This Chaos Emperor Artifact, which is a rare treasure in the Qiankun Holy World, is like a free junk in Xuanyuan Yi's hands, and it is difficult to even find it.

"Aren't you stupid? This is a divine item. You can just pretend to be an imperial weapon!"

After digging for a long time, Xuanyuan Yi seemed to have thought of something, slapped his head and cursed.

"If I had known that I had stolen that artifact from my house, Ma Dan, would it be possible for me to carry the Phoenix Flame Heart Tree and flaunt it through the market?"


After getting a little tired from digging out the Chaos Emperor's weapon, Xuanyuan Yi collapsed on the ground and murmured gloomily.


But here, the phoenix egg suspended above the Phoenix Heart Tree began to tremble suddenly, making Xuanyuan Yi startled. He subconsciously looked up, but after just one glance, he lowered his head again.

The phoenix egg flashing with bright red light almost blinded him.


Under Xuanyuan Yi's shocked gaze, the bright red light bloomed from the phoenix egg, falling from the sky like a pillar of heaven, covering the entire Phoenix Flame Heart Tree!

Then, a strong momentum suddenly spread out from the Phoenix Heart Tree, and the terrifying heat that seemed to burn the world to death swept across the entire island in the middle of the lake.

Even Xuanyuan Yi, who was protected by a Chaos Emperor Weapon, felt extremely uncomfortable. He was sweating profusely and his body kept retreating. Only when he retreated to the edge of the island in the middle of the lake did he feel better.

In addition to the Chaos Emperor Weapon and the Blood Seal of Ghosts and Gods, there are ten various Chaos Emperor Realms floating around Xuanyuan Yi. Each Chaos Emperor Weapon emits a bright light, which makes Xuanyuan Yi's whole body Shrouded in it, resisting the fierce hot breath.

Even though he was shrouded in that terrifying hot aura, Xuanyuan Yi still stared at the Phoenix Heart Tree, not wanting to miss the slightest change!

Under Xuanyuan Yi's trembling gaze, the entire Phoenix Flame Heart Tree slowly split apart under the blood-red light, standing like a tree door on the island in the middle of the lake.

" this?"

Xuanyuan Yi opened his mouth wide and stared at the light door. He was so shocked that he was speechless!

As a person with a big background in the Chaos Emperor Realm, even if there is just a little breath coming out of the light gate, he knows what this breath represents!

Kingdom of God! ! !

He should have thought of it a long time ago. Since this place is the place where gods fell, it naturally also has the kingdom of gods!

"I, Xuanyuan Yi, am going to defy heaven!"

Xuanyuan Yi stared at the light door and murmured in a trembling voice, his whole body trembling with excitement.

The Kingdom of God, even in the Chaos Emperor Realm, is a rare treasure. Once it appears, it will attract all the big forces to compete for it. Even the lowest level of the Kingdom of God can create a big force with profound foundation!

Nowadays, all the top powers in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm have accidentally obtained the Kingdom of God. Just like his family, it was also because of the accidental acquisition of the Kingdom of God that they have just transformed from a first-rate power to the top power. , deterring the entire Chaos Emperor Realm!

However, Xuanyuan Yi didn't expect that because of his playfulness, he secretly ran to the Holy World of Qiankun, but unexpectedly received such a heaven-defying opportunity, which was no different from pie in the sky!

This is the Kingdom of God!

There are only a few in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm!

This harvest is definitely his biggest harvest in recent years. Even though he has dug many emperor tombs, he only harvested some Chaos Emperor Artifacts, which is far less big than this harvest!

Moreover, once he owns this divine kingdom, he can not only take away the Phoenix Flame Heart Tree, but also the phoenix eggs. He even wants to move the entire underground world away!

Wherever Xuanyuan Yi walked, there was never a blade of grass left!

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, he will pack them all away. Even if it is just a low-level holy weapon, he will take it away, just like locusts crossing the border.


However, the next moment, the smile on Xuanyuan Yi's face stopped abruptly, and he stared at the figures walking out of the light door!

The man at the head was very brave and had a strong aura about him. Even he was a little afraid.

In order to come to the Holy World of Heaven and Earth, he forcibly sealed his cultivation that had reached the peak of the Emperor Ancestor and suppressed it to the Emperor's state of mind.

This kind of seal is not a simple self-sealing, but an absolute seal. Unless there is a real life and death crisis, this seal will be broken independently. Otherwise, in this Qiankun Holy World, even he himself cannot break this seal. seal.

Of course, after returning to the Chaos Emperor Realm, this seal will also open on its own!

It is extremely difficult to come from the Chaos Emperor Realm to the Qiankun Holy Realm. It is not something you can do just by thinking. Of course, if Xuanyuan Yi's family takes action, it will naturally be extremely easy.

But this time, Xuanyuan Yi ran down secretly, so he could only rely on himself. After he suppressed his cultivation to the peak of the Imperial Palace, it would be much easier to step into the Holy World of Qiankun!

Although the Qiankun Holy Realm will not prevent the entry of the Chaos Emperor Realm, the Chaos Emperor Realm that is too strong can easily cause the collapse of the laws of the entire Qiankun Holy Realm. Therefore, generally strong Chaos Emperor Realm experts with high realms will not easily enter the Qiankun Holy Realm. In the world!

In this way, Bai Xuan's father, who Wang Feng met before and came down from the Chaos Emperor Realm, also had his own cultivation level sealed so that he could move freely in the Qiankun Holy Realm.

Otherwise, every move of a strong Emperor Ancestral Realm person in this Holy World of Heaven and Earth will cause huge destruction!

Xuanyuan Yi never expected that several people would come out of the Kingdom of God, and it was the phoenix egg that opened the door to the Kingdom of God for them. Is it possible that these people have already captured the Kingdom of God?

On the other side, Wang Feng and others walked out of the gate of Huangdao Divine Kingdom, with depressed expressions on their faces.

After leaving the medicine garden, Wang Feng and others, led by the Eagle Phoenix Emperor Beast, also went to the two treasures of Hyangku and Jingge. However, the harvest in these two treasures was far less than what they gained in the medicine garden. medium large.

What was collected in the arsenal were all Chaos Emperor Artifacts and Hongmeng Artifacts. However, Wang Feng and others did not see the Hongmeng Artifacts. It was not because the manager refused to let them go, but because the Hongmeng Artifacts were too powerful, even if they were not activated. Just based on its aura, Wang Feng and others cannot bear it!

Wang Feng and others have not seen even some high-quality Chaos Emperor weapons.

The most important thing is that the manager is far less powerful than Yaoxuan in the Yaoyuan. He only let each of them choose three Chaos Emperor Artifacts and then let them leave!

As for the Scripture Pavilion, only Wang Feng was qualified to select a secret technique that could reach the Chaos Emperor realm. Situ Zhong and others were not even qualified to enter the Scripture Pavilion!

Of course, Wang Feng and others were satisfied with this harvest. Almost everyone had significant improvement!

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