Latest website: Zhenwu Tianmo Strike, a terrifying and powerful magical secret skill, was realized by Zhenwu Tianmo after he achieved the completion of his companion avenue, Zhenwu Dao. More importantly, using this secret skill does not require any cultivation or strength. Requirements, its power is entirely determined by the strength of the user!

The stronger the user's power, the stronger the power of the Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Strike. Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the power of this Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Strike, unless it exceeds the range of power that Zhenwu Dao can carry.

Such magical powers and secret techniques are undoubtedly very terrifying. Even Zhenwu Tianmo was extremely proud when he realized this move again, because looking at the whole world, such a secret technique is enough to be called the best!

Among the current heavens, there are very few magical powers and secret techniques that directly point to the great road. Once they appear, they will surely affect the entire heavens.

Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Attack is divided into three types, namely Heavenly Demon Destruction, Heavenly Demon Edict and the last Heavenly Demon Appearance!

The first type uses the user's will to communicate with the Zhenwu Dao, and uses the power of the Zhenwu Dao to launch a devastating blow; the second type uses the user's will and the help of the Heavenly Demon's decree to form the power of the words. As long as If you have strong enough strength and strong will, no one can bear it.

As for the third form, the user uses his power to sacrifice the Zhenwu Dao, and temporarily wins the possession of the Zhenwu Demon, so that the user can use the power of the Zhenwu Demon to deal with the enemy!

It is no exaggeration to say that this Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Strike was enough to become one of Wang Feng's biggest trump cards before he reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Fortunately, this mysterious chaotic space seems to help those who enter this place to understand the true martial arts. Coupled with Wang Feng's superb understanding, he can comprehend the true martial arts attack with a smooth flow without any obstruction.

If you look at it from the outside, you can find that Wang Feng, who is sitting cross-legged in front of the Nine Zhenwu Monuments, has dense mysterious lines on his body. These lines are dark brown, like a catalog engraved on Wang Feng's skin. , making Wang Feng's whole person extremely mysterious.

These lines are the inscriptions formed by the mystery of Zhenwu Dao, which also means that Wang Feng has already started with Zhenwu Dao.

"As expected of a being who can transcend in advance, his understanding is truly astonishing!"

At the bottom of the cliff, the mysterious being seemed to feel the aura of the Zhenwu Dao inscription on Wang Feng's body, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The mysteries of the Great Dao level are difficult for ordinary people to comprehend. Even for extremely powerful people in the Tiandao Cang Realm or even the Tiandao Jun Realm, it is extremely difficult for them to fully comprehend the Great Dao.

Almost every being who can become the divine realm of Heavenly Dao is the best among human beings, not even one among billions. However, if he wants to transform the Taoism he understands from the Heavenly Dao level to the Great Dao level, he does not know how many surprises he has to stand in his way before he can achieve this. generation.

Wang Feng's ability to easily comprehend the Great Dao would be envied by any strong person in the Heavenly Dao realm, even him. If he had Wang Feng's ability back then, he would not have ended up like this.


" this the breath of the hell demon?"

At this time, the mysterious being seemed to sense something. Flames suddenly appeared in his empty eye sockets. He suddenly looked in the direction of Wei Qingyu. His eyes seemed to see the changes in Wei Qingyu through many obstacles!


"You are still so unbearable! When you sense a slight threat, you want to destroy it?"

"You clearly don't have much time left, but you still resolutely carry out your duties?"

"I'm afraid, you are also struggling secretly to get rid of your own fate, right?"

Not long after, the mysterious existence sneered. His words were filled with admiration and disdain, which was extremely complicated.

"It's a pity that you don't know what kind of existence you have to deal with? This hell demon puppet alone can't deal with him!"

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious being laughed again, his words filled with trust in Wang Feng.

As a being who has reached half-step beyond the Source Realm, he understands Wang Feng's terror better than anyone else. The fate and strength of a being who can transcend before entering the Heavenly Realm are far beyond ordinary people's imagination. .

It is very difficult to kill such a person.

The mysterious existence even felt that even if he truly transcended the Source Realm, he might not be able to kill Wang Feng. If not, he would not choose to form a good relationship with Wang Feng.

Although he is trapped here, he is not unable to move. As long as there is a slight chance to seize the body, he will not let it go. After all, an existence that can transcend in advance is full of temptation for anyone, even if Even if it’s the great road, I can’t help it.

For a moment, he had the idea of ​​seizing Wang Feng's body, but when this idea arose, he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying sense of crisis. This sense of crisis was even more terrifying than when he faced the Great Dao. , as if as long as he takes action, he will fall!

It was this sense of crisis that made the mysterious being hold his nerve and choose to befriend Wang Feng!

With his cultivation level, he could have such a sense of crisis, which is enough to imagine that Wang Feng's seemingly capable body must have an amazing trump card hidden under it.

But neither the mysterious existence nor Wang Feng knew that this sense of crisis was deliberately created by the system to protect Wang Feng. Whenever a powerful existence wanted to covet Wang Feng, the system would overflow with a strong sense of crisis. The sense of crisis deterred that powerful being.

In fact, this sense of crisis is just a sense of crisis, without any substantive ability at all.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Wang Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the Nine Zhenwu Monuments, slowly opened his eyes. A series of mysterious lines flashed through his eyes, and the Zhenwu Dao inscriptions that originally surrounded him also disappeared into his eyes. His skin becomes part of the Tao he comprehends!

Wang Feng has not been enlightened for a long time, but with the support of his strong understanding, he has already mastered the magical secret skill of Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Strike, and has been able to fully perform the three Heavenly Demon moves.

However, if he wants to perfectly unleash the full power of the Three Heavenly Demon Styles, he still needs to continue to deeply comprehend the Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Strike. When he has fully comprehended the Zhenwu Heavenly Demon Strike, he can even truly mobilize the full power of the Zhenwu Dao.

Even with Wang Feng's understanding, it would take a long time to achieve this step!

Wang Feng glanced at Qin Meixin and others beside him and found that they were still immersed in comprehending the Nine Monuments of Zhenwu. With a wave of his hand, the majestic source power turned into protective light shields, guarding Qin Meixin and others within them.

Even though I know that those people don't dare to take action against them, this place is deep in the Red Mist District after all, and accidents may happen at any time, so you still have to be vigilant.

"Little friend, your ability to defeat the soul Taoist soldiers has made 'him' feel a hint of crisis. He has condensed the hell demon puppet and is ready to kill you, the 'anomaly'!"

Just when Wang Feng wanted to visit other places, the ancient voice of the mysterious existence resounded in Wang Feng's mind. Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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