Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 508 The strongest and most durable


After Gu Chou finished speaking, the figure of the puppet enlarged in his pupils, and he punched it directly. The violent force made the entire space tremble.

Gu Chou's pupils shrank, and he raised his arms to block in a hurry!

After a loud noise, his whole body was directly lifted away by the huge force and hit the wall, causing the entire space to shake.

"You're still carrying out a sneak attack!"

Blood flowed from the corner of Gu Chou's mouth. He suppressed the vibrating energy and blood in his body, shook his numb arm, and yelled angrily.

"I have been guarding the eighth floor for so long. This is the first time you dare to be so crazy in front of me. Isn't it allowed that I give you special treatment?"

The puppet sneered, and the wisdom displayed was almost the same as that of a human being.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward again, waving his huge fist and hitting Gu Chou.

There are no rules or tricks, it’s just a slap in the face!

Break all laws with one force!


"After suffering a loss once, I won't be fooled!"

Gu Chou's face condensed, and he was fully alert.


But he didn't expect that the giant fist that struck in front of him was just a shadow. The real puppet body had already appeared behind him, and the joking voice sounded in his mind like thunder!

Gu Chou's heart trembled, and before he had time to think, he punched him with his backhand.


His whole body was smashed away again, and blood sprayed out.

If he hadn't possessed a powerful special physique, these two punches would have been enough to smash him into a pulp.


Gu Chou wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned. His eyes were clear and bright, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit, but there was no trace of fear.

"If Elder Yuanba meets you, he will probably be very happy."

"It's a pity that he is busy having a baby with Elder Yehuang and doesn't have time to come here, otherwise he could smash you to pieces with one punch!"


When the puppet heard Gu Chou's words, he was surprised and surprised.

"It's my turn!"

However, just as he made a sound in surprise, Gu Chou's words rang out, and a terrifying force came from behind him, and dense fist shadows fell towards him like a downpour!

The puppet had an expressionless face, swinging its fist across the air, like a giant hammer, smashing the fist shadows that struck one after another, turning them into little rays of light, and dissipating in the space.

After gaining the upper hand, Gu Chou continued his attacks. Sometimes he appeared on the left, with a shadow of his fist falling; sometimes he appeared on the right, with his left leg sweeping out a shadow of his leg like a dragon wagging its tail.

The whole person was like changing his body, turning this space into a battlefield. The impact of powerful force continued to explode in the space, and the majestic power was released, shaking the entire space.

"This kid's fighting awareness is quite good. Although he looks immature, he is not a flower vase after all!"

In the secluded hall, Emperor Zhidian looked at Gu Chou's performance in the picture, with a slight smile on his majestic face and said in appreciation.

"It's indeed good! He seems to have a special physique, and it's not an ordinary special physique!" The old man on the side affirmed with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Haha, this kid is quite shrewd. He knows how to use the eighth-level puppet to stimulate his physique and allow him to better control this special physique. If he can survive it, his combat power will definitely rise to the next level!"

The Sun-hiding Emperor chuckled, with admiration in his eyes. He had not seen such an interesting young person for a long time, but it was a pity that he already had an owner, otherwise he would have to recruit him personally.

However, this guy is the senior brother of Leng Ling girl, so he can be regarded as one of our own?

"When people in the Seven Sacred Towers try their best to defeat the defenders, they don't know that fighting the defenders is the greatest opportunity!" The old man sighed softly, and the sound of vicissitudes of life echoed.

"Yes, if the younger generation of my Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty can be like this boy, there is no need to worry about the Heavenly Dao Nether Clan. His qualifications are no weaker than Leng Ling's girl!"

The Sun-hiding Emperor also nodded, his tone full of emotion.

The various guardians in the Seven Saints Tower are not just for testing. They simulate various battle scenes and enemies. If you understand them carefully, you may not be able to improve to the next level.

Even his favorite girl Leng Ling only knows how to make a living. If she can understand the essence of the Seven Holy Towers, her strength may not be limited to what she is now.


Outside the Seven Saints Palace, Ye Long, the fifth young master of the Ye family, stared at the Seven Saints Tower and murmured softly: "What do you think? Can he pass the eighth floor?"

"How is it possible? Being lucky enough to step into the eighth floor is already the limit. How can a kid like this from a corner pass through the eighth floor?" Situ Ming on the side heard this and directly objected.

"That's what you said before!" Zhan Tianming, the young master of the Zhan family on the side, said expressionlessly.


Situ Ming glared at Zhan Tianming, but Zhan Tianming didn't pay attention to him.

Compared to Situ Ming, Ye Long and the other three, they are not that hostile to Gu Chou and others. Compared to Situ Ming, they see clearly and know that they cannot get Princess Leng Ling!

Among them, to be honest, Ye Long is still related to Princess Leng Ling, so he will not and cannot marry Princess Leng Ling. The reason why he is here is just to see who can get such attention from Princess Leng Ling!

"I don't believe he can pass the eighth floor. You all know how terrifying the Seven Saints Tower is, especially the eighth and ninth floors!" Situ Ming sneered and said decisively.

Hearing this, Zhan Tianming and others fell silent. Indeed, if the Seven Saint Tower was so easy to pass, it would not become the standard for testing geniuses in the entire Qiankun Holy World!

In the eighth floor.


A loud noise echoed, and Gu Chou was smashed away again. Blood spurted out of his mouth. He forced himself to steady his body, breathing rapidly, and stared at the burly figure.

His whole body was covered in black and blue, even a little swollen, and his whole body seemed to have grown in size out of thin air.

"If nothing else, just your ability to withstand beatings, I would like to call you the strongest!"

The uninjured puppet looked directly at Gu Chou with indifferent eyes and murmured softly.

"Tsk, why do you need to praise me for my abilities?"

Gu Chou smiled contemptuously, clenched his hands into fists, and stepped forward again, but this time, he was different from the previous fierceness, and his fists were obviously much softer.

Since hardness is not enough, use softness to overcome hardness!

He has mastered the essence of Elder Sanfeng’s Tai Chi!

Facing the invading Gu Chou, the puppet didn't even look at it and punched directly. What surprised him was that his punch was like hitting cotton and had no effect at all.

Even his fists were drawn by Gu Chou and used to deal with him.

"Interesting! I want to see how much you can bear!"

The puppet sneered and punched Gu Chou one after another. He did not notice at all that some mysterious changes had occurred in Gu Chou's body during the impact!

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