Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 519 Emperor, God unites heaven and earth

"Congratulations to the host for summoning Situ Zhong. Could you please check the attribute panel of the host?"

The cold voice that sounded in his mind made Wang Feng excited and sighed softly. In his opinion, this person's strength should be comparable to that of the Chaos Emperor, but he never thought that he would be summoned directly by him!

The name Situ Zhong may be known by few people, but his other name is famous all over the world!

The world of mortals is already crazy with a sword, but with wine, I am walking up to the sky.

The stars play with the sun and the moon, and they lie drunk in the clouds and laugh at the world.

Situ Zhong, the master of wine and swordsmanship, and Master Li Xiaoyao, are addicted to alcohol and have superb swordsmanship. They are the best masters in the world! The unique skill of Dionysus was created by him.

For Situ Zhong, the more you drink, the more energetic you will be. If you don’t drink, you will get drunk!


Wang Feng said without hesitation.

"Ding, Situ Zhong's attribute panel is as follows:

Name: Situ Zhong

Title: Wine Sword Fairy

Cultivation: Peak of Saint

Holy magical powers: Sword Control, Ten Thousand Sword Art, Heavenly Sword, Sword God, Drunk Immortal Watching the Moon

Secret skill of birth: Bacchus

Holy weapons: Wine Fairy Sword, Xiaoyao Pot! "

"Note: When Situ Zhong uses Dionysus, he can rival the powerful ones in the Chaos Emperor Realm!"

Looking at the attribute panel that appeared in front of him, a look of satisfaction appeared on Wang Feng's face. Situ Zhong, like Jiang Ming, could compete with the powerful Chaos Emperor Realm with their peak Holy Master cultivation.

"Ding, because the strongest member of the Shenxian Sect has reached the Holy Peak, the first guardian of the Shenxian Sect, Li Bai, has automatically been raised to the Peak of the Emperor's Heart, and the second guardian, Shi Gandang, has been automatically raised to the Peak of the Emperor's Palace!"

"In addition, the first Protector's divine beast, the Nine-tailed Fox, is automatically upgraded to the Holy Peak. The second Protector's divine beast, the Dark Realm Taotie, is automatically upgraded to the Peak of Emperor's Heart. The Dark Realm's Taotie is restricted by the characteristics of the Protector's divine beast!"

At this moment, the system's cold voice sounded again, making Wang Feng's eyes shine brightly, and he quickly asked: "System, how are the Chaos Emperor Realms divided?"

In the Chaos Emperor Realm, there were only a few strong men who had reached this level in the entire Qiankun Holy World. Secretly, he didn't know, but on the surface, except for the heads of the seven major holy dynasties and the heads of the five major branches of the Heavenly Dao Underworld Clan, there was no one who could reach this level. People have reached the realm of Chaos Emperor!

Of course, Wang Feng knew that there must be some powerful Chaos Emperor realm masters secretly, such as the master of the Killing God Pavilion and some other hidden beings.

Now, as he has upgraded the system to the fourteenth level, his Immortal Sect has reached three levels in the Chaos Emperor realm. Even if two of them cannot appear at will, they are still a deterrent. It is no exaggeration to say that with the Immortal The seven holy dynasties must be in awe of Zong's current strength!

"Emperor, God combines heaven and earth to become the emperor! When a cultivator's condensed holy soul reaches the same boundlessness as heaven and earth and penetrates the whole body to transform itself into a furnace of heaven and earth, he can break into the realm of the Chaos Emperor!"

"Condensing the Emperor's Soul is the Emperor's Origin Realm! Understanding the Emperor's Heart is the Emperor's Heart Realm! Tempering the internal organs is the Emperor's Mansion Realm! The bones of the whole body are like the veins of heaven and earth. When the Emperor's bones become the Emperor's Bones, it is the Emperor's Sect Realm! After that, it is the Emperor's Realm. , Emperor Senior Realm, Emperor Star Realm, Emperor Ancestor Realm! After that, only after the host’s cultivation level improves can we know!”

The sound of the system's voice in his mind moved Wang Feng's face. This Chaos Emperor realm was even more powerful than he imagined. There were only eight realms listed by the system. See what the system meant. Are there any more? It is indeed the last realm under Hongmeng God Realm!

The Chaos Emperor Realm is not so much the Cultivation Emperor Realm as it is the impact on the Divine Realm, narrowing the distance between mortals and gods!

The second guardian, Shi Gandang, has reached the pinnacle of the Imperial Palace in cultivation and is located in the third realm of the Chaos Emperor Realm. This realm, placed in the Imperial Realm, may be like an ant, but in this Qiankun Holy Realm, he is absolutely an invincible existence. !

Wang Feng indeed does not know what realm the leaders of the seven major holy dynasties and the five major branches of the Tiandao Nether Clan have reached, but they are from the Holy World of Qiankun, and this Holy World will never be able to withstand the too strong Chaos Emperor Realm, no matter how strong they are. He won't be any stronger than Shi Gandang!

"The system spends three trillion sect points to draw a lottery, and the drawn cultivation will be blessed on this host and many elders of the Immortal Sect, and the aura will be shielded!"

Wang Feng's eyes hardened and he gritted his teeth.

If he hadn't been accumulating sect points and destroyed two branches of the Killing God Pavilion one after another, which gave him many rewards, he really wouldn't have enough sect points to win the lottery!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting one-tenth of Situ Zhong's cultivation!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host, the extraction is completed! The cultivation has been automatically blessed!"

"Congratulations to the host for reaching the peak of the Holy Lord. The elders of the Shenxian Sect, Ye Gucheng, Guo Jing, Dugu Qiubai, Xiao Sanxiao, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and Pang Ban, have reached the peak of the Holy Lord. The other elders of the Shenxian Sect have reached the peak of the Holy Lord. , Cultivation reached the peak of the Holy Emperor!"

The sound of the system sound one after another made Wang Feng curse in his heart. With a total of three trillion sect values, he couldn't even let many elders of the Shenxian Sect break through to the peak of the Holy Lord?

This is a whole three trillion sect worth!

Wang Feng couldn't even imagine that after entering the Chaos Emperor Realm, just how much sect value would be needed to upgrade many elders of the Immortal Sect?

To make money, you must make money!

Wang Feng glanced at the dark house shrouded in clouds and mist in the distance, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes. In his eyes, this Killing God Pavilion branch was already a tool for him to earn sect value!

He included several elders of the Immortal Sect who had not reached the peak of the Holy Lord around him into the World Ball, and at the same time released Ye Gucheng and other elders who had reached the peak of the Holy Lord!

For a time, Wang Feng had gathered a total of nine peak saints around Wang Feng. Including himself, the number had reached ten. This number, even for the seven holy dynasties, was only this!

"Guo Jing, this Killing God Pavilion branch is entrusted to you!"

With such great strength, Wang Feng naturally did not intend to take action personally against a small Killing God Pavilion branch, and spoke directly to Guo Jing beside him.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Guo Jing responded and walked towards the houses in the distance. His whole body seemed to change shape. With one step, he appeared above those houses. A majestic aura surged out of him!


The color of the entire world changed in horror, and the surrounding void trembled crazily, twisting in a visible way to the naked eye, as if the world was afraid of Guo Jing's power!

"Which powerful person came to our Killing God Pavilion branch?"

After the strong Saint Emperor guarding the Killing God Pavilion branch felt this power, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly spoke out. The sound resounded throughout the mountain top, shocking many strong men in the Killing God Pavilion branch!

However, Guo Jing didn't pay attention to the intention of this powerful man from the Killing God Pavilion. He stretched out his hand indifferently and pressed it down gently.

This pressure seemed very light, but at this moment, the power from thousands of miles around gathered together and formed a huge palm print, covering the sky and the sun, as if it was going to smash the entire Killing God Pavilion branch!

With the fall of this terrifying palm print, the entire Killing God Pavilion seemed to be evaporated by some powerful force, shattering like bubbles, and everyone, whether they were people or buildings, turned into powder!

Only the strong Saint Emperor was not dead, but he was also pinched in the palm of that huge palm print. The strong Saint Emperor of the Killing God Pavilion was full of souls, and he struggled in panic, but he couldn't escape from this hand. Suppression by giant hands!

The most powerful person at the peak of the Holy Lord is so terrifying!

Guo Jing had no expression on his face, stretched out his hand, extracted the memory of the powerful Holy Emperor, and then crushed it directly. A trace of blood mist floated on the top of the mountain. In just an instant, this was enough to destroy the world. The Shashen Pavilion branch, which was feared by all the sects in the Holy World, was destroyed like this!

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Guo Jing, the elder of the Shenxian Sect, destroyed the Shen Pavilion branch and received a reward of 800 billion sect values ​​and four random summoning opportunities for the Holy Realm primary level!"

Just after Guo Jing destroyed the Killing God Pavilion branch, the system's cold voice also sounded in Wang Feng's mind!

"Sect Master, in the memory of the Holy Emperor of the Killing God Pavilion, we found the locations of three branches of the Killing God Pavilion!"

Guo Jing's figure flickered, appeared next to Wang Feng, and said.


Wang Feng glanced at Guo Jing with admiration, then glanced at many elders, and murmured softly: "Guo Jing, Nie Feng, and Bu Jingyun, the three of you are going to destroy the three God-killing Pavilion branches, and then go to the Holy City of Hiding the Sun. Meet up!”

The three peak saints were more than enough to destroy the three branches of the Killing God Pavilion. If it were not for the headquarters of the Killing God Pavilion, Wang Feng would not be interested in taking action himself!

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Guo Jing and others responded and left one after another to destroy the other three branches of the Killing God Pavilion!

The Killing God Pavilion probably never expected that Princess Leng Ling would be touched, and before the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty could take revenge on them, they would already suffer heavy losses from the mysterious force of the Shenxian Sect!

"Let's go to the Holy City of Hidden Sun!"

After Guo Jing and the others left, Wang Feng did not hesitate. With a wave of his hand, he took Ye Gucheng and others to the Holy City of Hidden Sun, where he met up with Li Qing and others to explore the current situation of Qiankun Holy World!

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