severely injured with one move, but it was still possible for them to inflict serious injuries and save their lives.

Above the star field, everyone was silenced by the monstrous vision, and no words were spoken for a long time.

This exploding phenomenon lasted for a long time, even affecting the Chaos Emperor Realm and the Qiankun Holy Realm, shocking countless creatures, but there were very few who truly knew the inside story.

In addition to the existence above the starry sky, there are also some old monsters who are aware of the situation through the psychological fluctuations of the people present.

"Sect Master Wang, I have the audacity to ask Sect Master Wang to talk about it. I wonder if Sect Master Wang has time?"

It took a long time for Zhen Changlin, the master of the Zhenwu Holy Court, to recover from the shock and chuckled at Wang Feng.

At this moment, he had elevated Wang Feng to an equal status as himself, even with a hint of respect. Anyone who knew the inside story behind this vision would probably no longer dare to regard Wang Feng as an ordinary young man. generation!

It can be said that with the current strength that Wang Feng has shown, the only young masters in the world who can compare with Wang Feng in terms of status and status are the young masters of the top Taoist courts or the most powerful forces in the hidden world. .

"Sorry for bothering you."

Hearing this, Wang Feng did not refuse and chuckled.

After killing the three elders of Jianxuan Sheng Sect, plus the previous young master Wu Di and protector Lin Qi of Jianxuan Sheng Sect, the conflict between him and Shenxian Sect and Jianxuan Sheng Sect has become irreconcilable. Since they are enemies, Wang Feng has always been I like to make decisions before taking action, and know myself and the enemy.

If you want to understand the Sword Xuan Holy Sect, who is more suitable than the Lord of the Zhenwu Holy Court?

Zhen Changlin was overjoyed, stretched out his hand, and led Wang Feng and others away. As for Qin Meixin and others, they were also recalled to the Kingdom of God by Wang Feng. With the current strength of the Heavenly Dao barrier, it can only be used by powerful people below the fourth realm of Heavenly Dao. who appears.

If Qin Meixin and others had not taken the initiative to compress their cultivation, coupled with the shielding of the power of the system, they might have attracted the attention of Heaven. In the Light God Realm, Ga Shi and other Buddhas only sent out an incarnation to talk to Wang Feng. That’s all.

Until Wang Feng and others left, many powerful people above the starry sky still did not come back to their senses, especially the group of sword cultivators from Mission Hills. They never expected that things would develop to this point?

It was just a loft dispute that ended up leading to the fall of four heavenly beings? Three of them are still elders of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect?

After the shock and fear, many people couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

Is it a blessing or a tragedy for the Jianxuan Sect to have its holy son Wu Di?

If Wu Di hadn't been so arrogant and arrogant, he wouldn't have been able to fight this battle, let alone let the Jianxuan Saint Sect provoke a mysterious and unfathomable terrorist force!

I don’t know if the people of the Jianxuan Sect regretted making Wu Di their holy son?

While those sword cultivators were secretly speculating, the other three powerful men from the three great courts left with complicated expressions. As the first batch of Tao courts to appear in the world, they were extremely arrogant. Apart from other Tao courts of the same level, they were not the most powerful ones at all. He didn't take other forces into consideration.

But in this battle, Wang Feng taught them an unforgettable lesson!

After all, the water in the God Realm is deeper than they imagined. No one can imagine that a junior whom they accidentally provoked will have an extremely terrifying force behind them!

Before this, who could have thought that Jianxuan Shengzong would suffer such a big loss?

The sudden death of four Heavenly Dao gods would be a huge thorn in the side of any Dao court force! Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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