Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1850 Dialogue with ancient existence

Latest website: "You are still so insidious!"

"Take some garbage to seduce the evil genius, kill them in the name of trial, and eliminate the threat to yourself."

"It's ridiculous!"

The vicissitudes of life's voice containing endless ridicule came out, but in fact, Dark Gold Skeleton's heart was extremely shocked.

"Beyond the Origin Realm?"

"How can it be!"

The ancient being who had lived for an unknown length of time was immediately frightened. With a pair of empty eyes, he stared at the battle above the top of the Sword Monument Mountain. He didn't even care about the supreme will surrounding him.

Even though he tried everything and created the world back then, he still failed to reach the transcendent source state and only took half a step. But now, this young man who is not even fifty years old has reached the transcendent source state?

During the time he was asleep, the world had changed so much? Is transcending the source realm worthless?

The ancient being was confused.

He finally understood why he was suddenly awakened. Given the depth of his sleep, it would have been impossible for him to wake up if not for the appearance of Yuan Li or Him.


"He hasn't died yet, how can he tolerate the emergence of the transcendent source realm?"

The next moment, Dark Gold Skeleton roared in his heart, he did not want to believe this fact.

Back then, before I even took that half-step, I was crazily targeted by 'He', running away like a dog every day. For hundreds of thousands of years, I never lived a peaceful life. But now, I am only a hundred years old. The little guy who hasn't even reached it has reached the realm of transcendence that he dreams of, and he hasn't been targeted by 'him' yet?

The mentality of the ancient existence has collapsed!

Even back then, when he was suppressed and sealed by 'him', he didn't have such big fluctuations. At this moment, he was going crazy with jealousy.

After a long time, he finally calmed down and laughed secretly.

"You must be on your guard, I'm afraid you didn't expect that such a monster would take that step that you have never taken!"

"Even if you rule all directions and monitor the heavens, there will be a time when you are unable to do anything."

Flames flickered in the empty eye sockets of the dark gold skeleton. He glanced at the eager wills around him and gradually fell asleep.

After a while, the ancient will that surrounded them gradually dissipated, and the entire dead place became peaceful again, as if nothing had happened.


Just after the ancient will dissipated, the empty eye sockets of the dark gold skeleton once again glowed with bright flames. However, the aura on his body was condensed to the extreme at this moment, without spilling out at all.

He focused his gaze, peering through the obstacles and staring at the battle above.

"The peak of Taoism, but the ability to compete with the peak of the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm is strong enough to rival the Heavenly Dao Nether Realm. He is indeed an existence that can transcend in advance!"

A soft murmur sounded, and the flames in his eyes shone brighter, as if he was thinking about something again.


At the same time, the battle above the sky was still going on. However, compared to the previous difficulties, Wang Feng was already at ease at this moment and could easily knock the soul Taoist soldier away.

Under such a fierce battle, the power contained in the soul Taoist weapon finally gradually weakened, but Wang Feng, with the blessing of the elixir, still remained at its peak state.

Under the circumstances of the ebb and flow, it is only a matter of time to kill this soul Taoist soldier!

On the top of Jianbei Mountain, everyone looked up at the battle in the sky. No one spoke a word, and there was deathly silence. Everyone went from shock and disbelief to numbness now. No one could imagine what kind of inner journey they had gone through.

They only felt that at this moment, they were witnessing the birth of a myth. A myth that no one could match throughout the ages. Even if they were in the realm of gods and gods, their respect for Wang Feng at this moment had risen to an unparalleled level, and there was a faint feeling. It is a trend to regard Wang Feng as a belief.

There is no way, although Wang Feng's cultivation level is lower than theirs, his combat power and even talent are beyond their reach. He can't even see the slightest shadow. Even if he is in the heavenly realm, they still worship the strong!

What's more, it's such an earth-shattering ancient evildoer like Wang Feng?


There was a shocking roar, which made the eardrums of everyone present hurt, and their whole heads were buzzing. Looking up, a huge black hole covered the entire top of Jianbei Mountain, and violent power swept over it, as if the world was annihilated. Extremely terrifying!

A tall figure, holding a sharp sword, stands under the black hole, looking like an immortal descending from the dust, with extraordinary martial prowess.

Even though Wei Qingyu, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, her whole heart was in turmoil at this moment. The eyes she looked at that figure were full of brilliance. She thought she had seen many unparalleled geniuses, but she had never seen one person who could. Compared to Wang Feng, he couldn't give her this feeling of being obsessed.

In the crowd, Qin Meixin raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Wang Feng who was standing proudly, her beautiful and delicate face full of pride! her man!

No matter in the past or now, it is dazzling and unparalleled, and it is difficult for anyone in the world to match it!

She was very glad that she did not despair or give up on herself, otherwise, she would not be able to wait for him.


Above the void, Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The difficulty of this battle was beyond his imagination. At the end of the battle, his whole body was extremely sore, as if he had been hit by huge mountains for a long time, and the blood in his body could not stop. Live in turmoil.

If it weren't for the fact that this soul Taoist soldier couldn't absorb the power of heaven and earth endlessly like a real peak powerhouse in the Heavenly Dao Flame Realm, it would definitely be much more difficult for him to defeat it.

Although the battle was difficult, the benefits he gained were huge. If he could fight at this level a few more times, Wang Feng would be confident that he could reach the threshold of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

Although his current combat power is terrifying and unparalleled, the pressure in Wang Feng's heart is always there. Once the barrier of heaven is completely eliminated, the entire world will become an era of heaven and god!

The so-called Taoists and even ancestors will become ants, and no one will be spared.

In such an era, even the low-level powerful people in the Tiandao Divine Realm are just cannon fodder. Only by ascending to the high-level Tiandao Divine Realm can they protect themselves!

With his advanced transcendence, once he enters the heavenly realm, his cultivation speed will definitely exceed that of the so-called evil geniuses. Even without the blessing of the system, he can be one step ahead and reach the highest level in a very short time!

Of course, although Wang Feng is under pressure, he will not feel desperate. After all, he also has extremely powerful people such as Tai Cang Demon Dragon under his command, as well as many ancestors who can be summoned.

"Little friend!"

Just when Wang Feng was about to return to the top of Jianbei Mountain, a vicissitudes of time and ancient voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Wang Feng's face darkened, his whole body tensed up, and his eyes kept scanning around, but found nothing.

"Don't be nervous, little friend, I don't mean any harm!"

At this time, the ancient vicissitudes of voice sounded again, but Wang Feng did not relax and was still on guard with all his concentration.

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