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"Didn't ask for your name?"

The old man of Huangtian Pavilion cupped his hands and asked aloud.

"This seat, Wang Feng, the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect!"

"It turned out to be Sect Master Wang in person, I'll be disrespectful!"

When Wang Feng's voice fell, the nine holy elders were startled, and they quickly cupped their hands, and their expressions became a little more respectful.

They did not expect that the Lord of the Immortal Sect had such a terrifying strength, how terrifying the characters of the Immortal Sect should be?

For a while, these nine sage elders had no opinion on the Immortal Sect becoming the overlord of the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm.

The strength of the Immortal Sect is no longer beyond their reach. It is better for the Immortal Sect to become the overlord of the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm than the superpowers of the same strength.

"Sect Master Wang, in my Huangtian Pavilion, there are a few younger generation with decent qualifications, who are willing to enter the Immortal Sect for further study!" Huangtian Pavilion's eyes rolled and the old man said.

Yuxi's girl's qualifications are good, Xueling's girl's qualifications are also good, and Ye Yun, Fang Xiao, Bai Ya...

In a moment of effort, the sage of Huangtian Pavilion thought about the beautiful female disciples of his own power. It didn't matter whether they entered the training or not, the main thing was to satisfy the Sect Master Wang.

"Sect Master Wang, I...!"

When the voice of the old man in Huangtian Pavilion fell, the old man from the other two superpowers also lit up and hurriedly said.

Mr. Fang, don't think I don't know what you're doing. Attention?

Sect Master Wang is young and energetic, how can he not have a few maids around him to take care of him?

Isn't it a coincidence? The few beautiful and tragic saintess in the power, as far as the maids are concerned, that is properly handled.


Wang Feng did not know the plans of these saints, and after thinking for a while, he agreed.

"So, I'm waiting to retire!"

The nine sage elders had a happy expression, and Qi Qi bowed to Wang Feng, then turned and left, and the speed was so fast that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If you don't hurry back to train those girls, what can they serve with their youthful appearance? Eight Great Laws, thirty-six postures, and seventy-two stunts must be mastered by them!

"System, integrate the six ultimate random summoning opportunities in the sky and summon it!"

Wang Feng looked at the direction in which the great sages were leaving, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said secretly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a chance to summon the ultimate random summoning opportunity of the heavenly realm that can summon the peak of Tianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Shuanglong Yuan Dianlang, may I ask the host to check its attribute panel?"

Wang Feng's eyes lit up, and he said directly, "Check it out!"

Shuanglongyuan Broken Waves can be said to be the peak moment of Broken Waves. Whether it is his aptitude or cultivation, he has been promoted to the top by Longyuan. Even Wuming, the martial arts myth, has evaluated it as an inhuman realm!

"Ding, the Broken Wave attribute panel is as follows:

Name: Broken Waves

Name: Kirin Demon

Heavenly Vessel: Heavenly Vessel of Sword, Heavenly Vessel of Demon

Cultivation: Peak of Heavenly Venerate

Heaven and supernatural powers: Duan's swordsmanship, wedding dress magic, blood and fire evil gang

Destiny Supernatural Powers: Eclipse Sun Sword Technique, World Destruction Demon Body, Blood Tribulation Claws, Dual Yuan Gangqi, God-breaking Art

Heavenly Soldier: Fire Linjian! "

"Note: Using the Demon God of Destruction + Sun Eclipse Sword Technique, supplemented by the God Breaking Art, can make the Wave Breaker's combat power soar, comparable to the realm of the Holy Spirit!"

After looking at Broken Wave's attribute panel, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction. He glanced at the Great Demon of Xuansha and the others behind him, and said, "Let's go!"

"Sect Master, are you going to the Heaven Repairing Sect?" The Great Demon Xuansha asked with narrowed eyes.

"Li Qing's boys were put by Qing'er in the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm for training, go find them first!"

Wang Feng shook his head and said.

"Oh? Those little guys are also in Yuanhua Tianjie!" The eyes of the Great Demon Xuansha lit up, and he said quite happily.

Wang Feng also had a smile on his face. Since he left the ancient world, he never saw these disciples again. It was a lie to say that he didn't miss them. Now they finally meet again, just to see what they have been trained by Qinger. degree!

After thinking about it, Wang Feng spread out his perception,

Like a layer of ripples, it swept the entire Yuanhua Heavenly Realm. In just a moment, Wang Feng sensed where Li Qing and others were, but his face turned gloomy.

"How courageous, dare to touch the people of my Immortal Sect!"

The cold voice resounded abruptly in this world. The voice without the slightest emotion made the faces of the Great Demon Xuansha and others look ugly. It made the Sect Master so angry. Obviously, Li Qing and the others were not in a good condition!

Wang Feng's figure moved, and the whole person galloped away in a certain direction. The Great Demon Xuansha and others followed closely behind Wang Feng. They wanted to see who dared to deceive him from the Immortal Sect!


In the mountains outside the Tianlingzong, Li Qing and other disciples gathered together, staring at the dense figures in front of them with cold eyes. In front of them, Split Sky was holding a long sword, covered in blood, and stood tightly in front of Li Qing and others. , never took a step back!

Opposite them, there are hundreds of figures, the lowest cultivation base is above the Tianwu realm, headed by the Tianlingzong and other six top forces sent to encircle and suppress Li Qing and others seven Tianzun!

"I didn't want to pay attention to these small crumbs, but I didn't expect you to get worse. If that's the case, don't blame me for bullying the small!" , reprimanded.

It seems that the momentum is monstrous, but in fact, Chen Huang and other seven great gods are shocked by the strength displayed by the splitting sky. This person is not the peak of the gods, but he can resist the offensive of their several great gods.

Even if they have the mind to play, it is enough to prove the terror of the splitting sky.

This level of combat power is not enough to describe the horror!

If it wasn't for this person's protection, the so-called Jiuxiao Supreme would have been beheaded by them long ago!

"Cracked old, you leave first, wait until you are strong, and then avenge me!"

Li Qing looked at the miserable cracked sky, a hint of unbearable flashed in his eyes, and said solemnly.

He knew that it would be easy to break through the siege of these major forces with the battle strength of Splitting the Sky. If it wasn't to save them, how could Splitting be so miserable?

"Yeah, crack old!"

"These people, wanting to kill me, etc., is not that simple!"

"You leave first, and in the future, burn them to ashes and avenge us!"

When Li Qing's voice fell, Ling Feiwu and others also opened their mouths and said, their eyes were red, staring at Chen Huang and others on the opposite side, killing intent bursting all over.

They do not regret hunting down the younger generation of these major forces. What they regret is that they were careless and fell into the traps of these major forces.

If not, how could they be easily surrounded by these major forces? If so, the younger generation of these major forces will not be attacked and killed by them one after another!

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