Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 466 Xeon Sacred Tribulation

The comers are the five dead people of the Ming clan!

"This...this is...!"

"Death Clan!"

"Mutian Jiao is so bold, how dare he collude with the people of the dead Ming clan!"

When the people of the dead Ming clan appeared, the pupils of the saints from the superpowers shrank and exclaimed, and there was an extreme anger on their faces. Although they had not personally faced the dead Ming clan People, but they clearly know the breath of the dead people!

When those people appeared, they could see at a glance that these people were the people of the dead underworld that they feared!

How could they never have imagined that, as the superpower of Yuanhua Heavenly Realm and the pillar of Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, the Heaven Patching Sect would dare to collude with people from the Dead Nether Clan?

That is the devil who is chasing the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm!

What is the difference between colluding with the devil and betraying the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm?

Many super-powerful saints were furious, but they did not move, but continued to stare at the Heaven-Mending Sect. If the dead people of the Ming clan could perish with the Shenxian Sect, wouldn't this Yuanhua Heavenly Realm become their world?

Above the Heaven Patching Sect, Liu Feiyu was secretly delighted at the appearance of those who died from the Ming clan.

Indeed, the people of the dead Ming clan are called devils to Yuanhua Heavenly Realm.

But he is about to disappear, so how can he manage the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm? A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. As long as he can survive, what if the world is dead? What about being in the company of the devil?

If you want to blame, you can only blame Wang Feng and others for doing too much!

"Death Clan!"

Wang Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes fixed on the dead people of the Ming clan, and he murmured softly.

There was also a look of surprise in his heart. This person from the dead Ming clan is a good thing. That day, the rhyme pattern made him jealous. He was worried that he could not find the dead person of the Ming clan, but he didn't expect them to come to the door by himself?

For the sake of this heavenly rhyme pattern, what if you use your luck? It's all worth it!

"Come here and die!"

The leader of the dead Ming clan stood in the sky, looked at Wang Feng and the others indifferently, snorted coldly, and the domineering words resounded in the whole world. This scene was very similar to the previous saint of the Heaven-Mending Sect. See?

It's just that the power of the people is different, and the power is naturally different!

Said by the people of the dead Ming clan, it brought great deterrence to everyone present, even Liu Feiyu and other saints from the Heaven-Mending Sect, after hearing these domineering words, their hearts trembled involuntarily!

Just a single voice made them, who are sages, tremble. The terrifying people of the dead Ming clan are even more terrifying than they imagined!


When the voice of the dead person fell, a cold light flashed in Li Bai's eyes, the long sword in his hand trembled lightly, and the sound like a dragon's roar echoed in an instant, and the cold sword intent rose into the sky, like a peerless sword god!


As Li Bai slashed down with a sword, the moon-like azure sword beam shot out in an instant, as if it was about to smash the heavens and the earth, wrapped in the might of the sky, and bombarded the dead person of the Ming family!

Before the sword could fall, the sharp edge made the whole world tremble violently, and the void was directly split into dark cracks, as if destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

The terrifying sword stance made many disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect exclaim and tremble. They looked at the huge sword light that covered the sky with fear. Just a glance made them feel as if death had descended. Half foot into hell, they wanted to escape, but the whole body was not under their control, and they were suppressed by the sword force and could not move!


In the face of Li Bai's powerful sword, the corner of the mouth of the dead person of the Ming clan twitched, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand covered with lines and patted it lightly!

The terrifying power of death condensed out in an instant, forming a huge palm print, and rushed towards the sword light.

When this palm print appeared, everyone present seemed to be pinching their necks by the god of death.

Even Liu Feiyu and other sages and sages trembled with fear.

When they really faced the people of the dead underworld, they really understood how terrible the dead underworld was? The terrifying power of death made them uncomfortable, as if they were in hell.


Under the trembling gazes of everyone, the huge sword light collided with the palm print. What shocked Liu Feiyu and others was that the sword light that made them all terrified, after touching the palm print, It was like a piece of paper, it was easily shattered, and it turned into a little starlight and dissipated in the heaven and earth, as if it had never appeared!


After smashing the sword light, the fist light was castrated unabated, as if changing shape and shadow, appeared in front of Li Bai in an instant, and bombarded Li Bai violently.

Li Bai's face suddenly turned pale, scarlet blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person involuntarily flew out. Wang Feng's eyes were slightly cold, and he stretched out his hand and waved a majestic force to catch Li Bai.

"Holy Tribulation!"

The cold light in Wang Feng's eyes shot, staring at the dead person of the dead clan, and said solemnly.

Rao is Wang Feng, and he can't help but want to scold his mother. How can the people of this dead Ming clan appear so powerful? Tribulation at every turn? That is him, if he were someone else, who could stop these dead people from the Ming clan?

His cultivation base has now reached the peak of Shengyuan, and his combat power is enough to match the peak of the sacred sacrifice. It is also possible to grit his teeth and contend with a sacred calamity, but the opponent has five sacred tribulations, how can he stop it?

Even if you add Shi Gandang and the gluttonous gluttons in the dark world, they can't stop these five holy tribulations.

"Huh? As expected of the person who does what the master wants, in this barren Yuanhua Heavenly Realm, everyone can reach the pinnacle of Saint Yuan!"

Feeling the breath of Wang Feng's blooming, the person of the dead Ming clan narrowed his eyes and whispered in his heart.

Liu Feiyu and the others, who were behind the dead Ming clan, looked at each other with a look of horror on their faces. How could such a powerful existence as Li Bai be defeated by this dead Ming clan?

In particular, the sage of the Heaven-Mending Sect who was defeated by Li Bai was even more frightened and his body trembled uncontrollably. Fortunately, the goal of this group of dead people was the enemy of his Heaven-Mending Sect. If so, his Heaven Repairing Sect and even the alliance of several superpowers in the Yuanhua Heavenly Realm are not the opponents of this dead Ming clan.

"Is it going to be captured when you wait, or will you be defeated by this seat?"

The leader of the dead Ming clan stared at Wang Feng and said with a wicked smile. The vast power of death was surging all over his body, like a sky, covering the entire world, making everyone present seem to have stepped into the dead zone, and the whole soul is trembling.

That hoarse voice reverberated in the whole world, like the will of the gods, giving people an irresistible overbearing feeling. ??


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