Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 433 The Buddha said: Retribution on the spot

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The three of them were stunned and stupid, their whole bodies froze in place, and their heads were chaotic like a paste.

When they first stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Buddha, how high-spirited their top ten talents were, not only wanting to win the position of the son of the Buddha, but also wanting to kill the daughter of Shenxiu, complete the ancient Buddha's order, and achieve the supreme status of the ancient Buddha's door.

But in less than an hour, only the three of them were left in the top ten ancient Buddhist arrogances. Their previous attitude of being aloof and ignoring Wang Feng and others seemed so ridiculous at this moment.

The death of the seven ancient Buddhas' arrogance was a silent mockery of them, making them blushing, shocked and panicked.


The three of them looked at each other, and the thought flashed by coincidentally.

In the past, who could make them have the idea of ​​running away? With their invincible hearts, there is no word escape in their life dictionary, but now, they are completely feared to be killed by Shi Gandang.

The five words of "Tianjiao" of the ancient Buddhist sect are placed in the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, and they have a position of light weight. No one dares to be disrespectful to them. But now, these five words, to them, are not proud, on the contrary. is a great ridicule.

The dignified ancient Buddha's arrogance, in his own forbidden area, can't even destroy the enemy, but has been killed by several arrogant, is this not a mockery?

No matter how confident they were in their own strength, they knew that none of them alone would be Shi Gandang's opponent, and even if the three of them joined forces, they would not be Shi Gandang's opponent, not to mention that there was an equally troublesome Li Bai.

If they don't escape, they are likely to stay in this forbidden area forever like the seven arrogances.

They are the peerless talents of the ancient Buddhist sect. The next generation of the ancient Buddhist sect master will be born from the three of them. They have an infinite future, how can they die in such a place?

"Huh! Huh!"

At the same time as these thoughts flashed through their minds, the three of them made a false move, their bodies retreated directly, and they used all their power to increase their speed and swept away from the ancient Buddha gate.

The speed of the three of them was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already passed over half of the stone pillar forest. The speed far exceeded their cultivation, and it was almost the fastest speed they had exploded in their lives.

When faced with death, the potential that people can burst out is far beyond their imagination.

"Want to escape? Leave this seat behind!"

When the three men of enlightenment had just moved, Shi Gandang and Li Bai had already noticed that the whole person directly turned into a long rainbow, chasing after the three of them, and in just an instant, they surpassed the three of them and stood in front of them. !


The three of them broke out without hesitation. As peerless geniuses, they knew that if they ran away blindly, they would only give Shi Gandang the opportunity to sneak attack on them. Since the speed was not comparable, they could only retreat while fighting.

The body of the Vajra Arhat was directly displayed, turning into three little giants shining with golden light, and bombarded Li Bai and the two with a punch.

Facing the attacked three people, Shi Gandang sneered, put away the Stone Divine Sword, and transformed it into the Stone Divine Hammer. His whole personality changed dramatically, like a giant mountain, extremely thick!

Comparing his strength with the stone saint of Mount Tai, these three ancient Buddhist geniuses, I am afraid they have lost their minds, right?


Shi Gandang directly smashed it out, and the terrifying power caused ripples in the void. This hammer, with the weight of Mount Tai, slammed down, and the majestic power turned into phantoms, with a breath of life, towards the direction. When the three of them rushed away, the terrifying power seemed to smash everything in the world!

This terrifying blow made Li Bai, who was beside Shi Gandang, curl his lips involuntarily. He who wanted to shoot, put away the long sword in his hand. With Shi Gandang this guy around, he is a dignified poet, The first guardian of the Immortal Sect,

Just make soy sauce?

The three people of consciousness who were originally morale were like rainbows. When they felt the power of Shi Gandang's hammer fluctuate, they suddenly showed a look of horror. Looking at the shadow of the hammer that seemed to smash everything in the world, the whole soul of the three of them was shaking. As if half a foot into hell, that kind of fatal death crisis flashed frantically.

They want to escape, but this hammer has completely blocked the void around them. In other words, all directions are shrouded in this hammer, and they have nowhere to escape.

In desperation, the three of them could only grit their teeth and fight hard, resisting might still have a chance to survive.

boom! boom!

It's a pity that the choice of the three of them was right, but they couldn't resist it at all. Under a hammer, the three of them were directly hit hard, their bodies constantly flying in the void, and they fell on the ground.


A mouthful of golden blood spewed out of their mouths, and their faces darkened. They staggered to get up, but found that under the bombardment of Shi Gandang's hammer, their bones were all shattered, and the whole body was weak. Can't get the slightest effort.

"There are days outside the sky, and there are people outside the people! You have good qualifications, but you have provoked the wrong people!"

Shi Gandang appeared in front of the three men with the stone god hammer, and looked down at the three men indifferently.

When the words fell, he didn't care about the reaction of the three men of enlightenment. When he raised the stone hammer, he smashed it down with a single hammer. The terrifying power was released, and he directly smashed the three of them to pieces, and they couldn't die any longer!


Under this hammer, the entire ground shook, and cracks like spider webs spread in all directions. Only the ancient stone pillars were still standing strong.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, killing ten ancient Buddhist geniuses, getting a reward of 500 billion sect value, five random summoning opportunities for the primary level of heaven!"

After realizing that the three of them died, the cold voice of the system also sounded in Wang Feng's mind.

Wang Feng ignored the system prompt sounding in his mind, and ordered Great Demon Xuansha and others to heal on the spot, and then began to teach Xiao Wenxue to practice.

He didn't plan to walk out of this ancient Buddhist forbidden area, and was sullen by the old bald donkey Du'er. Now the entire ancient Buddhist sect probably already knows their existence. Outside the ancient Buddhist forbidden area, there may already be countless ancient Buddhist sect powerhouses. Waiting for them, with his current strength, walking out of the ancient Buddha forbidden area is simply courting death!

Unless he is willing to spend the luck value to rent the ancestor, otherwise, it is difficult to fight against the current ancient Buddha.

In this forbidden area of ​​ancient Buddha, at least he has the backhand of Senyu Yanlong in addition to renting his ancestors. The worst result is that Senyu Yanlong treats them and the strong men of ancient Buddhism as prey. That's it.

At that time, it will be too late to use the luck value to open the lease function of the ancestors.

There is no way, to control an entire immortal sect, Wang Feng has to plan carefully, the luck value seems to be illusory, but it is too important for the entire immortal sect.

The stronger the qi luck of the sect, the smoother the sect disciples will be. On the contrary, the sect with low qi luck will not be able to survive, and no one will think that the qi luck of themselves or their sect is too high.


At the same time, outside the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Buddha, the sect master Hui Kong and the hall masters of the various branch halls were tall and straight, and their eyes were fixed on the forbidden area of ​​​​the ancient Buddha.

"Aware of them, they are dead!"

"There are ten peerless talents in my ancient Buddhist sect, and they are gone!"

"This is the future of my Gufomen!"

"This is breaking the foundation of my ancient Buddhism!"

Many branch hall masters roared angrily, Rao is that they have already achieved the body of Buddha, and Zen Buddhism has realized a very high realm, but they still can't let go!

They cultivated Buddhas, but they were also human beings. Usually, they were able to hide their joy and anger, and even said with a smile that the benefactor should not be angry, because the defense line in their hearts had not yet been reached, but they could be enlightened. Waiting for the death of others completely collapsed their defense line.

If they hadn't been practicing Zen all the year round and still managed to maintain a sense of reason, they would have gone crazy!

Enlightenment and the others are candidates for the next generation of senior leaders of Gufo Sect. If they are dead, it is not easy for Gufo Sect to cultivate talents like Enlightenment and others.


Hui Kong resisted the delusional thoughts in his heart, and recited the Buddha's chant lightly.

"Sect Master Senior Brother, this matter can't be left alone! Whether it's the ancient Buddha's decree, or for the sake of enlightenment and others, it must be killed!" A sharp look flashed in Hui Gang's eyes, and he said solemnly.

"Yeah, Senior Sect Master! My Buddha often said that revenge is not overnight, and revenge is not overnight! Revenge on the spot! The death of Enlightenment and others is really the deep revenge of my ancient Buddhist sect. Why do we stand on the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm? What other face do I have to see my Buddha?"

Hearing Hui Gang's words, Hui Zang, the hall master of the Tibetan Sutra Hall, agreed. Although the rest of the hall masters didn't say anything, the approval on his face couldn't be hidden!

"Forget it, it's better to block it! I've been cultivating Buddha all my life, but I've always been obsessed with delusional thoughts. If that's the case, then I can do whatever I want and be a free Buddha!"

Hui Kong was silent for a while, before he sighed softly and said solemnly.

In his heart, he couldn't let go of the death of Enlightenment and others. If only ordinary disciples of ancient Buddhism died, they might not be so angry. Enlightenment and others represented the future of ancient Buddhism and the hope of ancient Buddhism. They died. , Guvermen's hope is also broken.

Instead of suppressing the revenge of himself, many juniors, and even the entire ancient Buddhist disciples, it is better to let them go and let them get rid of this layer of demons. Floors.

"Thank you, brother!"

Hui Gang and the others put their hands together and said in unison.

"The disciple is not filial, and only wants to bring all the juniors into the forbidden area and cut off the evildoers! This is really a last resort. I hope my Buddha will forgive me!"

Under the leadership of Hui Kong, many senior officials of the ancient Buddhist sect bowed respectfully towards the ancient stone tablet, apologized, then straightened up and stepped into the gate of light without hesitation.

This time, except for the ordinary disciples of the ancient Buddhist sect, almost the entire senior management of the ancient Buddhist sect was dispatched!

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