Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 375: Forgetting the Void Heaven Realm, standing shoulder to shoulder with the sky

In this world, reincarnation and reincarnation is not difficult, as long as the cultivation base is high enough, supplemented by divine talents, it can be done, even if there is only a wisp of remnant soul left, it can be reincarnated in reincarnation!

Reaching the level of Taixuan fairyland, as long as a remnant of the soul does not die, it can be reborn. Even if someone destroys the soul, it is only the soul memory of this world that has been destroyed. In fact, its soul is only transformed into a clean soul. The power dissipates It is only between heaven and earth, and then this clean soul power will be reincarnated.

But once he blew himself up, it meant that everything he had, including his soul, had been blown up and transformed into power. At that time, he would completely disappear.

If it is not necessary, no one is willing to self-destruct, even if they have the intention of self-destruction, they may not really be able to do it.

But the people from the Nether Origin Realm did not hesitate at all, and they all blew themselves up. These scenes, Rao Wang Feng, were deeply shocked. For the first time, they had a strong fear of the so-called Nether Origin Realm!

It is worthy of being the strongest source realm under the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm.

This kind of will is really terrifying!

Although the entire Immortal Profound Territory is powerful, this Immortal Profound Territory is constantly fighting within each other. Each superpower fights on its own. It does not trust other superpowers, and it is impossible to unite together.

The people of the Netherworld Source Realm can self-destruct without hesitation, and they can see the unity of the Netherworld Source Realm. The Netherworld Source Realm itself is the strongest source realm under the entire Yuanhua Heaven Realm, plus the whole source realm is so united. , working together, which source world is its opponent?

If it weren't for his Immortal Sect, this Immortal Profound Realm would probably be conquered by the Netherworld Origin Realm!


At the same time, while Wang Feng was pondering, the vanguard army of the Netherworld Origin Realm also aroused their power to the greatest extent. A sound like a dull thunder resounded throughout the whole world. The posture visible to the naked eye swelled up, and before it exploded, there was a violent aura of destruction in this world!

It seems that the entire world will be destroyed in the next moment. The terrifying aura of destruction can be felt by the entire Southern Wilderness. All the practitioners in the Southern Wilderness are inexplicably flustered at this moment, as if there is something in the dark. A big terror is about to happen from the direction of Dongxincheng.

Many elders of the Shenxian Sect in Dongxin City and the people of the Deng family felt the most profoundly. The aura of destroying the world made their whole souls tremble, and their bodies froze directly, like falling into an ice cave, even if their consciousness wanted to escape, But the body was already unable to move.

That violent self-destruction force sealed the whole world.


At this critical moment, Wang Feng glanced at Li Bai, Li Bai understood, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly above the army of tens of thousands of ghosts, with a low roar.


A transcendent power that surpassed the heavens and the earth suddenly burst out from Li Bai. When this power emerged, the whole world immediately trembled. Everyone present, except the people from the Immortal Sect, all of them could not help but bend down. , worshipping Li Bai like a pilgrimage!

Even those Nether Army are no exception. The self-exploding power in them has stagnated under the influence of Li Bai's might!

Not only that, the entire Southern Wilderness felt this detached power over the heavens and the earth. No matter where they were in the Southern Wilderness, everyone couldn't help but face the direction of Dongxin City, their bodies slightly bent and bowed, their souls In the middle, it seemed that a god appeared, forcing them to make this pilgrimage.

This is the Forgotten Heaven Realm!

The terrifying almighty that surpasses the Taixuan fairyland, every move can be compared with the sky, making all beings in the world feel in awe!

"How... how is it possible?"

The people from the Nether Source Realm were all in despair at the moment, and their faces were full of disbelief. This was the self-destruction of thousands of people, and they were suppressed by Li Bai alone?

This scene is like a fantasy, no matter how you look at it, it is not real!

They wanted to self-destruct, fully wielding the power of the Netherworld, and at the same time destroying the Immortal Sect,

Even destroying most of the Southern Wilderness, even if the cultivators of the Southern Wilderness are not dead, the rest will not be able to stop the other army of their Netherworld origin.

The idea is good, the feasibility is also very strong, and the key is that no one wants them to be so ruthless. It can be said that if there is not the existence of Li Bai, a powerhouse at the peak of Tianji, the plan of this group of people from the Nether Origin Realm will be 100% successful. .

It's a pity that they underestimated the strength of Shenxianzong.

The dozen or so celestial generals from the Netherworld Origin Realm looked at Li Bai who was standing above the void with their hands clasped in horror on their faces. A coolness rushed straight from the soles of their feet to the Heavenly Spirit Cover. The strong, but also understand that, except for the strong at this level, no one can suppress the self-destruction of tens of thousands of them.

Even the most powerful Xianji peak powerhouse can't do it.

Thinking that the Immortal Sect actually has the power of the Forgotten Void Heaven Realm, these dozen or so heavenly generals can't help but feel chills. Every one of this level of powerhouse can destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and every move has great prestige. Yes, it is far beyond what the Taixuan Immortal Realm can match.

The Immortal Profound Realm is so powerful that if he wants to completely conquer the entire Immortal Profound Realm, there will be many more difficulties.

Even at this moment, these heavenly generals of the Netherworld Origin Realm did not worry about their own lives, but worried about the great cause of the Netherworld Origin Realm. Such will is simply unimaginable.


Li Bai glanced at the many people in the Nether Origin Realm and said softly.

Although the sound was light, it resounded clearly in the whole world. Not only that, but a transcendent power fluctuation spread out with the sound.

When this transcendent power wave swept in front of the Nether Army, every step of the sweep, a row of the Netherworld's vanguard army turned into little stars and dissipated in this world.

Such a terrifying scene made the pupils of the Nether Army behind them widen, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. With just one shout, it contained such terrifying power?

Existence like this is really disappointing!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the army of 40,000 ghosts disappeared completely, turned into little stars, and dissipated in the void, making this dim world, under the embellishment of these stars, beautiful. .

But neither the dozen or so ghost warriors left nor the members of the Deng family were in the mood to appreciate the magnificent scene, and there was only infinite fear left in their hearts.


That turbulent storm swept away again, even if those days would resist the mad power of rotation, it would still be unable to change the end of the ashes. Even the members of the Deng family disappeared completely in the midst of this turbulent storm! ??


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