The Western Region is where the Tianxiong Ming Clan resides.

In a grand and majestic hall, a burly figure sat high on a throne. Endless majesty spread out from the burly figure, filling the entire hall with a depressing atmosphere.

"call out!"

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and several figures walked into the hall with their heads lowered, their expressions were extremely respectful, and they did not dare to breathe for fear of disturbing the burly figure.

If Wang Feng comes again, he will definitely find that these people are the people from the Tianxiong Ming clan who followed Bai Xuan.

"Where's the lady?"

The majestic voice came from the mouth of the burly figure, shaking the entire hall, making those people from the Tianxiong Ming Clan tremble involuntarily, and their whole bodies almost fell to the ground.

"Sir... Your Majesty, this subordinate is not doing his job well and has lost the lady!"

The leader of the Tianxiong Ming Tribe spoke out with a trembling voice, while cold sweat continued to break out from his back, staining his robes.

Even though the Lord didn't say anything and didn't deliberately express his power, they could clearly feel that after these words were spoken, the entire hall became even more depressed, so much so that they almost suffocated.

"I am very pleased with your loyalty!"

"But... who gave you the courage to deceive me?"

The extremely plain words came from the mouth of the burly figure and echoed throughout the hall.


Several people from the Tianxiong Ming Clan were so frightened that they fell to the ground, their clothes soaked with sweat, gritting their teeth and saying nothing.

Even though they are powerful in cultivation, they are still like ants in front of this master. Even his words make their souls tremble and they are unable to resist at all.

"Bai Ye stays, everyone else should leave!"

The burly figure glanced at several people from the Tianxiong Ming Clan and spoke in an extremely calm tone.

Bai Ye is the one who is leading the charge.


The other members of the Tianxiong Ming Clan glanced at Bai Ye, not daring to say anything, and responded respectfully before retreating directly.

Bai Ye was left with cold sweat on his forehead and fell to his knees!

"I know your loyalty to Bai Xuan, and I won't embarrass you! Come and see for yourself!"

The burly figure glanced at Bai Ye and said without any emotion. That cold voice made Bai Ye tremble!

As soon as he finished speaking, the burly figure swayed and suddenly appeared in front of Bai Ye, looking down at Bai Ye from a high position, with an unfathomable light shining in those deep scarlet eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the burly figure stretched out a hand and pressed it on Bai Ye's head. A bright gray light bloomed from his palm. Bai Ye seemed to have lost his soul, and his eyes lost their light.

After a moment, the burly figure retracted his palm, waved his hand and said, "Back off!"


When Bai Ye came back to his senses, he had no idea what had happened, but he didn't dare to ask. He cupped his hands and walked out.

"Yang Ye? Immortal Sect!!"

After Bai Ye left the hall, a soul-stirring light flashed in the eyes of the burly figure, and murmurings echoed throughout the hall.

The next moment, the burly figure disappeared directly into the hall, leaving the hall empty and extremely silent!


In the Hengduan Mountains, Wang Feng and his group were flying quickly, with countless towering ancient trees passing by them. After accepting Yang Ye and Bai Xuan, Wang Feng also learned about this place from their mouths.

The place where Wang Feng and his party descended was in the eastern part of the Hengduan Mountains. To the east was the territory of the Longhuang Holy Dynasty and the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty, and to the west was the residence of the Tianxiong Ming Clan!

Wang Feng and others will naturally not go west to attract hatred from the Tianxiong Ming Clan. At this time, Wang Feng and others are heading to the headquarters of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty. The station of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty is far away from where Wang Feng and others arrived. Recently, he wanted to go to the Hidden Sun Holy Palace to learn more about it.

"Sect Master, there is someone fighting in front!"

Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao's eyes flickered next to Wang Feng, staring into the distance, as if his eyes were seeing the situation far away through many obstacles, and he spoke.


Wang Feng and others paused, subconsciously restrained their auras, and followed Li Xiaoyao's gaze.

I saw two parties of people confronting each other in the void far away. On one side were twenty mysterious people wearing black robes. The aura of the Holy Realm swept across all directions, making the void around them tremble. Distorted in ways that are visible to the naked eye.

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully sensed the cultivation auras of the twenty men in black robes. He couldn't help but be shocked. Each of the twenty men in black robes was actually at the peak of the Holy Tribulation. The one headed by them was Three, two late-stage Saint Kings and one Peak Saint King.

As for the other party, Wang Feng was very curious.

It was a chariot driven by eight red dragon horses that had reached the realm of the Holy Yuan. Next to it were sixteen soldiers wearing red armor. Each of these sixteen soldiers had reached the peak of the Holy Tribulation. The chariots were guarded among them.

From this formation, even a fool can see that the identity of the characters in the chariot is definitely extraordinary.

This scene made Wang Feng feel sad. Look, he was such a tough guy and had arranged everything so well. He, the majestic leader of the Immortal Sect and the most powerful man at the peak of the Holy King, was still walking on foot.

"Sooner or later, I will build a Kowloon cart one day, otherwise I will be worthy of my status?"

Wang Feng's eyes flashed slightly and he murmured secretly.

"Yang Ye, do you know those two people?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng put his mind into the world ball, and at the same time, the outside world appeared in front of Yang Ye and Bai Xuan, and asked aloud.


Yang Ye and Yang Ye, who were hugging each other and talking quietly, were startled by Wang Feng's sudden voice. They quickly stood up, straightened their robes, and responded respectfully.

Bai Xuan, who was on the side, turned even red with embarrassment and glared at Yang Ye.

Yang Ye's face also looked a little unnatural. He patted Bai Xuan's hand, looked at the picture, and suddenly looked stunned: " this?"

"Do you know their identities?"

Yang Ye's shaking sound made Wang Feng narrow his eyes and ask quickly.

"The person in that chariot should be Princess Leng Ling of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty!"

"Princess Leng Ling is the youngest princess of the Hidden Sun Dynasty and the daughter of Ye Shengfei, one of the eight holy concubines. She is loved by thousands of people and is the most beloved little princess of the Hidden Sun Emperor!"

"On her fifteenth birthday, she was given three pieces of the Holy Royal Artifacts directly! On her twenty-second birthday, she was given a chariot that reached the level of the Holy Imperial Artifacts. At the same time, Emperor Zhiri sent experts to capture her for her. He hired eight red dragon horses to drive the chariot for him, and ordered 16 great masters to escort him!"

"Everyone who can become a great master must at least be at the peak of the Holy Tribulation!"

Yang Ye's words full of envy rang in Wang Feng's ears, making Wang Feng's eyes sparkle. He didn't expect to meet this little princess from the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty!

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