Latest website: Wang Feng originally just wanted to get the legacy of the ninth life and add some foundation to the Immortal Sect. From the bottom of his heart, Wang Feng actually didn’t have much expectations for the legacy of the ninth life.

After all, the ninth generation was just an ancestor. Even if he could get some precious treasures, it would not be of much use to him now. But he never expected that the other party would leave such a shocking secret, and that the other party's Wang Feng was also shocked by his ability.

Even now, he has not been able to glimpse a little bit of his original self's layout. However, the ninth generation is weaker than him, but he has been able to glimpse a corner of his original self's layout. Even the fifth generation of Ancient Emperor Wangchuan, None of them have been able to do this.

Wang Feng suddenly discovered that he seemed to have underestimated the ninth life. Perhaps the ninth life's cultivation level was the lowest in the previous lives, but its methods and abilities were probably far beyond those of the other previous lives.

Of course, this may not be due to the fact that they know very little about the original self, but in any case, the ninth life can understand the original self better than them, and can even speculate on its layout. The ability of the ninth life is already There is no doubt about it.

However, compared to the ability of the ninth generation, Wang Feng was even more surprised by the information revealed by the ninth generation. The powerful people in the ten directions source domain were also planning in the heavens?

In addition to the Heaven Master clan, what other races are the back-up of those powerful men? Wang Feng originally thought that with his current ability, he could protect himself in the heavens, not to mention being unruly, but now it seems that the dangers in the heavens are far greater than he imagined.

Wang Feng's face was gloomy and uncertain. He was very glad that he came to take away the wealth left by the ninth life. Otherwise, he didn't know when he would be able to discover these secrets. Maybe by the time he found out, he would have already interacted with those beings. Been an enemy.

The Ten Directions Source Territory is rumored to be a world that transcends the Source Realm level. There are very few people in the entire heaven who know about it. If it were not for the Divine Ancestor, Wang Feng might not be able to know about the Ten Directions Source Territory.

No one can imagine how powerful the strong men in this world are and what methods they possess. Even with Wang Feng's current state of transcending the source realm, he would not dare to face such strong men. They are even worse than the Great Dao. A terrifying existence.

After some thought, Wang Feng secretly decided on a strategy. It is only right to develop in the future. With the resources he currently controls, it is not a big problem to develop the Immortal Sect. There is no need to compete for the God Realm or the Immortal Sect like those outside forces. Cultivation resources in the heavens.

After Wang Feng came back to his senses, he no longer struggled with the information left by the ninth life. He took Qin Meixin and the two girls over the stone monument and headed towards the high platform. After a while, all the treasures on the high platform were taken away by Wang Feng. , and a few of them continued to move forward!

After this stone room, there is another dark passage. However, this passage is not as dreamy as the first one, but rather ordinary.

Not long after, Wang Feng and the other three stepped into a stone room again and stared at it. The corner of Wang Feng's mouth suddenly twitched.

I saw that the layout of this second stone room was very similar to that of the first one. In front of Wang Feng and the others, there was a stone tablet, which was also engraved with the words left by the ninth life.

"We met again. Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

If the ninth life hadn't fallen, Wang Feng would have wanted to pull him out and slap him twice. He was so skinny and didn't look like him at all.

"In order to reduce your troubles, I have brought you the wealth left over from the eighth, seventh and sixth lives. This stone room contains the wealth from the eighth life!"

"Don't worry, I haven't touched a thing."

"These are my last words. I have one thing to ask of you."

"I once took on a disciple. When I was in my early days, she followed me on my expeditions to the north and south. But once again, by accident, she was attacked by my enemies and suppressed in the eternal hell in the eternal Yuan Realm."

"I wanted to rescue her back then, but I was not strong enough to break into the eternal hell. By the time I was strong enough, the dark war had already broken out. This incident is a regret of my life."

"For the sake of me helping you reduce trouble, you must rescue her."

"Although she is suppressed in the eternal hell, with her special physique, she must not be dead now!"

"We must save...!"

Seeing these words, Wang Feng frowned slightly. He did not expect that the ninth life would actually accept an apprentice. In the memory of the ninth life that he inherited, there was no memory of that apprentice at all.

If the ninth life wanted him to save that apprentice, why did he go out of his way to erase the memory of that apprentice? Even Wang Feng didn't know that there were many memories in the ninth life.

For example, how did he build this ruins in the God-Eating Devil's Cave, and how did he peek into the corner of his original layout?

The memory of the ninth life he inherited may just be what the ninth life wants him to know. What kind of secrets does the ninth life hide?

At this moment, endless doubts arose in Wang Feng's heart. Even though he had inherited the memory of the ninth life, he still felt that the ninth life was like a fog and he couldn't see clearly.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Feng shook his head and thought about his ninth disciple.

The Eternal Hell is not well-known in the entire universe, and very few people know about it. However, its level of terror is no less than that of the four great Jedi in the God Realm, and is even more mysterious than the four great Jedi in the God Realm.

It is rumored that the Eternal Hell is a corner of the legendary Nine Nether Hell that collapsed. It contains great horrors and dangers, but no one knows the specific dangers because everyone who steps into it has died. Exceptionally, the mortality rate is almost 100%.

Because of this, very few people know about the Eternal Hell, and only those powerful Tao courts with profound foundations have some records. If it were not for the memory inheritance of the fifth and ninth lives, Wang Feng would not know about the Eternal Hell. Prison this place.

Everyone in the world says that the Hell of Suppressing Demons is the number one hell in the heavens, but who knows that the Eternal Hell is the real number one hell in the heavens.

"You really posed a problem for me."

The message of eternal hell flashed in his mind. Wang Feng looked at the stone tablet and smiled bitterly.

Even at this moment, he kept secret about the eternal hell, but he had no choice but to go. After all, no matter how much he refused to admit it, he could not get rid of the relationship between the ninth life and him. The disciple of the ninth life, and his There is no difference between apprentices.

What's more, this ninth life really saved him a lot of trouble and told him those secrets. No matter from any aspect, he could not refuse the request of the ninth life.

After giving a wry smile, Wang Feng waved his hand and walked toward the high platform with Qin Meixin and Mengdie, a flash of expectation flashing in his eyes.

How rich is the wealth in the eighth life?

Today, he has only inherited the fifth and ninth lives. The rest of his past lives are still extremely unfamiliar to him. Mobile phone users please browse and read, it is more convenient to read on your handheld device.

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