Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 447 Mahayana Vajra, Sacrifice to the Holy Buddha

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Just when Wang Feng summoned out of Jingyun, a bang woke Wang Feng up. He looked up and saw Nie Feng fly away with his palm, and looked at him with a grim expression. It's a Buddhist, and it's a bit crazy!

"The old man is exhausted, in the name of the holy Buddha, call the five saints of the ancient Buddha!"

He stared at Wang Feng for a long time, clasped his hands abruptly, and roared. Although his face was hideous, his person was extremely solemn and looked very strange!

The dazzling Buddha's light bloomed from him, like ripples, spreading out in all directions, sweeping the entire ancient Buddhist sect.

boom! boom……!

With the spread of the Buddha's light, a sound like the beating of the heart suddenly exploded in the heaven and the earth, and then, the depths of the ancient Buddha gate exploded suddenly, and the Buddha lights shot straight into the sky from the depths of the ancient Buddha gate, five flashes. The figure with the Buddha's light suddenly descended!

When these five figures descended, the heavy pressure swept the four directions, making the Great Demon Xuansha and others almost breathless. If Li Bai hadn't broken the pressure in time, they might have been crushed to the ground!

Wang Feng looked at it, and his heart was quite shocked. He knew that the ancient Buddhism was not that simple, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. There were five sages, and two of them were at the peak.

This is only the super power of Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, it is extremely powerful.

Li Bai's eyes narrowed, staring at the five figures above the void, ready to attack at any time.

"It is clear that the senior brother is dead, and the ancient Buddha's inheritance is cut off!"

"Senior brother's last wish, the inheritance is cut off, and the life and death of all living beings have nothing to do with my Buddha! Let them be born!"

With a look of grief and indignation, he looked at the five figures and roared.


After all the words fell, the five ancient Buddhist saints recited the Buddha's name in unison, their faces were neither sad nor happy, as if they had seen through the red dust, but the looming cold light in their eyes still explained their inner restlessness!

When Wang Feng heard the words in the distance, his heart jumped, and a sudden uneasiness appeared. He frantically absorbed the treasures of heaven and earth, and recovered with all his strength in order to deal with the next changes!

"Mahayana Vajra, break!"

In an instant, the six ancient Buddhist saints including Jin Zai let out a long roar, and the monstrous Buddha patterns permeated from their bodies, forming a tall Buddha shadow standing in the middle of the six of them.

"The Buddha told Subhuti that all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should thus subdue their minds; "It's not without thinking, why is it, Subhuti, if a bodhisattva has the form of me, the form of a human being, the form of living beings, and the form of a longevity, then it is not a bodhisattva...!"

A series of Buddhist scriptures came out from the mouths of all the others, like the sound of the sky, echoing in the whole world. With the sound of these Buddhas, the tall Buddha's shadow suddenly vibrated, and shot out from him. One after another Buddha pattern.

These Buddha patterns seem to have spirituality, and they fall on the stone pillars below. As soon as they fall, they are directly absorbed by the dense stone pillars below.


After the densely packed stone pillars absorbed those Buddha patterns, they trembled wildly. Looking down from a high altitude, one would find that the densely packed stone pillars formed a pattern, and the pattern was very similar to that tall Buddha figure!


In an instant, those stone pillars shattered one after another, revealing the pattern of the Buddha's shadow-like formation, and the patterns of the Buddha, which circulated on the pattern of the formation.

At the same time, the Buddha's light that bloomed on the people's bodies became more and more splendid, and their bodies were dry in a posture that was visible to the naked eye, and their blood and energy flowed along with the burst of those Buddha patterns.

This scene made the pupils of Wang Feng who was recovering in the distance shrink, and his face was so gloomy that water almost dripped.

How terrifying is the formation of the six holy Buddhas who sacrificed their lives to unblock them? What is even more terrifying is, what kind of existence must be sealed by this level of formation?

This is different from the formation that seals the Yanlong of the Prison. The formation of the Yanlong of the forest is sealed.

It is too advanced, and it is so advanced that it cannot be touched by the holy realm below the Holy Venerable.

Therefore, at that time, Wang Feng did not feel how terrifying the formation that sealed the prison Yanlong was, and it was not broken by Wang Feng himself, but by the prison Yanlong himself!

But now, after finishing the formation that the others had destroyed, Wang Feng was heartbroken. He never imagined that these people would be so cruel.

Of course, there may also be a reason for the severance of the ancient Buddhist tradition.


With the passing of the blood of all the people, the pattern of the Buddha's shadow gradually burst into a dark light, and the vast aura suddenly emerged, making the whole world tremble wildly.

When the Great Demon Xuansha and others felt this breath, their hearts tightened, and they couldn't help but feel a fear. They felt that their life and death seemed to be pinched by some big terrifying existence, and they were no longer under their own control. .

Even if he was as strong as Li Bai, his eyelids twitched, staring at the huge formation pattern, his whole body tensed up, and the power in his body surged frantically.

boom! boom! ...!

The sound of explosions resounded, and the bodies of all six people completely exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist, and the endless blood energy merged into the Buddha pattern in the sky, and rushed into the pattern of the pattern!


With the nourishment of these Buddha patterns, the entire formation pattern was completely activated, and the earth shook violently, as if the earth dragon turned over, the ground was lifted one after another, and the soil layers like waves rolled towards all directions.

The entire sky, at this moment, is bleak, and the monstrous demonic energy permeates from the formation. In just a split second, the entire ancient Buddhist sect is shrouded in it, making this former Buddhist holy place seem to be transformed into Demon domain.

This majestic demonic energy, even the Great Demon of the Profound Temple, who is a man in the demonic way, is frightened, and the center of the formation is the fearful gazer.

Wang Feng frowned, and was also staring at the center of the formation. This demonic energy made him uncomfortable, and an inexplicable hostility emerged out of thin air, as if he had encountered an old enemy.

This demonic energy, in terms of purity, is far from the pureness of the demonic energy in the Great Demon of Xuansha, but this demonic energy looks more like a demon than the Great Demon of Xuansha.

Just the demonic energy that spilled out was extremely evil, as if it had gathered the most evil and evil energy in the world.

Suddenly, Wang Feng's pupils shrank, staring at the magical energy that covered the sky and the sun, his eyes seemed to see three tall figures emerging in the center of the formation through many obstacles.

These extremely evil demonic energy emanated from the three tall figures!

"System, what is that?"

Seeing the three tall figures, Wang Feng's uneasiness intensified, his brows furrowed, and he asked secretly.

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