Latest website: They suddenly felt that a mysterious and huge suction force came from the chains that locked them. Under this suction force, all their blood and even strength were absorbed one after another. No matter how they resisted, None of them were of any use, and I could only watch helplessly as everything about myself was absorbed.

Anyone would feel hopeless and helpless in this situation of watching the power that they had worked so hard to cultivate for countless years being absorbed.

Wei Feng and others have never had such a moment since they became the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm.

However, no matter how unwilling they are, there is nothing they can do. Their power is not under their control at all. They are being absorbed by those chains, and even their soul power is slowly disappearing.

"call out…!"

The sound of breaking through the air resounded, wrapping the chains of Wei Feng and others, and instantly shuttled to Wei Qingyu's side. The power absorbed from Wei Feng and others was continuously introduced into Wei Qingyu's body through the chains!


In an instant, the aura of cultivation on Wei Qingyu's body broke into the secluded realm of the fourth realm of heaven. The terrifying pressure suppressed the surroundings like an overwhelming mountain, making the void around him tremble uncontrollably!

In less than an hour, Wei Qingyu's cultivation has reached the Heavenly Nether Realm from the peak of the Heavenly Dao Yang Realm, and is still rising. Such a terrifying advancement speed will definitely shock the entire world if word spreads.

But if anyone knew the real inside story, they would only feel trembling with fear.

Today's Wei Qingyu cannot be called Wei Qingyu at all. He can only be called a puppet of heaven and earth. He has eliminated his will, depleted his potential, and thus condensed his cultivation. No arrogant genius can accept this method of improvement. , they would rather die in battle than become someone else's puppet!

Even if this person is the will of heaven and earth!


Not long after, Wei Feng and others turned into mummies. When the chains were removed, their bodies, which were so dry that they could no longer be dried, turned into powder and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

At the same time, everything they had was completely absorbed by Wei Qingyu, and Wei Qingyu, who had absorbed the power of Wei Feng and others, became more and more terrifying!

Wisps of blood appeared on her originally fair and translucent skin. Spikes protruded from her slender back, and blood-red wings extended from around the spikes.

The whole person is like a blood-dark angel, extremely terrifying, but with a different kind of charm. If you only look at the front and ignore the spikes on the back, her beauty and charm are even better than before.


At a certain moment, the sound of a bottleneck breaking was loudly heard. Wei Qingyu's cultivation instantly rushed into the fifth realm of Heaven's Dao Hao Realm, and in a very short period of time, it went straight to the peak of Heaven's Dao Hao Realm, almost only half a step away. You can break into the sixth realm of heaven!

At the same time, countless heavenly laws emerged from the void, flying around Wei Qingyu, and then condensed into a dark red armor, which was worn on Wei Qingyu!

Creatures are the strength, and heaven is the armor!

At this moment, Wei Qingyu's aura reached its peak, and the pressure was so strong that everything around him seemed to be unable to bear it and was annihilated one after another. What's even more shocking is that with such rapid and rapid breakthroughs, Wei Qingyu didn't have any... Any frivolous situation will be consolidated to the extreme!

Who can imagine that this is the power of cultivation obtained by the will of heaven and earth after consuming all Wei Qingyu's potential?

With the ability of the will of heaven and earth, it is possible to elevate a person from the peak of the Heavenly Dao Yang realm to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Hao realm in a very short time, but it is absolutely impossible to have such a strong foundation.

Even if it is improved, it is still the weakest at the peak of Tiandao Hao Realm. It cannot even beat some experts who have broken into the early stage of Tiandao Hao Realm or are extremely powerful at the peak of Tiandao Nether Realm!

But now, with the blessing of Wei Qingyu's potential, although her cultivation is like pulling out the growth, her foundation is extremely strong. But this also means that Wei Qingyu is completely ruined. Even if her will comes back, she will never be able to do it again in this life. Unable to break into the sixth realm of heaven!

With Wei Qingyu's qualifications, as long as he practices diligently, it is not impossible to reach the eighth realm of Heaven's Dao, and he can even hope to reach the ninth realm of Heaven's Dao. Unfortunately, under the will of heaven and earth, Wei Qingyu was directly squeezed out.


In an instant, Wei Qingyu opened her eyes, and red light flashed through her indifferent eyes. The blood-red wings behind her body flapped gently, whipping up gusts of wind. Her long blood-red hair flew like a long snake, and her entire body was covered with blood. Humans are like demons from hell, extremely ferocious!

At this time, sounds of piercing the sky sounded, and figures appeared in this area one after another. It was those powerful people in the heavenly realm who sensed the changes in this place.


"What...what's going on?"

"Oh my god, isn't that the young master of the Liuhun Pavilion? How did it become like this?"

"Where are the other strong men from the Soul Retention Pavilion?"

When they saw Wei Qingyu's appearance, many powerful men's pupils shrank and they gasped. They couldn't help but screamed and looked at Wei Qingyu as if they were monsters.

They never expected that Wei Qingyu would become like this after not seeing each other for a long time? Moreover, the aura that emerged from Wei Qingyu made them even more frightened and trembled. Under that aura, they could not even have the slightest sense of resistance.

"call out…!"

While these powerful people in the Heavenly Dao realm were talking in fear, Wei Qingyu moved. Unknown to her, she had already grasped the divine sword that had reached the Heavenly Dao Hao level.

At this moment, Wei Qingyu has been able to exert perfect power on this Hao-level divine sword. Coupled with the Heavenly Dao armor condensed on his body, Wei Qingyu's combat power is even more terrifying than the average sixth realm of Heavenly Dao.


One after another, the powerful men in the heavenly realm were killed and devoured by Wei Qingyu. Their whole body's blood and energy were turned into nutrients and absorbed by Wei Qingyu. The blood mist condensed on her body became even more terrifying.


"She is a away!"

"Crazy...she's absolutely crazy!"

The sudden change caused everyone to scream and scream. Those who were still alive turned around and ran away. They wished they had two more legs, and almost showed the fastest speed in their lives.

But how could they be faster than Wei Qingyu, who had reached the peak of Tiandao Hao level?

Nearly ten powerful men from the Heavenly Dao realm who appeared here were all killed by Wei Qingyu in less than sixty breaths. Everything they had was swallowed up by Wei Qingyu. The originally stagnant cultivation level also began to grow faintly!

This discovery made the originally indifferent Wei Qingyu's eyes shine with dazzling light. She first glanced at the top of Jianbei Mountain, with fierce murderous intent on her body, and then she flashed towards the surrounding mountainside.

If there is an extremely ancient existence, they can know what Wei Qingyu's current state is!

Hell puppet!

A terrifying puppet refined by the will of heaven and earth. Its most fundamental material is the so-called supreme talent among the heavens! Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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