Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 306 The first show of ancient sorrow

Wang Feng looked at Gu Chou with a look of relief, although this kid is a bit silly, and he doesn't do his job properly.

If Wang Feng knew that Gu Chou just wanted to put on a wave in front of him, so that he would be ashamed and give up to stop the two brothers from robbing, Wang Feng would not be able to help but slap him.


"I didn't expect the dignified Immortal Sect to have such a wonderful disciple?"

"Haha, is this person joking?"

"I'm really sad for the Immortal Sect, to have recruited such a disciple!"

"Yeah, in front of hundreds of Taoist gods, he wants to kill himself? How stupid is this to do?"

When Gu Chou's voice fell, many practitioners present did not shake, but laughed out loud, looking at Gu Chou like a clown jumping on the beam.

There are hundreds of Taoist gods, even if the existence of the nine-star peak of the Taoist gods meets, I am afraid that they will have to turn around and run away, let alone a mere disciple of you?

Among the many cultivators, the ancient tribes who had hatred with the Immortal Sect, such as the Phoenix Clan, laughed the most. Before, they only had fear and fear of the Immortal Sect, but now they have the support of Ling Yun Supreme and others, and they ridiculed desperately. I want to take revenge for the shame I suffered before.

Lingyun Supreme also smiled, he glanced at Wang Feng, and said sarcastically: "This is your disciple of the Immortal Sect? Ridiculous!"

"The way of the devil, the bound of the devil!"

"Earth Demon Road, Earth Demon Kill!"

Facing everyone's ridicule, Gu Chou didn't talk nonsense. With a movement, he appeared directly in front of Yuzong and Guiwu. He pinched Yin Jue with both hands at a terrifying speed and roared!


When Gu Chou's voice fell, a monstrous demonic energy permeated the whole body for a moment, and cold murderous intent spread out from the demonic energy.

A terrifying aura that seemed to open the gate of hell and the devil descended, filled the whole world in an instant, extremely terrifying!

At the same time, between Gu Chou's hands, the majestic demonic energy condensed into two small demonic swords, which floated up and down. This is the sword of earth demon killing. As soon as it appeared, there was a split. The terrifying edge of heaven and earth!

All of this happened in an instant, when Yuzong and Guiwu reacted,

Gu Chou has already condensed two terrifying offensives.

Yuzong and Guiwu were both startled and scared!

Their bodies, as if they were bound by something, could not move at all, even if they burst out of the cultivation base of the peak of the seven-star Taoist god and the peak of the six-star Taoist god, they could not get rid of that restraint force!

What really terrified them was that the force of restraint not only bound their bodies, but also bound the power in their bodies. At this time, they had the aura of cultivation, but they had no power at all!

"Quick, shoot!"

At this time, if Ling Yun Supreme didn't notice anything wrong, then he wouldn't be able to become a world Supreme, he roared directly.

When his voice fell, the three hundred blood dragon guards behind him burst out with their own momentum, and the momentum gathered by the three hundred Taoist powerhouses formed a stormy wave, swept away towards Gu Chou, a wave high After a wave, wherever you pass, everything will be destroyed, extremely terrifying!

Gu Chou didn't feel nervous at all, instead he sneered, and with a move of his hands, two Earth Demon Killing Swords shot out in an instant, stabbing towards Yuzong and Guiwu!

In the pupils of Yuzong and the two, the two Earth Demon Killing Swords grew bigger and bigger, and their bodies were constantly trembling due to fear, struggling desperately, but the terrifying force of restraint was firm. Binding them, their struggles are useless, they can only watch the two sharp swords that are enough to kill them!


At the same time, when the turbulent waves that erupted from the Blood Dragon Guard were about to sweep in front of Gu Chou, A Qing suddenly moved, and her delicate body changed shape and appeared directly in front of Gu Chou, with a wave of the bamboo stick in her hand!

The strength of the whole body and the mystery of Taoism were all condensed by Ah Qing in this wave, and on his bamboo stick, a faint light that devoured all things in the world bloomed.

Even if Ah Qing reaches the pinnacle of the Nine Stars of the Taoist God, even if this is just the aura of the three hundred blood dragon guards, Ah Qing does not dare to neglect at all, and directly explodes his full strength!

When Ah Qing swung this stick, a thunderclap sounded in all directions, and the sword light flashed with terrifying sword light, the speed was extremely fast, as if it had crossed time and space, and directly met the stormy waves!


The deafening sound of the collision reverberated, and under the shocking sword glow, the stormy waves were shattered without exception, and the sword glow went unabated, and went straight towards the three hundred blood dragon guards. , but with the concerted efforts of the three hundred Blood Dragon Guards, that sword beam didn't achieve an inch!

During this delay, the Sword of Earth Demon Killing that Gu Chou burst out stabbed at the hearts of the two of Yuzong, and the blood and even the strength of their bodies were instantly absorbed by the Sword of Earth Demon Killing. , their originally full bodies were shriveled in a state visible to the naked eye.

"Do not……!"

In the sunken pupils of Yuzong and the two, there was a flash of unwillingness, and hoarse roars came from their mouths. They were the peak of the seven-star Taoist god and the six-star peak of the Taoist god, but they died before they were successful. .

I thought that my birth this time would win the respect of all beings in the world; I thought that my birth this time would help the master to level the Tianlan domain and attack the fairyland, but I didn't expect that even a ray of light had not bloomed yet. , was beaten and killed by a mere disciple!

hate it!

In less than a moment, the consciousness of Yuzong and the two people completely dissipated in this world, and their bodies were like mummified corpses, without a little bit of vitality, not even a trace of blood.

When the two Earth Demon Killing Swords flew out by themselves, the two mummified corpses fell straight down, and with a bang, a huge pit was smashed into the entire ground!


Seeing that the two brothers were beheaded by Gu Chou, Ling Yun Supreme's eyes were red, and he roared up to the sky. The anger in his chest erupted like a volcano, and the surrounding temperature rose a lot because of this anger.

Originally had the Blood Dragon Guard, Ling Yun Supreme regarded the Immortal Sect like an ant. Even if he knew that the Immortal Sect was not weak, he still disdain it. After all, he had three hundred Taoist powerhouses behind him!

But he did not expect that his two most powerful senior brothers would die directly in just one face-to-face meeting, and they died at the hands of the disciples of the Immortal Sect, which was extremely mocking!

At this time, Ling Yun Supreme is not only angry, but also extremely painful. He is selfish and considers all living beings like ants. However, Master and several brothers are the only ones he regards as family, and now , he watched his two senior brothers being killed, that feeling almost made him unable to bear it!

Gu Chou ignored the anger of Lingyun Supreme, he held one hand behind his back, and with the other he took the two swords of killing the demons back into his body. The way of the devil suddenly skyrocketed!

This is the way of the desolate demons formed by the fusion of the ten demons. It can use the enemy to cultivate itself, which is extremely terrifying!

However, at this moment, Gu Chou didn't pay attention to the changes in his body.

He deliberately glanced at Wang Feng, wanting to see if the sect master was shocked when he knew his terrifying strength?

But what made Gu Shou depressed was that the sect master was extremely calm, and he didn't even have the slightest intention to praise him, as if he did such an earth-shattering thing, it was extremely common.

Did he pretend to fail this time?

This is his first show after reaching the Dao God Nine Stars Great Perfection. If this fails, Gu Chou may not have the heart to rob him for three days!

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