Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 293 Bamboo stick 1 sweep, the ancients broke the courage


After the start-up style was completed, Wu Tongtian threw a punch without any hesitation!

This fist fell, and the deafening dragon roar resounded in all directions, the power shook the heaven and the earth, and on the straight line where the dragon head roared out, the void shattered inch by inch.

This punch is just so fierce and fierce, it hides the fist in the dragon. The dragon shadow is just to deter the enemy. The real killer move is the small fist hidden in the belly of the dragon shadow.

Punch out, dragon roar, heaven and earth are shocked!

The onlookers in the distance all changed their expressions in shock, even the other two immortal ancient clan chiefs who were Wu Tongtian's teammates shrank their pupils with bitter expressions on their faces.

Sometimes the realm is really fucking ridiculous. It is clear that Wu Tongtian's cultivation is the same as theirs, but the combat power displayed is terrifying and abnormal!

For some people, realm doesn't really mean combat power.

Enter the Dao with martial arts, fight the dragon with fists, and become the martial arts dragon fist! As the Martial Clan Patriarch, Wu Tongtian took this punch to the extreme. The other two immortal Ancient Clan Patriarchs are even guessing that even the Five Elements Ancient Dao killing formation that erupted from the Ancient Dao before, facing this punch, I am afraid that They have to be bombed to collapse.

Although Wu Tongtian's combat power was shaken, the Xianyu Clan's Clan Chief and Ji Clan's Clan Chief did not fall.

"Wanxian Feiyu!"

"Spring rain is coming!"

Two loud shouts erupted from the mouths of the two patriarchs at the same time, and dense feathers burst out from the Xianyu clan patriarch. These feathers seem to be nothing, but the flickering light on them makes people feel uncomfortable. Frightened.

Driven by the patriarch of the Xianyu clan, these densely packed feathers rushed towards A Qing, like thousands of sword qi, and the terrifying edge carried on the feathers directly pierced the void into a hornet's nest.

On the body of the patriarch of the Ji clan, dense water droplets appeared. These water droplets were mixed in thousands of feathers and shot towards Ah Qing. This originally extremely ordinary water droplet erupted from the hand of the patriarch of the Ji clan. Possesses a terrifying power that captures the soul!

The Xianyu Clan and the Ji Clan are also an ancient ethnic group. It is rumored that the first-generation patriarch of the Xianyu Clan, from a mysterious feather, realized the Taoism of the sky, and became famous all over the world, thus creating the Xianyu Clan, and the Ji Clan. , the mysterious power that controls the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter is the immortal ancient clan second only to the Wu clan and the Fu clan.

The momentum erupted by these three terrifying powerhouses,

It was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth. The sky above the entire platform was covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed and thundered. It seemed that even the heavens and the earth could not bear this pressure.

This made the city lord of Ganwu City, who was watching the battle from a distance, want to cry without tears, the gods fought, and the mortals suffered. Although his cultivation was not weak, under this terrifying battle, he even protected the city of Ganwu. I don't even have an idea, I can't even protect my life, I can't even protect my ass!

Fortunately, the practitioners in the entire Qianwu City have already escaped, otherwise, under the battle of these four existences, Qianwu City would not know how much to lose.

Any of these four shots is enough to shake the entire Tianlan Territory, not to mention the melee of the four, who dares to intervene?

Among the many onlookers, Ye Shengran, the patriarch of the Huang clan, looked at the center of the battlefield, which was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and a sneer appeared on his face. The patriarch was destroyed.

With the strength of the Immortal Sect, even if the four immortal ancient clans unite, they will lose a lot. In this way, once the adults behind him make a move, almost no one in the entire Tianlan Territory can stop him. , it can also go to a higher level.

Surrendering to the master is indeed a wise choice! Ye Shengran secretly said proudly.

Meanwhile, the center of the battlefield!

Facing these three terrifying offensives, Ah Qing's fair and pretty face was full of calmness, her slender hand clenched the bamboo stick tightly, and stepped out with one step, the sword intent around her body rushed into the sky. , extremely powerful, as soon as Shi appeared, he suppressed the power that Wu Tongtian and others had erupted.

Immediately afterwards, Ah Qing swung the bamboo stick in his hand, and dense sword energies emerged instantly. These sword energies gathered around Ah Qing's body, making Ah Qing's entire body form an extremely sharp sword field. The dense sword energy suddenly condensed into three huge sword beams, pointing directly at Wu Tongtian and the three.

From these three sword beams, a terrifying breath emerged. This breath was like the judgment of the immortals, which made people feel fear involuntarily.

At this moment, Ah Qing, who was holding a bamboo stick, gave the onlookers in the distance the feeling that it was like a descendant of fairies, who were judging Wu Tongtian and the three who dared to provoke immortals.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the terrifying moves of Wu Tongtian and the three of them collided with A Qing's three sword beams. Suddenly, a deafening sound of explosion resounded in all directions. fluctuations.

The terrifying power swept the four directions, the high platform made of unknown ore, under the swept of this terrifying power, exploded directly, turned into powder and dissipated in the sky and the earth, and the protective formation also shattered like paper, and the entire ground was hard. A thick layer of life was lifted by this force.

The Qianwu City, which has stood for an unknown time, has also been directly reduced to ruins. Even if the Qianwu City has opened a large defense formation, it is of no use in the face of such a force. Heart is bleeding.


Amidst the endless explosions, A Qing's sword beam collided with Wu Tongtian's martial arts dragon fist. The terrifying sharp edge of the sword ripped apart the dragon's shadow directly, slashing at the sword hidden in the dragon's shadow. On the fist light, more turbulent fluctuations broke out. Just for a moment, the fist light was chopped by the sword light, and the sword light was cut straight towards Wu Tongtian.

The moves that the Xianyu clan chief and Ji clan chiefs burst out could not stop for even a breath, and were directly swept away by the sword glow erupted by A Qing. Those water droplets and feathers turned into little stars and dissipated. in this world.

These two sword beams containing the ultimate sharpness, castrated unabated, slashed towards the two patriarchs at a terrifying speed, and the extreme sword beams seemed to cut the sky into two halves.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three Wu Tongtian changed. They thought that with the help of their three Taoist six-star peak powerhouses, even if Ah Qing could kill Gudao, it would definitely not be able to stop the three of them from joining forces. .

After all, the three of them are not ordinary Taoist six-star peaks. Each of them is powerful, and at least can match the seven-star Taoist. The three of them join forces, not as simple as 1+1+1.

But they didn't expect that Ah Qing was so strong that even the supernatural powers that they burst out with all their strength could be destroyed so easily. What terrifying cultivation level did this woman achieve?

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