Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 502 Take it upon yourself if you are not allowed

In the splendid attic, a handsome young man in a python dragon robe stood with his hands behind his hands, staring at the Jiuji chariot that was gradually going away. That handsome face was twisted and full of anger!

"Those losers in the Killing God Pavilion can't even kill a mere Holy Tribulation woman!"

A vicious word blurted out from the young man's mouth. The young man's fists were clenched tightly and his eyes were full of anger.

"Chichi, why don't the eldest prince cooperate with our clan? Just Leng Ling, our clan will kill him!"

The sound of jeers sounded in the attic, and a figure in black robe suddenly appeared behind the young man.

If anyone heard this sneer, they would be extremely shocked!

This young man is actually Leng Lie, the eldest prince of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty, who has successfully passed through the eighth floor of the Seven Holy Tower. His cultivation has reached the peak of the Holy Emperor, and he is the person with the highest cultivation level among the younger generation of the Hidden Sun Imperial Family!

Leng Lie was not surprised by the appearance of the man in black robe. He said calmly: "You are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the human race!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that the dignified eldest prince of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty could be so pedantic!" The man in black robes mocked, and a strange light flashed in his dark eyes.


Leng Lie scolded without looking back.

"Haha, one day, the eldest prince will definitely use our clan, why should he be angry? It is said that Emperor Zhanri intends to cultivate Leng Ling to become the first female empress in the history of the dynasty. By then, I am afraid that nothing will happen without the eldest prince. Got it!"

The man in black robe slowly dissipated, but the sneer lingered in the attic for a long time.

Leng Lie's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water, and his eyes were extremely red, like a man-eating beast, which made people feel heart-stopping.

"Father, what have I done wrong? Do you want to train Leng Ling? Is it because of her high qualifications that you are willing to go against all odds and train her to become the first female emperor in history?"

"Have you seen how much effort I have made to become the Young Emperor?"

"I am wandering between life and death, gritting my teeth and holding on, just to become the Holy Emperor and support the younger generation of my royal family. Have you seen it?"

"I am willing to shoulder the Holy Dynasty's ambition to dominate, but why don't you want to give me a chance?"

A low roar came from Leng Lie's mouth. His face was distorted, and his whole body was trembling constantly. The cold air emanating from his body caused the temperature of the attic to drop to the extreme.

"Since you don't allow it, I'll take it myself!"

A firm voice like an oath came from Leng Lie's mouth. After the words were finished, his figure slowly disappeared in the attic, as if he had never appeared before.

The entire attic fell silent again.


In the Seven Saints Palace, Ye Wu led many of his subordinates and bowed respectfully to the fallen Jiuji Chariot, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Ye Wu, pays homage to Your Highness the Princess!"

"See Your Highness the Princess!"

In addition to Leng Ao and the young masters of the four major families, the rest of the younger generation also bowed and saluted.

Princess Leng Ling, as the most favored little princess of Emperor Zhidian, has an extremely noble status. Seeing her is like meeting Emperor Zhidir. Unless they are extremely talented, everyone else must bow!

In the entire Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty, no one can shake the power of Hidden Sun Emperor!

Even the eldest prince, who is known as the most advantageous candidate for the position of Young Emperor, has not been able to obtain such privileges. This shows how high Princess Leng Ling's status is in the heart of Emperor Zhiri!

Many younger generations are crazy about pursuing Princess Leng Ling. In addition to Princess Leng Ling herself being a first-rate beauty, this factor also plays a large role.

Who can not only win a beautiful woman back, but also become the most powerful person in the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty? Who can not be crazy?

"Get up!"

A soft and sweet voice came from the chariot, and then everyone saw the most beautiful Princess Leng Ling walking out with a group of strangers.


"Who are they? Can they step into the Jiuji Chariot?"

"Oh my God! The Jiuji Chariot is an exclusive vehicle given to the princess by the emperor. So far, no man has been able to step into it!"

"Yes, I thought that the first person to enter the chariot must be the princess's husband, but who would have thought that there would be so many people riding in the same chariot with the princess?"

When they saw Li Qing and others following Princess Leng Ling out of the chariot, everyone present was in an uproar, whispering to each other, their voices full of surprise.

The expressions of Situ Ming and the others immediately turned gloomy. They squinted their eyes slightly and stared at Li Qing and others. Even these people did not have the honor of riding in the same car with Princess Leng Ling. I don't know where these people came from. How could it be unreasonable for the boy from the corner to have such an honor?

What made them most angry was that the cultivation aura they sensed from Li Qing and others was only at the sage level. With such an ant-like cultivation level, was he worthy of riding in the same car as the princess?

If Princess Leng Ling hadn't been there, they wouldn't have dared to act arrogantly. They would have taken action in anger and killed Li Qing and others on the spot!

Even Leng Ling's brother, the second prince Leng Ao, had a flash of surprise in his eyes. He curled his lips, walked up to Leng Ling, and said softly: "Sister, is there any danger in this trip?"

"Near miss!"

Leng Ling murmured softly, looking at Leng Ao with the same gentleness. In her heart, this brother had always doted on her and never let her suffer any injustice.

She still remembers that when she was a child, she sneaked out of the palace and was bullied by a sect disciple. With the guards around, she was not seriously injured. She was only insulted a few times, and the sect disciple was also secretly guarded by her guards. Killed on the spot.

But after the elder brother learned about it, without saying a word, he single-handedly attacked the sect and burned the sect with fire.

Because of this incident, her brother was punished by her father and was grounded. When she went to visit, her brother said something that she would never forget!

"My sister, I can't bear to bully myself. Whoever dares to bully me will definitely make him pay a hundred times a thousand times the price!"

Hearing Leng Ling's words, a cold light flashed in Leng Ao's eyes. He knew that this silly sister was worried about his impulsiveness, so he didn't point it out. He looked at Li Qing and others, and asked with a chuckle: "Who are these...?"

"These are some of my senior brothers and sisters!"

"This is my brother, the second prince of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty!"

Leng Ling smiled and introduced the identities of both parties.

As he finished speaking, a flash of surprise flashed in Leng Ao's eyes. He knew that his sister had a mysterious master, but he didn't know that she also had senior brothers and sisters.

He smiled, cupped his hands towards Li Qing and the others and said, "I have met a few fellow Taoists!"

"Second Prince, you're welcome!" Li Qing and others also smiled and returned the greeting.

"Okay, brother! If you're polite, we'll talk about it later and let my senior brothers go test it first!" Princess Leng Ling waved her hand and said.

"Yes, some Taoist friends please!"

Leng Ao smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and said.

Under the leadership of Leng Ao, a group of people came to the Seven Holy Tower and stared at the towering Seven Holy Tower that seemed extremely mysterious.

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