Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 372 1 Sword End of the World

"I would have dealt with him, but you killed other people from the Immortal Sect!" Ming Di glanced at Li Bai, and then shouted at the many heavenly generals on the city wall.

As the pinnacle of Xianji, Ming Di naturally couldn't be afraid because Li Bai showed the same cultivation. He didn't believe it. There are still powerhouses in the Immortal Sect. His generals are all at the peak level of Xiangan. Coupled with the four beasts, it is more than enough to kill the people of the Immortal Sect!


Many heavenly generals of the Netherworld Origin Realm roared one after another, and the whole person took off, bursting with power, like a demon king, straddling the void, killing Wang Feng and others.

Astonishing murderous aura pervaded the whole world, and snowflakes fell, making people shiver!

Many members of the Deng family did not take action. With their cultivation base, rushing up there would be tantamount to courting death. Although they surrendered to Ming Di, they did not make fun of their own lives. They stood on the city wall one by one with horrified eyes. Staring at the battle in the void!

After those generals made their move, Zhang Sanfeng and the others behind Wang Feng also swayed and killed those generals.

Shi Potian rushed out first, and his whole body was like a killing god, his power skyrocketed.


Shi Potian punched out, and the huge fist flew out in an instant, like a round of sun, flashing with the terrifying power of shattering everything, and bombarded towards a heavenly general.

Feeling the terrifying power that burst out from the fist, the heavenly general took a deep breath, a cold look flashed in his eyes, he also stretched out his palm, clenched his fist and blasted it out, and the incomparably powerful Nether Demonic Qi gathered into one The huge fist collided fiercely with Shi Potian's punch!


Two terrifying fists burst in the void, setting off waves of stormy waves, and the layers of power ripples spread out in all directions.

Although Shi Potian's cultivation base is at least the peak of the Immortal Rank, he burst out with a power comparable to the peak of the Immortal Gan, and collided with that Heavenly General, who could only resist Shi Potian's offensive with difficulty!

On the other side, Zhang Sanfeng and the others also collided with those generals. Of course, in terms of number, there are more elders of the Immortal Sect. Therefore, some days, one person will deal with several elders of the Immortal Sect. In just a moment, they are already covered in bruises.

As for the fierce beasts formed by the 40,000 pioneer army, they were dealt with by the four deputy hall masters of the Immortal Sect Sword Temple, Ximen Chuixue, Xie Xiaofeng, Yan Shisan, and Ye Gucheng!

The sharp sword beams bursting from Ximen Chuixue and others continued to bombard the four huge beasts, causing the four huge beasts to burst into bursts of astonishing roars. However, Ximen Chuixue and others were shocked by the terrifying sword energy.

Above the void, Ming Di and Li Bai were fighting fiercely.

Ming Di's face was serious, and he kept waving the long saber in his hand, and his shot was extremely violent, filled with the majestic and demonic saber qi, like a torrential rain, slashing at Li Bai, the domineering and extremely evil sabre qi formed a layer of saber qi. The domain, covering Li Bai's whole person, with Li Bai as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles, was swept away by this terrifying blade domain.

If it was an ordinary Xianji peak powerhouse, facing Ming Di's move, he would have to be in a hurry.

In this scene, Ming Di's eyelids twitched wildly, and a sense of unease suddenly appeared in his heart. This is the move he is most proud of, even if a warlord from the Netherworld Realm ranked higher than him, facing his move, Don't be careless!

Still resisting his move so easily, in Ming Di's impression, only the top five generals have such terrifying combat power. Also has such a terrifying combat power.


Taking advantage of Li Bai being shrouded in the sword domain, Ming Di's eyes flashed with ruthlessness, the power in his body circulated wildly, and he directly burned blood essence,

It made the power that erupted from his whole body even more terrifying.

As a warrior in the Netherworld Source Realm, Ming Di is not only ruthless to the enemy, but also to himself. After realizing that Li Bai may have a stronger combat power than him, he did not hesitate at all, and decisively burned his blood and blood to enhance his combat power. force!

The pitch-black long sword in his hand suddenly erupted with boundless fierceness and slashed down.

In an instant, the dark sword light spread out, and in the void, it condensed into a long dark river and shrouded Li Bai away.

Slashing the Nether River with a knife, the ghosts and spirits of heaven and earth are shocked!

In this long dark river, there is actually a dense amount of knife energy circulating, even if it is far away, you can feel the suffocating edge.

The incomparably huge Nether River of Blades, which stretches for nearly a hundred miles, is extremely powerful. It does not give Li Bai the slightest chance to dodge, and directly shrouds him. covered.

Feeling the strength of this Netherworld Sword River, a strange look flashed in Li Bai's eyes. This warrior from the Netherworld Origin Realm is quite decisive, but it's a pity that no matter how hard he tries, he will end up dying.

"A long song, a sword in the world!"

Li Bai's face was indifferent, he murmured softly, his two fingers turned into swords, and the whole body was full of light, and above the two fingers, a dazzling bright sword light burst out, he slashed down, the bright sword light wanted to slash the world Power, slashed towards the Nether River of Swords.

Before the sword light fell, the fierce sword stance had already caused the sword energy above the Nether Sword River to gradually collapse, causing bursts of explosions to be heard throughout the world.


When the sword fell behind, a deafening sound of explosion resounded in all directions, and the terrifying power ripples swept away, sending away the surrounding heavenly generals and the elders of the Immortal Sect. The sharpness of Li Bai's sword, It runs through the world, as if the sky is open, and it is extremely terrifying!

Let everyone in the room stop the battle in unison, and look at the battlefield filled with smoke and dust in horror. The battlefield has been destroyed by this terrifying collision.

It wasn't until a long time ago that the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing the scene on the battlefield, but that scene made many heavenly generals in the Netherworld and the people of the Deng family full of disbelief.

The terrifying Netherworld warlord Ming Di, the entire body was cut in half by Li Bai's sword at this time, and the dark blood flowed out, making this piece of land that was already dilapidated, even more Corrupted by this demonic blood, the fierce sword light destroyed all the vitality in Ming Di's body! ??


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