Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 513 10 Demonic Souls, the Way of Tribulation, Too Mixed Body


In the ninth floor of the Seven Saints Tower, there was constant roaring, and the two figures were like streams of light, constantly colliding with each other, and the power escaping shook the entire space.

Sometimes the sword energy is surging, sometimes the fists are clashing, and sometimes the sword energy is vertical and horizontal. Various methods are used by the two of them, like masters of hundreds of ways, expressing what they have learned to their heart's content.


There was a loud explosion, and the two figures intertwined with each other, and then separated relative to each other.


Gu Chou coughed up blood, shook his sore arm, and stared coldly at the equally miserable defender on the opposite side. Even Gu Chou, who had a will as strong as iron, could not help but feel a sense of powerlessness at this time.

No matter what method he used, the replica opposite him could use it. He had already used the inheritance of many elders of the Shenxian Sect, but the other party also used it without missing a beat.

He could even use one of the most mysterious principles in the world, the Jie Dao, which he had mastered, which completely refreshed Gu Chou's worldview. He had never thought that someone in this world could forge such a magical puppet.

"Admit defeat, you can't beat me!"

The guardian stared at Guchou and said indifferently.

"Tsk, I, a disciple of the Immortal Sect, don't have the word "admit defeat" in the dictionary!"

"Fight to the death without regrets!"

Gu Chou sneered and roared, and all his strength surged out again, charging towards the defender.

The violent battle was once again staged in the open space. The terrifying power impact swept across all directions and shook the entire space.

However, this time Gu Chou is obviously different. He is once again using various inheritance methods as before. But if you observe carefully, you can find that Gu Chou is using the guardians to temper himself and condense the true spirit. Your own way!

The inheritance on him is too complicated, including the body of Taihun, the path of robbery, the realm of ten demons, and the inheritance of many elders of the Immortal Sect. At this moment, it seems that so many methods are beneficial to his combat power and can make people Overwhelmed.

But in the long run, it won’t do any good!

Which top powerhouse is not focused on his own Tao? Looking around, those who have basically reached the highest level all have their own true Tao, and even if they have inheritance, in their Tao, It will not have the shadow of others, but will be unique to oneself.

Although Gu Chou usually laughs and plays around and talks about robbing, he is not stupid. When he really faces a difficult situation, he can often turn his disadvantageous side into an advantageous side.

His wandering in the first half of his life was not in vain. Behind his seemingly frivolous appearance, there was a deep soul hidden behind him.

Since we can't find a way to deal with the Guardian for the time being, we can use its hands to condense ourselves and help ourselves to reach a higher level. As long as we can go up to the next level, so what if we haven't passed the ninth level?

He also made a lot of money from this trip to the Seven Sacred Towers!

"This boy is amazing!"

In the splendid palace, when Emperor Zhenri saw this scene, he stood up abruptly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

There was a hint of surprise in his tone. How could he not see anything strange about Gu Chou? He thought that Gu Chou was powerless in the face of the replica, but he didn't expect that he could find a side that was beneficial to him so quickly.

When Leng Ling faced the ninth-level defenders who were of equal strength and equal means, and after losing for a while, she immediately gave in, without even realizing that she needed to rely on the ninth-level defenders to improve herself.

If Leng Ling had such awareness back then, her achievements now would be far more than that.


"Most people don't have such willpower as him!"

"I am becoming more and more curious about his master. What kind of existence must he have to hand over such a monster disciple?"

"His cultivation may not seem high, but his will and talent are at the top of today's young generation!"

The old man next to Emperor Zhiri also squinted his eyes and sighed softly.

If the comments of these two people spread, it would be enough to shock the entire Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty and even make Gu Chou famous among the seven holy dynasties. However, even without their comments, once Gu Chou crosses the ninth level, he will also be famous among the seven holy dynasties. Great Holy Hajj!

On the ninth floor, Gu Chou had no idea about the exclamation of the secret spy. At this time, he seemed to have fallen into a wonderful state of enlightenment. However, even in the state of enlightenment, his offensive still did not stop and was still fierce. Collision with the guardian!

As Gu Chou continued to use various inheritance methods to collide with the guardians, Gu Chou's understanding became deeper and deeper, and he also gained a deeper understanding of his own principles.

He once said that if he wanted to be the king of all tribulations, then his way would be the way of tribulations!

Then we don’t need other inheritances?

No, since I, Guchou, want to be the king of all tribulations, I cannot give up everything. Those inheritances are also his tribulations. Since they are tribulations, they can be used by him!

Gu Chou murmured in his heart, extremely tenacious!

The realm of the ten demons is the soul of the ten demons!

The body is a body of Taihun, and the inheritance of many elders of the Immortal Sect is the countless acupoints in the body!

Suddenly, a flash of enlightenment flashed across Gu Chou's mind. He held on to it tightly and murmured softly in his heart.

The soul is the soul of the ten demons; the Tao is the path of calamity; the body is the body of Taihun; the elders inherit it, and it is the acupuncture point in the body!

As he murmured, Gu Chou's eyes shone brightly. While fighting the guardians of the ninth floor, he drew the inheritance of the Ten Demon Realm into his soul and integrated it into the soul suspended in his mind, letting his soul be contaminated. Demonic energy condenses the souls of the ten demons.

At the same time, he peeled off the calamity path and used it as a link between the souls of the Ten Demons and the body of Taihun, and then integrated many elders of the Immortal Sect into his own acupoints, and the inheritance condensed in the acupoints of his body in an orderly manner. .


At this moment, Gu Chou's whole body was filled with divine light, like a god king coming to the dust, with unparalleled power!

"He succeeded! He really walked out of his own way, which is amazing!"

In the splendid palace, the Sun-hiding Emperor and the old man looked at this scene and exclaimed with shock on their faces. Among the younger generation in the current generation, few people can achieve such a level as Gu Chou. Even many powerful men from the older generation cannot. There is such a blessing as Guchou!

"It's a pity that he still can't defeat the guardian!"

After exclamation, Emperor Zhidian seemed to have thought of something, a strange smile appeared on his majestic face, and he murmured softly.

Upon hearing this, the old man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

Indeed, this Seven Holy Tower is a treasure created by gathering the power of the seven holy dynasties. It is the only treasure in the entire Qiankun Holy World!

The other levels are just ordinary. The ninth level is the real essence of the entire Seven Holy Towers, and it was built by spending countless resources from the Seven Holy Dynasties!

The guardian of the ninth floor is not an ordinary puppet, but a top treasure that is not weaker than the Seven Saint Towers, the Spirit Detection Realm!

In the Spirit Detection Realm, you can detect people's spirits and reflect their shapes, and you can copy all the means of the reflected person!

Of course, this treasure is only effective for those under the Holy Lord. As for those above the Holy Lord, it cannot be created with the power of the Seven Holy Dynasties!

Moreover, the scope of this treasure mapping is only ten miles in radius!

At this distance, any powerful person in the Holy Realm can easily get out of the way. Therefore, this kind of heaven-defying treasure is not suitable for actual combat, but it is excellent for testing the talents of the genius!

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