Latest website: After confirming their alliance with the Shenxian Sect, Zhen Changlin and other powerful men from the Zhenwu Holy Court relaxed a lot, and the entire luxurious box was filled with laughter and laughter.

For Zhen Changlin, this alliance is a huge gamble, but where in life is it not a gamble?

In the coming great age, if he doesn't gamble, he may not be able to survive with the size of his Zhenwu Holy Court. Only by breaking through and doing everything he can to gamble can he survive stably. Anyway, the worst outcome is It's just death.

If he hadn't happened to have such an environment, it would have been absolutely impossible for him to form an alliance with the Immortal Sect behind him after meeting Wang Feng once. Of course, the Immortal Sect was just a choice for his Zhenwu Holy Court. In the future, if there was Given the opportunity, he is bound to form alliances with more super powerful Taoist courts.

After chatting again, Wang Feng's eyes flickered and he asked Zhen Changlin: "Holy Lord Zhen, can you tell me the details of the Jianxuan Saint Sect?"

Being prepared for a rainy day is a quality that a qualified power leader should have.

Since he has become an enemy of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect and is irreconcilable, what Wang Feng needs to do is to understand the strength of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect and even nip the threat of Jian Xuan Sheng Sect in the cradle in advance.

After all, he plans to place the Shenxian Sect's headquarters on the other side of the Divine Realm and allow the Shenxian Sect to emerge completely. If the threat of the Jianxuan Sect is not eliminated, it will be extremely disadvantageous for many Shenxian Sect disciples.

As for the enemies such as the Heaven Master clan, they are still unaware of his existence. By the time his traces are found, his strength may not be what it used to be.

When Wang Feng's words fell, Zhen Changlin and other Zhenwu Holy Court experts were all shocked, but after a while, Zhen Changlin spoke and told all the information he knew.

This can be regarded as the certificate of submission that he gave to the Shenxian Sect after the two formed a verbal alliance.

"Jianxuan Holy Sect, a Taoist force that specializes in swordsmanship, was founded by Jianxuan, a strong swordsman countless years ago. Its foundation is unfathomable!"

"As far as I, the Zhenwu Holy Court, have discovered so far, there are five ancestors of the Jianxuan Holy Sect. The strongest among them has reached the peak of the fourth realm of the heavenly realm, and the other four have also reached the fourth realm of the heavenly realm. !”

"There are twelve strong men in the third realm of Heavenly Dao, apart from the three who were killed by the powerful men of Shenxian Sect before. As for the second realm of Heavenly Dao, there are at least twenty or more; at the Yang realm of Heavenly Dao, At least thirty!”

"There are five formations at the Heavenly Dao level, among which the Sect Protector Formation has reached the Heavenly Dao Nether Level."

"In addition, the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect also possesses an artifact whose grade reaches the peak of Tiandao Hao level!"

Hearing Zhen Changlin's words, Wang Feng secretly sighed in his heart. Sure enough, facing these Taoist forces that had existed for a very long time, his foundation in the Immortal Sect was still somewhat inferior.

Although Zhen Changlin only said a few words, from these words, he could see the great terror of these Taoist forces that had been hidden for countless years.

He has spent everything to have the strength he has now, and even unexpectedly conquered many powerful people in the Divine Realm of Heavenly Dao in the Divine Realm. Otherwise, the powerful people in the Divine Realm of Heavenly Dao that his Shenxian Sect now has would not be able to hold it in his hands. number.

And this Sword Xuan Sheng Sect is only an insignificant force in the Tao court. Even if it barely squeezes into the middle-level Tao court, it can have more than 60 powerful people in the heavenly realm.

Just barely squeezing into a middle-level Taoist court is so terrifying, let alone those high-level or even extreme Taoist forces? Even the ten major temples that are superior to many Taoist courts and even ancient clans?

It was not until this moment that Wang Feng truly glimpsed the corner of the great terror hidden in the darkness.

This is only what Zhen Changlin knows. It is impossible for a Taoist force like this that has existed for a long time not to hide something, and it is impossible not to have unknown trump cards.

According to Wang Feng's guess, the real strength of the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect is likely to be 10% or 20% higher than what Zhen Changlin said. He believes that each of these Taoist forces knows it well. Therefore, without touching the real bottom line, these Taoist forces rarely fight on a large scale, let alone use everything they have to destroy each other.

He didn't care much about the formations and even the artifacts possessed by the Jianxuan Saint Sect. What worried him was the number of powerful men in the Heavenly Dao realm possessed by the Jianxuan Saint Sect.

The number of powerful men in the Heavenly Dao Realm he currently possesses is not much different from that of the Jianxuan Sheng Sect, and his average combat power is even higher. However, based on this alone, it is basically impossible to destroy the Jianxuan Sheng Sect.

After all, it's not easy to kill in the Heavenly Realm, and it's still on someone else's territory.

Besides, how could a Taoist force like the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect, which has been hidden for countless years, not have one or two unwavering allies? Unless they directly demonstrate their overwhelming strength, they will surely fall into a long-term stalemate.

And this stalemate is definitely not good for him and even the Shenxian Sect.

It is a pity that the Heavenly Dao Barrier is still there, and it is not possible to send out too powerful beings. Otherwise, it would be more than enough to directly let Tai Cang Demon Dragon or Emperor Yuanwu take action to destroy the Sword Xuan Sheng Sect.

"It's still not strong enough!"

Wang Feng sighed secretly in his heart.

If people heard Wang Feng's thoughts, they would probably be jealous. Since Wang Feng came out of the ancient world, it has not even been a hundred years, but the Immortal Sect has developed to such an extent that it is simply worthy of the heavens. An incredible miracle.

Which Taoist force can have such a foundation without accumulation over a long period of time?

However, the Shenxian Sect, in less than a hundred years, has reached a level that many Taoist courts cannot reach. It is as dreamy as a fantasy in the Arabian Nights.

"That's all, don't rush yet!"

Wang Feng's eyes flickered and he decided secretly.

Based on the strength he has shown before, I believe that the Jian Xuan Sheng Sect will never dare to act rashly until they find out the origin of his Shenxian Sect. He still has enough time to plan.

However, moving the Shenxian Sect's headquarters to the other side of the Divine Realm will have to wait a little longer.

For Wang Feng, as long as he is given enough time, he is confident that he will develop the Shenxian Sect into the strongest force in all the worlds. Today's Shenxu Realm has become the back garden of his Shenxian Sect. As long as he goes through a certain amount of As time goes by, the Divine Realm is enough to become the foundation of his Immortal Sect!

In fact, the foundation that the Shenxian Sect now has is no less than that of many Taoist tribunals. However, the Shenxian Sect has developed too fast, and the strong ones are uneven, and there is no certain strong foundation.

If it weren't for conquering a group of strong men in the Divine Realm, his Shenxian Sect wouldn't even be considered a Taoist power now.

After chatting for a while again, Wang Feng took Fairy Luofeng and others and left. In addition to Yan Qian, Chen Taixuan and Di Ziyun also followed Wang Feng.

Watching Wang Feng and others leave, Zhen Changlin and several other powerful men from Zhenwu Holy Court breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that as soon as they formed an alliance, Wang Feng would pull them to deal with Jianxuan Holy Sect. Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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