Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1844 Opportunities abound

Latest website: Blood Demon General, a powerful existence in the Blood Demon Forest, has extremely terrifying strength. The ordinary third-level Heavenly Dao strongman is not its opponent at all. The most important thing is that every Blood Demon General can call on many blood demon generals. magic.

In addition, even if he is seriously injured, the Blood Demon General can quickly devour the surrounding Blood Demons and return to his peak state.

Back then, many of the powerful men in her Soul Remaining Pavilion died tragically at the hands of the Blood Demon General.

"Mr. Feng, you all join forces to besiege this Blood Demon General."

"Other strong men in the Heavenly Realm will follow me to deal with those Blood Demons in the Heavenly Realm, try to kill them as soon as possible, and then together we will besiege the Blood Demon Generals!"

"Strong men at the Taoist level should be scattered around to lure these blood demons away."

After a brief moment of shock, Wei Qingyu came to his senses and laid out his tactics at a very fast speed.

Although the Blood Demon Generals were terrifying, they were well prepared and had an advantage in numbers, so they did not panic.

When Wei Qingyu finished speaking, everyone nodded in unison, followed Wei Qingyu's instructions, and exploded with astonishing power, bombarding the many blood demons.


Many powerful men from the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace, headed by Wei Feng, all broke out and swarmed towards the Blood Demon General. The terrifying power swept through the Blood Demon Forest like a storm. The surrounding rich Demon Soul Qi, They were all forced to scatter by the powerful impact.


The blood demon looked up to the sky and roared, and the monstrous blood mist swept out from its burly body, turning into a sea of ​​blood and covering the entire battlefield. However, it flickered, divided into six clones, and Wei Feng and others Fight together.

The entire Blood Demon Forest has turned into a terrifying battlefield, as if the world is torn apart. The violent and terrifying impact has become the main theme of this battlefield.

In the battlefield, Wang Feng's whole body surged with power, darting from left to right. Wherever he went, all the blood demons were wiped out in ashes. His outrageous combat power made the surrounding Taoist masters frequently look sideways. If they knew , Wang Feng did not exert his full strength, fearing that his jaw would drop.

If it were normal, many people would start to speculate about Wang Feng's origins, but now, everyone is in danger and they have no time to care about anything else.


The violent impact swept across all directions, and deafening roars resounded. Wang Feng was surprised that such a fierce battle failed to tear down the surrounding hills. After careful observation, he discovered that when the impact swept in front of those hills, Then it was completely absorbed by a mysterious force!

Wang Feng turned around and looked around, and found that the power that absorbed the aftermath of their battle came from the inscriptions on the hill. All the absorbed power was converging towards a certain place.

When Wang Feng wanted to use his source power to spy on that place, he felt a faint sense of terror that made him stop his movements quickly. When he came back to his senses, he realized that his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Then...what exactly is it?"

Wang Feng's face was solemn, and his mind was no longer on the battle. At that moment, he vaguely caught a glimpse of the back of the person sitting cross-legged in that place. It was this moment of peeking that made his soul tremble, as if he could take one more look. He died on the spot.

Ever since he entered the Transcendence Source Realm ahead of schedule, he had never felt this way before. Even the top Tiandao Divine Realm powerhouses could not give him this feeling.

The Shenxu Tianzu he met before only posed a great threat to him, and there was no such thrilling feeling as if he had stepped half-foot into hell.

For a moment, Wang Feng's face became more solemn. This God-Eating Devil's Cave is too scary. It's just that such mysterious and weird things appear in the red mist area?

What surprised him even more was that when the ninth generation placed the relics here, did he sense that thing? If so, how did he place the relics here?


Wang Feng casually hammered away an attacking Blood Demon, calmed down, stopped thinking about it, and continued the battle.

There is no point in fantasizing at this moment. Perhaps, when he enters the ruins of the ninth life, he can find some information.


This battle lasted for a long time, and in the end, of course, Wang Feng's side won.

There are more than twenty powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, including seven who are above the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm. Even if another Blood Demon General comes, they will not be able to do anything to Wang Feng and his party.

Everyone rested for a while, healed their wounds and adjusted their breathing for a full hour before continuing on their journey.

Perhaps he was affected by that battle, and he traveled far and wide without encountering the Blood Demon again.

After several hours, the group finally arrived at their destination.

Wang Feng, who was in the crowd, had his pupils narrowed and stared straight ahead. The people beside him also looked surprised.

I saw, in front of everyone, a blood-colored mountain peak ten thousand feet high, rising from the ground like a sharp sword. The mountain peak was majestic and majestic. Standing at the foot of the mountain, everyone felt a great intimidation.

What is really surprising is that in this blood-colored mountain peak, there are actually stone tablets standing there. The stone tablets are all blood red and are engraved with dense and mysterious lines.

Each stone tablet is like a sharp sword, making this mountain peak very strange.

"Everyone, this is the Sword Stele Mountain in the Blood Demon Forest. Every stone stele on it contains a kind of opportunity, but it also hides a kind of danger. Whether you can get it or not depends on you."

"There are no blood demons in this Sword Monument Mountain, and other blood demons do not dare to step into the Sword Monument Mountain, so you can all seek opportunities!"

Wei Qingyu turned to look at everyone and said loudly.

After hearing this, everyone present's eyes widened, especially those who were at the peak of Taoism. They stared at the stone tablets with burning eyes, eager to go and search for opportunities immediately.

Wang Feng and others in the crowd looked surprised.

Wang Feng had never thought that there was such a strange place of opportunity in the God-Eating Devil's Cave. If the barrier of heaven had not been weakened, not many people would have been able to step into this red mist area. There was no news from the outside world. That’s normal!

Originally I just wanted to follow Wei Qingyu and others and let them explore the road, but I didn't expect there would be a chance to get it?

"The higher you go, the greater the opportunities and the greater the dangers. I hope you will act according to your ability and don't let the opportunities go to your head."

Seeing everyone's posture, Wei Qingyu warned them solemnly.

Her words made everyone's hearts tremble, and the original excitement was suppressed. If the danger was too great, it would not be a chance, but a reminder.

Many Taoist masters looked at each other and secretly communicated. They seemed to have the idea of ​​​​joining forces to explore. After all, they were not strong men in the heavenly realm. Even if they encountered danger, they could retreat calmly.

Only by joining forces can we have a greater chance of survival!

Even Wang Feng and others received the message. He shook his head and laughed, and directly rejected the other party.

He doesn't like the opportunity of a low-level person. He is destined to go to the top of the Sword Monument Mountain. Teaming up with those powerful Taoists will not only not help him, but will actually cause trouble for him! Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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