"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Chen Huang and many other powerhouses, getting a reward of 100 billion sect value, and a chance to summon the ultimate random chance of heaven!"

When Wang Feng's figure appeared in the place where Li Qing and others were, the system's prompt sound also sounded.

Wang Feng ignored the sound of the system's prompt, but stretched out his hands, and a gentle force burst out from his hands, rushing towards Li Qing and the others and the split sky.

This huge and gentle force poured into Li Qing and the others as well as Riftian's bodies in an instant, repairing their injuries. With the help of Wang Feng's holy power, in less than a moment, Li Qing and others and Riftian The injury recovered like this, and Split Sky also woke up from the coma!

"Thank you Sect Master!"

When Wang Feng came with the Great Demon of Xuansha and others, Split Sky also brought Li Qing and others to Wang Feng. They looked at Wang Feng excitedly, and they all bowed to Wang Feng!

"You guys are great!"

Wang Feng was calm on the surface, but he was equally excited in his heart. He glanced at Li Qing and the others and praised it!

These first batch of disciples have now grown into strong enough to be strong enough to be vertical and horizontal. They have not been seen for many days. Their previous immaturity is gone, replaced by tenacity and maturity.

Li Qing and others couldn't help showing a smile on their faces after receiving Wang Feng's appreciation. Although Ye Muqing helped them a lot during Wang Feng's absence, Ye Muqing could not replace Wang Feng in their minds. in the position!

Their continuous cultivation is for Wang Feng's praise, isn't it?

"Do you want revenge?" Wang Feng glanced at Li Qing and the others, and said with a smile.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Li Qing and the others looked at each other with a stern look in their eyes, and nodded towards Wang Feng.

If the suzerain hadn't appeared in time, they might have died under Chen Huang's fist, how could they not avenge this revenge? What's more, the reason why they attacked and killed the Tianjiao of the six top powers was because the Tianlingzong and other top powers attacked the gods of the ancient world first!

"Okay! This seat asks a few elders to destroy those top forces with you!"

Wang Feng nodded and said solemnly.

Whether it was the immortal sect that attacked the ancient world, or the immortal sect that killed Li Qing and others now, the immortal sect and the top sects couldn't be reconciled.

"Danlang, Xiongba, Second Sword Emperor, Third Pig Emperor and Long'er, the five of you will take Li Qing and the others to destroy those six top forces!"

Wang Feng glanced at the elders behind him and said loudly.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Duan Lang and the others clapped their hands together.

Wang Feng nodded, glanced at Li Qing and Ling Feiwu, showed a smile that was half a smile but not a smile, and said loudly: "When you return, I will personally witness the marriage for the two of you!"

When Wang Feng's voice fell, Li Qing smiled stupidly, while Ling Feiwu lowered his head with a shy face.

When she died just now, she naturally expressed her emotions without fear, but now everything is safe, how can she still have such courage?

"Sect Master, I'll wait!"

Li Qing and the others cupped their hands towards Wang Feng and said.

When the voice fell, he followed Duan Lang and other elders and galloped away in the direction of Tianlingzong.

Watching Li Qing and others leave, Wang Feng put away the smile on his face and looked at Split Sky, he sighed: "I never imagined that one day, you, a sweeper, would grow to such a degree. ?"

Hearing Wang Feng's astonished words, a smile appeared on Splitian's vicissitudes of life. In his opinion, with Wang Feng's astonishment, the sins he suffered before were all worth it!

"From now on, you will be the elder of my Immortal Sect!"

Wang Feng patted the shoulder of the split sky, without a doubt.

"Sect Master, this old man is used to sweeping the floor, so why not be a sweeping elder?" Split Sky grinned and said.

"You old fellow!"

"Well, it's up to you!"

Wang Feng's face froze, then he waved his hand and scolded with a smile.

"Thank you Sect Master!"

Splitting the sky bowed and said loudly.

"Okay, old guy, why are you being polite to the sect master!"

The Great Demon Xuansha grabbed the shoulders of Splitian and said with a smile.

"System, spend 500 billion sect value lottery draws! And the cultivation bases drawn will be blessed on Wuming, Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng, Pang Ban, Meng Chixing, and Chuanying!"

After chatting with Splitting Sky for a while, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a ray of light, and he murmured secretly.

He was not in a hurry to find the Shenxianzong station in Yuanhua Tianjie. With the World Ball there, he didn't pay much attention to the station of the Shenxianzong.

But to become the overlord of Yuanhua Tianjie, he is bound to win!

Although those superpowers promised to respect the Immortal Sect as the overlord of the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no dissent. Only by destroying the Heaven-Mending Sect and completely deterring the three superpowers can the Immortal Sect hold on to the Yuan Dynasty. The Overlord of Huatian Realm!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting one-tenth of Nie Feng's cultivation base!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host, the extracted cultivation base has been blessed on Wuming and others, and the cultivation base of Wuming and others has broken through to the peak of Supreme Heavenly Venerate!"

When the cold voice in his mind sounded, Wang Feng waved his hand and released Wuming and others from the world ball.

"Nine-tailed fox, you bring Xiao Wenxue back to the world ball and let Zhang Sanfeng and others try to teach Xiao Wenxue to practice!" Wang Feng looked at the nine-tailed fox and Xiao Wenxue behind him and said.

Although his cultivation base is extraordinary now, this time it will be against the superpower Heaven-Mending Sect. It is difficult to guarantee that this Heaven-Mending Sect will not have a hole card that even he can't handle.

For Xiao Wenxue, Wang Feng is very fancy, he naturally does not want Xiao Wenxue to be injured, this is his first direct disciple!


Hearing Wang Feng's words, before the nine-tailed fox said anything, Xiao Wenxue's big watery eyes looked at Wang Feng pitifully. In Xiao Wenxue's heart, it seemed that she already regarded Wang Feng as her father. , she didn't want to be separated from Wang Feng for a moment.

Shizun is the person her father personally designated to protect her!

In this world, she has no relatives, and the master is her only relative!

"Don't worry, Master won't leave you! Just put you in a safe place, there are many brothers and sisters there!" Wang Feng rubbed Xiao Wenxue's head and said gently.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Xiao Wenxue's aggrieved face softened a little, but she still looked at Wang Feng closely.

Wang Feng winked at the nine-tailed fox, and the nine-tailed fox immediately understood, and directly brought Xiao Wenxue into the world ball!

This scene made Wuming and others who just appeared amazed. I didn't expect the Sect Master to have such a soft side?

"Let's go, let's go to make up the sky!"

A cold light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, he glanced at Wuming and the others, and said loudly!

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