Wang Feng clenched his fist, felt the majestic power in his body, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. With his cultivation at the peak of the immortal position at this time, even if he had just broken through, relying on the magic weapon set and the strongest physique on the other side He also has the confidence to compete with the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm. His combat power is no longer bound by his cultivation!


At this moment, the void in the hall trembled, and several figures stepped out of the void and appeared in the hall!

The leader was dressed in a purple-gold white robe, with a handsome face and jade-like skin. There was a mysterious aura all over his body, making it impossible to see through, and his eyes were as deep as a vast starry sky!

The other, wearing a gossip robe, with a snow-white goatee up to his chest, looks old, but his whole body exudes majestic vitality, and his slightly squinted eyes flash with shivering brilliance from time to time.

The last one was a man with long hair and drooping shoulders. His complexion was purplish red, his skin was as delicate as that of a baby, his hands were as mighty as lightning, and his white clothes were as snowy. , Although he did not exude a little power, but at a glance, he knew that this person was extremely difficult to mess with!

These three people are the supreme master Ling Donglai, the heavenly master Sun En, and the blood-handed Ligong!

"See Sect Master!"

As soon as Shi saw Wang Feng, the three of Donglai didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed respectfully towards Wang Feng.

"You don't need to be too polite. With the help of the three, my Immortal Sect will be even more powerful, and I will be able to sweep the Quartet!" A smile appeared on Wang Feng's face, he waved his hand, and murmured softly.

"I'm waiting to be the suzerain, and sweep the Quartet for the Immortal Sect!"

A loud voice came from Ling Donglai and the others, shaking the entire hall.

"There will be a big battle soon, please go down and rest first!"

Wang Feng nodded with a smile and said.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Looking at the backs of Ling Donglai and the others leaving, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a gleam of fineness.

"System, use a guardian summoning opportunity!"

Wang Feng said with anticipation that this is the second guardian. According to the rules of the second guardian, the powerhouses summoned are at least the peak of Tiandan, which is the same level as the gluttonous world of the dark world. The difference is that, Even outside, as long as you encounter a crisis, you can summon guardians to help.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the second guardian Shi Gandang, may I ask the host to check his attribute panel?"

When the system's prompt sounded, Wang Feng's pupils shrank, and there was a touch of shock on his face. He did not expect the second guardian to summon such a character!

Shi Gandang, the stone saint of Mount Tai, is the disciple of Yang Jian, the god of war in the heavenly court. He was conceived by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from a huge rock on Mount Taishan in Dongyue. His skills are better than that of the master Yang Jian!

After living in the world, he repaid grievances with virtue, protected the people with divine power, and won the love of the people. Later, he joined forces with Nezha to eradicate the giant monster who pretended to be him, and became the great protector of the Three Realms. Was named by the Jade Emperor as the sect of the new dharma 'Great Golden Elixir King'!

Recalling the information of Shi Gandang in my mind,

Excited for a while, Wang Feng quickly said, "Check it out!"

"Ding, Shi Gandang's attribute panel is as follows:

Name: Shi Gandang

Titles: Taishan Mountain God, Great Protector of the Three Realms, Wusheng Tianzun

Current cultivation base: Tiandan Peak

Heaven · Supernatural Powers: The Five Dragons and Thunder

Heavenly Artifacts: Stone God Sword, Stone God Hammer, Pangu Kaitian Yue! "

"Note: The first guardian Li Bai's current cultivation base is: the peak of the sky! The guardian is not included in the lottery scope!"

Looking at Shi Gandang's attribute panel, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, Wang Feng is even more delighted that Li Bai can summon Shi Gan to be the second guardian, and Li Bai can summon him at will. Now Li Bai's cultivation is at the peak of Tianjijing. As long as Li Bai is out, who can resist in this fairyland ?

"System, what are the conditions for upgrading the system and sect to level 11?" After thinking about it, Wang Feng asked aloud.

"Ding, conquering the entire Immortal Profound Realm and obtaining the luck of the entire Immortal Profound Realm will trigger the opportunity to upgrade the level 11 system!"

The entire Immortal Profound Realm?

A ray of light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, and he murmured softly.

Now that he has conquered Nanhuang, he is not far from conquering the entire Immortal Profound Realm. With the current strength of his Immortal Sect, it is really not difficult to conquer the entire Immortal Profound Realm!

Of course, Wang Feng still has one more thing to do, and that is to take revenge for Zhang Sanfeng and others, to destroy the people of the Netherworld, and to dare to touch the people of his Immortal Sect, he must pay the price!


The next day, in the Immortal Sect Square, many Immortal Sect elders stood in a row, and the entire square was filled with a heavy depressing atmosphere, making the Immortal Sect disciples watching on the side, excited, one by one, holding their breath, the atmosphere did not dare. asthma.

This is the Immortal Sect they are proud of. The strong are like clouds, and they are fascinated by them. When can they become such a powerful existence as the elders?

"See Sect Master!"

At this moment, Wang Feng's figure appeared on the square, and many elders saluted one after another, and the voice shook the entire Immortal Sect. The momentum made many disciples of the Immortal Sect moved and looked at Wang Feng with reverence!

At this time, besides the guardian Li Bai, standing beside Wang Feng was another enchanting woman in a white dress, who was transformed from the first guardian sect divine beast, the nine-tailed fox!

That enchanting gesture made Diqin below grit his teeth, glared at the nine-tailed fox viciously, and said in his heart: Hu Meizi, dare to provoke the Sect Master and try to strip you of your hair!

"You don't have to be too polite!"

Wang Feng didn't know Diqin's small movements, he glanced at the many elders of the Immortal Sect, a light smile appeared on his face, he waved his hand slightly, and said loudly!

Looking at the dozens of elders below, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction. These are the backbone of his Immortal Sect. All of them are heroes among the people, and their combat power is extraordinary!

His entire immortal sect was dispatched, and Wang Feng wanted to see how the so-called vanguard army of the Netherworld could compete with his immortal sect!

This time, Wang Feng did not let the elders stay behind. With the gluttony in the dark world, no one could steal the home of his Immortal Sect. If it weren't for the lack of disciples, Wang Feng planned to take some disciples out to experience.

It's a pity that even if there is a reward for raising the level of the sect, so that they can improve to a big realm without side effects, but compared to the vanguard army of the Nether Source Realm, his disciples of the Immortal Sect are still a little worse.

Although there are many strong people in his Immortal Sect, the vanguard army they have to deal with this time has a total of 50,000 people, and the battlefield is changing rapidly.

"Go, take revenge!"

Wang Feng waved his hand and said loudly, the sound resounded throughout the Immortal Sect Square!

As soon as the words fell, Wang Feng jumped up first, and swept out of the Immortal Sect in an instant, followed by Jiuweihu and Li Bai, and many of the elders of the Immortal Sect did not hesitate and set off one after another!

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